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Brian Mcoy

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Everything posted by Brian Mcoy

  1. Mcoy won't be playing, Mcoy only played in your mafia because you threw him in with no role. Mcoy will play this mafia If he has no obligations what so ever though
  2. Mcoy was under the impression that any editing was frowned upon. Mcoy apologises If there are some exceptions. Mcoy feels like he's bringing down the mood for the rest of the players in this game anyhow so Mcoy will lynch himself. Mcoy vote: Mcoy
  3. Mcoy will never play the pools simply because the money sink for the chances of actually winning aren't worth it. Mcoy would rather invest the 50-150k in training.
  4. Mcoy dosen't see a huge problem with facebook unless you go announcing massive house parties and invite everyone. Mcoy always gets a good chuckle out of reading those in the papers once every few months. Without facebook Mcoy would never have seen this class interview though.
  5. Mcoy would also like to advise that editing your post is against the rules.
  6. Mcoy could say the same thing. Mcoy DEMANDS that you explain your full role to everyone or you're mafia!
  7. Mcoy never claimed he knew everything, If Mcoy knew everything he'd probably produce solid evidence and the townies would have won by now. Mcoy just finds it wayyyyy too dodgy that all of the lie detecrors, trackers and reverse trackers seem to be so on ball with eachother, that with the fact that only one or two? mafia members have been lynched means there is no way that there can be this many people left in the game with these roles who are good. Mcoy is shit at mafia games but even Mcoy isn't that dumb. Mcoy will pull his vote off but Mcoy sure as hell aint voting for Ed tonight. Mcoy: no vote
  8. Mcoy dosen't see why you're delaying voting Eddie when anything they say will probably be used against them anyway. Mcoy must applaud the mafia for the way they've played this game though, completley tricked and taken advantage of a fairly inactive townie based group.
  9. Considering how few townies are left It's pretty likley Cube is a mafia member as well then. To be honest anyone trying to quick lynch Edd are pretty sucpicious at this point.
  10. Mcoy has stated several times that Diageo's role is very fishy and most likley mafia yet everyone seems to be pretty busy with lynching people who don't offer enough explanation on their role to the mafia demanding the answers. Mcoy vote: Diageo Mcoy dosen't really care at this point, either way if we lynch Eddie we've lost.
  11. Mcoy rarely bothers with the betting unless no one else does it (easy money) Mcoy just see's it as a money sink where the money could be better spent on training.
  12. Mcoy splashes out on a new midfielder then gets a half decent youth offer with the new stamina skill. Mcoy is considering If he should keep or sell the player. Looking after 8 midfielders would be a pain.
  13. Mcoy dosen't see how he has anything to do with this. Mcoy stated his role and gave all of his Information and you just decided to try and pain a target on Mcoy. Mcoy vote: Rummy
  14. Mcoy vote: Diageo Mcoy hasn't forgotten how much you tried to push the pressure off shorty by accusing Mcoy the other day. That with the fact you only voted Shorty after he was guaranteed to be lynched at the end of the day leads Mcoy to believe you are mafia.
  15. Mcoy went to buy bolt after work because Mcoy wanted to watch a cartoonish film. Bolt wasn't stocked and Mcoy is fucking pissed off now.
  16. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the Xpert Eleven champion, Brian Mcoy! Mcoy knows he can beat any team in the entire league, Mcoy has proven that for the past 5 seasons! Last season was a huge win for Mcoy! *Essex enters* Mcoy, your season of being champion, your season of being happy. It's coming to an end! Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock Tick tock my arse! everyone in this league has been jealous of Mcoy ever since he went from bottom to top! Mcoy is keeping his title this season!
  17. Mcoy thanks you for giving him a friendly. Mcoy would of rather neither of us got an injury as Mcoy was hoping to warm up the new signing but nevermind. Mcoy does question why you decided to play 4-5-1 with longballs though. Mcoy would of thought playing no long balls or 4-3-3 with long balls would have given you a few more shots on goal.
  18. Mcoy needs a pre season friendly for Friday. Mcoy was wondering If anyone would like to challange him?
  19. Mcoy's not sure If he's gonna bother teaming up with any lower clubs this season.
  20. Mcoy didn't read the whole thread so apologies. Mcoy just picks away at the bits he likes, kind of like a child with his meal :P
  21. Mcoy read the first part of this sentance. Yes companies are here to provide a product and service but most people know a private organisations motive is PROFIT PROFIT PROFIT. The second there is little/no profit involved the company will not be involved in anything. Even If it means fucking over somebody 90% of a time a private organisiation will do this to make a profit.
  22. Mcoy fucking hates automerge
  23. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-13916090 Ban from using the internet on any devices. Internet unplugged from the home, plus he can't move out anyway. Let's hope this sentance goes through "for the lulz"
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