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Everything posted by rizz

  1. Tbh, I don't really like the look of the forum. I suppose I will have to put up with it though until there are some more themes :P
  2. I think I will just go the same route as Piro. http://www.last.fm/user/rizzly/ Although, atm I have just been listening to a bands entire discography. Last night was Foo Fighters, currently making my way though Rammstein. One song that I have been getting even more into atm though, is: Immortal - Solarfall Just love the beginning.
  3. Since I in the T.I.T.'s, I win, hurrah for me, so on... oh yeah, congrats to everyone else that won and all that....
  4. Congrats on the baby! See you in 9 months I suppose!
  5. Yup, it's me, rizz. I kept the small r instead of going for a capital r, after much (little) mental debate.
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