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About thunderer

  • Birthday 07/02/1990

Personal Information

  • Location
    University of the mouth of the ports.
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    Jobless Student :(


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    N64, GameBoy, GameBoy Colour, DS Lite, Wii
  • Other Systems Owned
    PS1, PS2, Xbox 360, Awesome PC
  • Favourite Game?
    Probably...Goldeneye... A more recent favourite game would probably be Rockband 1/2
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Cole, blatently.
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Wii Console Number
    cba to look atm...
  • PSN ID
    lol PS3
  • Xbox Live Username

thunderer's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. My profile colour scheme wins tbh.

  2. Sup n00b! How you handling post apocolyptia today?

  3. Radiohead are a strong rumor, yeah :P As well as Arctic Monkeys and Kings of Leon. [/dysonpostingonthunderersaccount]
  4. Everlong. That other song makes me wish i were deaf...
  5. Google my boy, google until you can no longer be bothered and you put up with the MGS codec call sound for a bit longer.
  6. 'lolololol omfg RROD lol M$$$$$$$ rofl fail'. The RROD argument is stupid, i know more 360 owners than PS3 owners yet i have heard more stories from PS3 owners of problems than 360 owners, and we all know that MS do a lot better at sorting any problems out. As soon as PS3 fans mention RROD in a console argument, they're already losing. As for live, go to ebay. You can get 13 months of xbox live for £28.50, that works out at just under £2.20 a month. I consider that bargin of the century considering the amount of use and enjoyment i get out of the service, and i'm more than happy to pay that to ensure XBL stays better than PSN. And don't start with the Blu-ray player bs. If i wanted a Blu-ray player, i would of bought one. I bought my 360 to be what it is, a games console.
  7. I had awful tonsilitus over the summer. It was crap, then it went for a week, then came back, i was given different drugs and then ended up with quinsey (not nice at all) and ended up in hospital for 1 and half daysish. /emo Never really had a problem swallowing pills though tbh. My sister can't, she never ends up taking medicines when she's ill *rolls eyes*
  8. Portsmouth is where it's at y'all! I was really really worried at first but after a few months here, it's turning out to be really awesome. Once you get settled in to uni life it's all good!!
  9. I did a-level electronics and i remember there was this java app that we used sometimes, unfortunately this post is a bit pointless as i can't for the life of me remember what it was called...
  10. I actually didn't think that episode was that great to be honest. In parts it just seemed overly predictable and overly scripted. Don't get me wrong it was funny in parts and i enjoyed watching it, but it wasn't really one of the best. Hopefully next Sunday's episode will be a bit better.
  11. I have no current partner. I still have strong feelings for my first girlfriend; my 'first love', even so much as to say i may still love her, i think about her a lot, more so than a lot of people probably think. Interested to find out how i end up feeling when in another relationship. It can be hard sometimes, just started uni and there is so much change around.
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