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Everything posted by Maikeru

  1. This ouch you speak of, how does it compare to receiving anal? Just thought I'd ask a man with that experience.
  2. Okay just incase bluey is offended by this post, its not aimed at you, dont worry. Its just taking the piss of the ass lickers above us.
  3. "Lets all pounce and ass lick the female!" Heh kidding, you look very pretty.
  4. Seeing as I'm banned from meaningless, and this seeming to be meaningless for sexually frustrated people, may as well join the discussion. Whats up with the majority of real lesbians? They arent as hot as the ones in movies =( well, some.
  5. I'm hoping the manga ending of Death Note gets animated, way better than the anime version.
  6. Well thats just shit, oh well, hopefully Cloud will win so theres a change.
  7. Both Link and Cloud are shit, Its all about Kain from FFIV.
  8. So, any females in the hertfordshire area into biting? If so, fuck off. Nothing worse than being into biting.
  9. Neon Genesis Evangelion. Brilliant anime.
  10. Dir en Grey - Saku. Might be a little heavy and a bit too japanese, but if you were cool you'd just go crazy.
  11. I've only just started it too, from the first few episodes I've seen, its pretty cool. New Eva movie trailer (High resolution download too)
  12. Maikeru


    Sadness has blind kids, you must BELIEVE its real.
  13. Hmm, just thought I'd state an opinion here. I have absolutely no problem with any ones sexuality, if it floats your boat, do what makes you happy. But I have a huge problem with homosexuals that think its a great idea to state their orientation at every oppertunity possible. Is there any one on forums that are like this?
  14. Aye, I'l take your word for it as this is the only thing I've witnessed.
  15. He's emo, smiling is a sin. Lawl, kidding.
  16. Until you realise they were joking around. It was just spam at the end of the day.
  17. Oh it had caramel in it? I cant imagine that going too well with the texture of Wispa's.
  18. No, you really dont. Well, maybe you do kid if you want to be uncool. Kate nash is an absolutely shit artist. Its all a trend now, all the kids that call themselves 'Indie' fucking love it. Its a trend thats pissing me off.
  19. I dont think they plan to right now, but maybe if the Wispa sells well they might. I never tried a Wispa gold.. i think..
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