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About jamesthewiidict

  • Birthday 02/25/1994


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  1. Hello there, merry forum goers. With advent nearly upon us, I propose we use this excellent thread for discussing those things pertaining to the Christmas season, such as the giving and receiving of gifts, and jolly old Saint Nick. (this being said, I have doubts about the existence of the man) Personally I would like to recieve Mario Galaxy, or possibly the amusingly titled "Mario & Sonic at the Olympic games".
  2. this thread was originally posted on http://www.wiids.co.uk Now look carefully at where the "sparkles" are and spell it out... URMRGAY U-R-MR-GAY! This is not a photoshop...this is the OFFICIAL COVER! What on earth are Nintendo playing at?
  3. ha ha weird
  4. is the screen cracked
  5. I am making a game soon in this episode you can share games what you made
  6. you have a point there
  7. I finished it in a week it is a shame it does not save at the end
  8. wheres my name on the score list
  9. 9/10 I like your avatar becuase it is clear
  10. the second ones kirby
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