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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Around 85, I can't remember the exact number. 91 hours now after this afternoon/evening. I've got Colony 6 up to level 3 now.
  2. Well after a good 14 hours or so on this today, I believe I may well be at the end of the game, or at least very close. I think I might not finish it just yet though as I'd like to level up my squad a little more and take on some of the biggest and baddest monsters I've come across, as well as build Colony 6... I've only built it to level 1 standards so far! And of course I must say again... this game is truly brilliant!
  3. I play my Wii on an ancient 28" Grundig CRT TV... it doesn't give the most clear of pictures but I don't really have any problems with it.
  4. My big gripe with things shown is that Chopper that covers you... people will camp to high he'll and be protected not just by mines etc but a helicopter for some time too!
  5. I must say that I was very surprised with us getting Meireles too... but still, very nice, decent player!
  6. Just a quick post to say; Anyone that doesn't have Xenoblade Chronicles really should get it. It's an absolute gem of a game, a definite "must-have" title for any Wii owner!
  7. Valak Mountain = a chore. God how boring is it running around that map..? I decided not to bother after what seemed an age uncovering just a little over half of it (maybe more actually). I just advanced the story here, I did the first set of side quests you get as soon as you enter the region, then the quest you get when you meet up with the Nopon expedition team and I just could not manage to bring myself to spend any more time on that dull lifeless area (the music does not help the setting at all). After a few cutscenes I simply couldn't explore the next area either, as I wanted to progress the story further so badly (I love the story) so I pelted through
  8. I've done nothing but play this all weekend, with the occasional break for food, sleep and toilet breaks, and I have well and truly LOVED this weekend. This game is so damn good, a definite "must-have" title for any Wii owner!
  9. Well, I started today's session at roughly 13:00 and I finished at just before, literally a couple minutes, 05:00 (with about an hours break for food). That was a mammoth session... I stopped playing just as I got on to Prison Island. Man I love this game!
  10. I've just added Riki to my party, I couldn't bare using Melia as her voice is too annoying when in battle... I'll give Riki a go and see what he's like.
  11. Not me, not yet. I've stopped playing it for the night just after rescuing Juju.
  12. You know when you start a game and you're, say, around 5 hours in and you can just tell it's going to be something special..? That's what it's like playing Xenoblade Chronicles for me just now. I imagine it will make it into my top 25 quite easily, where in there I won't be sure until I'm done playing it but so far so... wow!
  13. Yeah, I thought to myself "Head to Colony 6..? Not before I level up a bit through some side-quests first!"... so I've spent the last couple hours doing some in Colony 9. I'm gutted I have to go to bed now! And again I have to say... this game is amazing! Hell, it's better than amazing, it's A-MAY-ZAAAAH!
  14. I think I need to start doing some side quests, I just seem to move the story along and that's it, I'm a little over a couple hours in and I'm supposed to be heading to Colony 6... I haven't even wandered around Colony 9 yet!!! Awesome game though, I am absolutely loving it!
  15. Just got home after buying the game... put the disc in the Mighty Wii... nearly cry at such a lovely opening theme! Can't wait to get right into this baby!
  16. Ive just watched the trailer for this on the 3DS eShop and now I'm just dying to get my hands on it! I'll be picking it up after work tomorrow!
  17. I wonder what'll get cut from the Wii version this time round. I don't mind losing things that are overpowered, Chopper Gunner & AC-130 etc, but I like Predator Missles and things like that so I hope they make it in (Valkyrie Rockets were missing in Black Ops after all).
  18. Hibiki I love you.

    Falcon I love you too.

    *kiss kiss kiss*




  19. I love the over the topness of MK Wii, it's what makes the game so awesome! Although my favourite MK has to be 64.
  20. I have a sneaky feeling that Monster Hunter Tri will climb even higher on that list Fierce Link... as you get into it even further, it just gets better and better!
  21. This post, although utterly disturbing, is absolute win! Glad your Wii is back man!
  22. Kav

    Battlefield 3

    Right, so my Xbox 360 has red-ringed, I may well have to buy a PC for this game (I need one anyway as I don't have one, or a laptop currently) screw repairing my 360!
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