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Everything posted by Nasir
Can Europeans play with australians online since we're both PAL, or is it strictly Eu - Eu?
Okay, well it doesn't look too bad for us Finns after all...
You can only reach Heaven by being born anew. When you were born to earth you were borned by a Human, but to enter the Heavenly kingdom you need to be born again with a heavenly body, and that's only possible for you if you have Jesus in your heart, because Jesus is heavenly. God does not want anyone to go to hell, but as the loving God he is he cannot let Sin enter Heaven. Therefore everyone needs to repent from their sins and get forgiveness, which is only possible by believing that Jesus died for them and their sins, so that we should not be lost but have eternal life. That last part is written in the Bible. And Mundi, I didn't mention Iceland because Iceland have a lesser percentage of their population that are atheistic... I use this as reference: http://www.impactlab.com/2006/03/26/the-50-countries-with-the-highest-percentage-of-atheists/
That depends on the kind of life, really... The life with Jesus and in heaven is totally different than the one we're experiencing now.
It appears you're right. I looked it up and something I'm wondering about is why the Nordic countries have so high percentage of Atheism... Sweden, Norway and Denmark have higher percentage than Finland. But I haven't really felt ignored by our government, no. To answer what I feel about the atheist population... well, I want everyone to be saved and have eternal life. So, yeah I do mind it quite a bit. I'm not forcing anyone to believe in Jesus Christ though, cause' it's a choice everyone has to make for themselves. What I can do, is to talk about Jesus for them and what He can give to anyone who believes in Him. Then all those that hear my words may decide for themselves if they want to follow Jesus or not.
We were created to be like Him, that does not mean we were created just like Him. Oh, and Sanchez I don't think that's true. A high percentage of the Finnish population do believe in God. Our neighbours are another story though...
Okay, well Bluey gave some answers, but anyway. 1: Is it really needed to be a reason for that? God has always existed. 2: He created us to be like Him. Well, as you can see at mankind nowadays, we're not like Him. But that was the initial thought. 3: He didn't create the Devil. I don't know how much in the Bible you have read, but the Devil was an Angel once... Called the morning star (Not sure if that's the correct name in English). He was one of the highest ranked Angels, but he wanted to be even higher than God. So God sent him out of Heaven. And thus the Devil was "born". 4: He gave us the free will because He loves us so much. He didn't want us to be robots... He wants us to follow Him because we wants to, not of any other reason. But sin is what keeps us away from God, that's one of the biggest reasons why it's so important not to sin. There's life in God, but without God there's only death. 5: I don't really understand the question. Sure, Heaven is not on earth so we can't just walk into it. But there are some persons in the Bible that was taken up to Heaven without going through death. Elijah was taken up in a chariot of fire as an example. Also Enoch was taken up before the flood (you know, the Noah's ark. That flood.). Enoch was in God's eyes a righteous man, so he was taken up so he wouldn't die in the flood. 6: Not that it really has anything to do with anything, but my family is Christians so that was the first reason. 7: You can't. Unless you got proof that God doesn't exist... Which I'm sure that you haven't. So that part is all about belief. I'm not really that good to argue in English because that's not my mother language... Just thought I would point that out.
Well, that depends on the question, really. The answer I got from a dream was nothing I could have known, so therefore it was no coincidence.
I will only answer this shortly... 3: But it depends really on the kind of dream. If you think about flowers when you go to sleep, then you might eventually dream about flowers, but if you seek an answer for something, also something you've prayed for, and in the dream God gives the answer, I hardly believes that's a coincidence... And yeah, I do agree that it was wrong putting up that sign.
1: Because it's against His will. 2: All humans are quite complicated, and the animals too. 3: I've heard Him speak to me, so of course He communicates, if I understood that question correct... He can communicate in many different ways. In dreams or in thoughts. I have had thoughts that have made all other thoughts fade away and therefore I have known that it was words by God spoken to me. He can also talk to people in other ways, I only used this as an example. That it would not have basis on reality are just your thoughts, and may I ask what exactly in the Bible would be against the laws of life?
As you know I'm a christian, so these answers is probably not anything you agree with, but anyway: 1: God has made everyone, but he didn't make anyone as gay, therefore it's not possible for it to come from birth. 2. God has made you too, my friend. You are far too complicated to have been made by an accident... or whatever you believes. 3. It is classified as fiction by non-believers. But have you ever thought of the possibility that they might be wrong? The Bible was written by men, but inspired by God. Therefore it is God's words. lol, at that last part...
But it would be your choice to marry him. There are some things that I feel attracted to that are against God's will and because it is so, I try to stay away from those things simply because it would be wrong.
Okay, I see your point, but I don't agree. God has made us different so it is according to His will that we are as we have been made, as an example you're not like me and I'm not like you. But noone has been made homosexual by God, that is a choice some people make and it's against God's will. The Bible is my evidence, since English is not my mother language and I don't have a Bible in English I won't quote anything from it, but it's all there.
Where have you heard that God hates Black skin? I've never heard of that or was that an example? If it was not an example then to my knowledge there's nothing in the Bible that supports such a thing. I don't know any other Finns on this forum so I can't answer that question... It's btw also a big difference between hating homosexuality, but not homosexuals... Some might see it as the same thing, but hating homosexuality means saying no to gay-marriages in church and things like that because it's wrong. But we should still respect and love homosexuals like all other person on this earth.
I'm not gonna defend this guy and the sign, but when you guys are into a discussion about christians and homosexuals, I'd just liked to point out that God doesn't hate homosexuals, he hates homosexuality, and the same should go for every christian too.
Why shouldn't the Bible be believed in literally? It's inspired by God, so therefore it is God's words...
Why do some people here have so much against us Christians?
Everywhere? He sees all, but it doesn't mean he is literally everywhere...
It has actually been strangers that have prayed for me and knew how I felt, without being possible to know. We are in a way a reflection of God, since God actually made us to be like him... and I don't think spirit is the right description of God. He has personality and he has a body even though we can't see him. For me it's obvious that God exists, life couldn't be made in any other way and I'm certain of God's existence in a way that is hard to describe.
The Bible have been right on many occassions. But my faith is not entirely based upon the Bible, I have heard God's voice, people that have prayed for me have known exactly how I felt, and I know I hadn't told them, so how could they know? They couldn't, but God can.
What common sense? The sense that tells you that everything is meaningless? That's not a nice sense to me...
Why do some people believe that Life was created by an accident? I mean seriously, look at yourself and outside your window! You are far too complicated to be created by an accident, all the trees, the ocean and the world in its original shape is far too great to have been made by an accident. If life would have been made by a big explosion (refering to Big Bang or whatever it's called) or atoms, then yes life would be meaningless and pointless. But luckily that's not the case... God created the world and you. The meaning of life is to find God and live for him and his kingdom. You could say love is the meaning of life, since God is love and we are meant to feel love to each other. If this world and the life now seems meaningless then rest assure that there is better times ahead. The end destination of all believers is the heavenly kingdom which is unlike anyting you can ever know, and there we'll spend our eternity with God and all of our believing friends for an eternal time of joy. How can this be wrong?
1. Super Smash Bros Melee 2. Metroid Prime 3. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 4. Tales of Symphonia 5. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 6. Super Mario Sunshine 7. Phantasy Star Online: Episode 1&2 8. Star Fox Adventures 9. Mario Kart: Double Dash 10. Baten Kaitos Almost made it: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
But I did also say that some games work better with Wii controls than other games...
I disagrees strongly against DCK. I mean, basically you're saying that options are bad... how can that be? As people have already said those who thinks Mario Kart Wii works better with the wii controls plays the game with them, I personally think I'll prefer GC controls. So just because you don't want to play with them doesn't mean that others won't as well. I didn't either buy the Wii for the controls at all. It's the games that makes a console, not the controls. So, I bought it to play Nintendo games, and I won't find those on the 360/PS3... And also as someone already stated some games works better with Wii controls than other games. Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption are two examples of games I don't want to play with GC controllers. But when it comes to both Mario Kart Wii and SSBB, I do.