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Everything posted by Nasir

  1. Yeah, Brawl in 2007 would be nice. It's my most wanted game right now, so it really sucks getting it as late as a few months into 2008.
  2. I, personally, doubt they would show Tingle and Slippy as trophies if they are going to be playable characters. And I hope they're not playable cause I much more prefer Krystal and Midna for Smash Bros! Well, anyway the update is great, even though it wasn't that much of a suprise.
  3. Is Mario really that fat??
  4. Well, it's a possibility that everyone doesn't grab in the same way. Allthough as I can reckon we don't know yet about his down B attack, but it seems pointless to have an attack which works almost exactly like a grab...
  5. Snake may be a nice character to play with, but he does seem a little out of place... After all this was supposed to be a Nintendo franchise fighting game. Well, hopefully it won't be more than 2-3 third party characters. My first post here btw.
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