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Brian Mcoy

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Everything posted by Brian Mcoy

  1. Mcoy is back from his holiday. Mcoy is pretty chuffed he actually won 2 games considering he didn't get to set tactics for 3 out of 4 games XD
  2. Mcoy is going to be away for two weeks so will not be able to easily set tactics.
  3. What a boring finish to a cup.
  4. Mcoy dosen't know if you're going through with it at all.
  5. Haden, Charlie and possibly Elites. With all of you making new teams... *Haden makes an attack at Mad dog and is restrained and removed from the press conference* allow me to introduce you to your replacement. Brian "the king" Mcoy (Mcoy has now won the title for each league thanks to this season) KUU COO KACHOO Haden is gone!
  6. Congratulations to the final four, Mcoy is looking forward to the next draw :P
  7. Mcoy is awaiting Sea Hawks to accept his game invite If seahawks dosen't bring his ass out here to be whooped, Mcoy will come back there and find you!
  8. Freekick and training are no doubt some of the best qualities to have in the game. Leadership and all round is a bonus. No doubt Mcoy would keep the 18 - 4
  9. Mcoy has sent his invite for the next round Cube you have an amazing side to start with. Sack one of your forwards, you won't need four.
  10. Mcoy would prefer the draw be tonight. Leaving invites one day beforehand is unfair on everyone.
  11. Mcoy is only gonna play in one league. Mcoy dosen't want the hassle in managing two teams, press releases, training etc.
  12. Haden may have seen it all and done it all. But the one thing Haden has not done is whopped Mcoy's ass at Xpertmania!
  13. Easier said then done. Mcoy would go along with it if everyone else would. Mcoy doubts everyone is going to want to wipe and start over with 0 econ and no players. Especially after building up their squads for several seasons Mcoy thinks it could be an interesting switch up so long as our current numbers stay active, otherwise we'd just end up in the same situation after 3/5 seasons with the top league being a massive step ahead.
  14. Mcoy wanted a fight against Dragoo. Dragoo ambushed Mcoy and chased Mcoy into his own trophy room. Mcoy only just put his new trophy in that cabinet and you smashed him through it! (Fierce sent his game invite, MCOY ACCEPTS!)
  15. Mcoy is also having this problem. Mcoy wouldn't mind if it was one post but Mcoy aint so advertisement poster. Ironically Mcoy didn't have it for this post.
  16. Mcoy will settle with a front row ticket at the Haden/Inter match if his own match dosen't go ahead. Mcoy will gladly assist Haden once he has won the match "MCOY" "WHAT?!" "Get the tables!!"
  17. Mcoy deserves better then this Haden! Mcoy didn't do anything to deserve this! You tell that MAN to get out here and give Mcoy his fight or Mcoy will go and tear up his stadium! (why is there a game servers signature in Mcoys slot? T_T )
  18. Likewise. Mcoy needs Dragoo to send his game invitie asap, the latest Mcoy can accept is by 7.30AM because he'll be at work after then and won't be able to come online
  19. Mcoy is still waiting for Dragooo to send his match request in
  20. Mcoy awaits his game challenge for the next round
  21. Mcoy finds it a bit crappy that you get knocked out just because he had 2 more chances : / too bad extra time/penalties can't be used for friendlies T_T
  22. Mcoy has sent his cup game to Happen. Mcoy is low on time so will read thread in detail later.
  23. Haden, Mcoy is coming back to claim his gold! It's true. It's damn true!
  24. Mcoy now understands why Haden kept him back in the middle league for another season. Haden wasn't trying to screw Mcoy. Haden wanted Mcoy to be promoted the PROPER way, by being the champion. Mcoy has earnt his victory this season and looks forward to another glorious battle in the top league.
  25. Mcoy dosen't see that as fair though. Mcoys last game for instant was a 3 - 0 win away. Mcoy controlled the game and got manager of the round. However Mcoy had 15 shots and scored 3 meaning by those rules he could go out. The xpert engine system can sometimes but some very odd results and games through so to disqualify anyone based on match stats seems a bit dodgy >< Mcoy thinks we should either get another person to make it even number or have the last two people who applied to the tournament play a friendly or flip a coin and decide who will sit it out?
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