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Everything posted by harribo

  1. Allen has no idea what hes got him self into because judging by the response on forums and football heaven the majority of people want him out now and it looks like theres gonna be a protest on Saturday.
  2. Pity the incompotent chairman wont fuck off.
  3. And now it looks like were going to get relegated because of results like:
  4. I've played the one in meadowhall and thought it was fun.
  5. By that logic we wont get any games from these people:
  6. You've just got to laugh at Leeds they're below us FFS. Also never travel on a train or tram with Barbsley fans cos they're dirty inbred chavs who do nothing but swear, drink and appear to share the 1 brain cell.
  7. TBF lots of people wanted McLaren out before he was in so its nothing new.
  8. yes but this thread is about speculation and suggestions not facts and it seems more likely and sensible than usiong the ds as a keyboard or this weird thingy.
  9. How about putting to use one of those USB sockets for a keyboard?
  10. For comparison this is Mii and this is me
  11. No need I think it adds a certain something to the comic.
  12. Tried my best.
  13. Are you deliberatly trying to make it look like link is holding his penis in his hand?
  14. Theres not enough massive damage!
  15. not that its gonna effect the outcome but I vote The Hoff
  16. Another one of me aren't I so kind.
  17. Bullshit Brick would just kill him with a trident FACT.
  18. I see what you mean...wait no I can't I have no eyes OMG I have no eyes yet I can see someone give me a Wii and Twilight Princess as a reward and my space bar is been a bitch.
  19. I haven't uploaded a picture of myself since I dyed my hair black still look a mess though.
  20. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/285267 Chuck wins because hes already crushed his head in between his thighs.
  21. Did they not ask for a name and number to inform you when you can prorder one cos they did for me and I was number 5 on the list.
  22. Keepin us out of the relegation zone.
  23. Wii fund: £0.42 Wii Target: £250 Just got to hope EMA starts soon and those clueless bitches at reception haven't fucked it up.
  24. Can't argue with that Pheonix gets my vote.
  25. Are you crazy? Why would a home button take you to the home menu rather than teleport you home.
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