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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Was that story ever confirmed, or just a rumour?
  2. Ok, I see that needs clearing up. Vote: Darksnowman For now at least.
  3. Right. How is Mcoy dying now?
  4. Little confused here. At least Eenuh got fixed. Who do we think Darksnowman is again?
  5. Yes. gaggle64 remembers Eenuh was one on the second day. This may be something similar, though gaggle64 is not absolutely sure.
  6. gaggle64 just had a thought. gaggle64 wonders if Tellyn is taken hostage.
  7. But Tellyn said he had evidence. Tellyn is normally reliable. gaggle64 would like to know what the evidence was.
  8. Why did you think he was MCoy though? In the mean time though, gaggle64 will Vote:Coolness Bears
  9. gaggle64 doubts very much it was deliberate. gaggle64 is pretty sure he did that about three times already.
  10. gaggle64 did not expect that. gaggle64 wonders why Fish had that kind of power and did not use it to help the forum. gaggle64 wonders if Tellyn's character was misdirected.
  11. gaggke64 thinks this is a defence that would be unlikely to hold up in an actual court.
  12. gaggle64 wonders if strider is a "naive cop" character, ie. someone who believes everyone is good.
  13. You talking to Fish?
  14. gaggle64 thinks you should prove it then.
  15. Tellyn says you're Mcoy, and all his info has proven accurate so far.
  16. Bah. My monitor doesn't have an input. I wish it did, it's bigger then my TV. oo
  17. gaggle64 thinks it is all worth it just for the chance to stop talking in the 3rd person.
  18. gaggle64 wonders if you have any evidence for this whatsoever.
  19. gaggle64 agrees with Moogle.
  20. gaggle64 thinks the suspicious way you try to implicate the most trustworthy people on the forum suggests you are as guilty as hell.
  21. gaggle64 loves to watch them squirm.
  22. ...gaggle64 await's Moogles vote.
  23. gaggle64 thinks Fish is guilty, and wonders why Jonnas would try to change the subject.
  24. gaggle64 thinks it means his character often participates in these games.
  25. gaggle64 agrees with Tellyn. gaggle64 thinks voting for Tellyn is a pretty stupid move at this point.
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