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Everything posted by Falcon_BlizZACK

  1. Man, that Bill scene was amazing...But messed up at the same time XD
  2. AHHH! Shaking the pokeball twice acts as the Y button! Genius!
  3. First shiny!
  4. I say Lets Go is the perfect way to do a remake... Ever since Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, something felt weird as to how it became the more up-to-date game even though it was like 3 gens or so behind (thinking of the available move tutors and all) - I feel if they want to remake older games a Lets Go approach is best, so it doesnt conflict with the latest generation and its naturally superior features, I feel, it should have.
  5. Im having issues with my Pokeball plus connecting to my phone - but connecting the switch to pokemon Go was seamless, you just have to make them search at the same time. So cool seeing the switch symbol on my phone.
  6. TBH, I really love this. The wild encounters were a bore and I prefer this more skill-based combo system and the potential to rack up sweet bonus points...Not the mindless paralyze then false swipe rinse and repeat. Im loving this!
  7. haha, yeah thats ridiculous! It tells me it was made primarily for kids. Have to go handheld mode to get into the menu. Or switch from pokebox to the main team
  8. Well I may just include it to see how the game progressing with it, storywise
  9. Well, atleast it will boost the difficulty somewhat. I may also get rid of the main Pikachu.
  10. I have decided!...My team shall be MONO poison! Hard mode baby!
  11. Im pleasantly surprised by how seamless the bluetooth connectivity is between the Switch and my phone and the pokeball plus to the phone....Going for a stroll with Bulbasaur now....:D Happy AF
  12. I just had to take today and monday off...(as well as the 7th and 10th :D)
  13. Crack confirmed! This game is addictive, just as expected. The battles were always going to be easy but for me Im finding the catch combo farming mechanic to be most alluring to find the greater pokemon as well as perfecting my throw technique.
  14. Sorry @Ashley Please could I make one small username change to keep uniform....Can I be renamed: Falcon_BlizZACK (with caps if poss - but Blizzack for sure) - for this and the prosperity of N-E I will become a patreon EOM.
  15. Hallelujah brother! *choir sings*
  16. NEW FRIEND CODE, PLS ADD: 2848-4567-9867 Its glorious
  17. I got Pokemon X a day early back in 2013 - ahhhh good times, sicky pulled and all...:/
  18. Good times. Discovering new creations was bliss.
  19. I don't mind waiting once a week for the stone... if I could just evolve all now it will take away from the fun.
  20. Can't wait to evolve them...I've been stocking up. Shiny Roserade come forth!
  21. Ah I forgot about taht feature...I realise my 10k eggs are hatching pretty quickly than usual.
  22. Im getting both...This will be the warm up before SBU - Its Pokemon, if like me, you bought the mediocre Gamecube adventure games but still loved it because its Pokemon - This will be great...I want to hear the remixed music and go knees deep into places like Silph Co and Victory Road...wifi battling will also be a nice addictive treat....All as I approach Level 40 in PoGo.
  23. 2019. Its on. I mean the reviews sound like it was exactly what I was expecting it to be: a fairly relaxed, if not lazy, reimagining of Yellow - tbh I wasn't that much excited by FireRed and LeafGreen remakes because I felt kanto and the original 150 were just too old fashioned to capture my interest. But Im going to enjoy this... First home console "core-enough" experience, with the pokeball plus and taking it out with Pokemon Go, plus the some what "lite" Wifi battling - I know its going to be another crack-like experience, When it hopefully comes on Thurs with the limited ed switch.
  24. Glen-i - reckon youll be playing the online to Lets Go? (if youre getting it?) If so, lets have a battle soon!
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