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Everything posted by RE_volver

  1. Still down I see
  2. Anyone here used to use CUBE magazine forums? I used to use them quite a bit but for about 2 or 3 months now, I haven't been able to access them. I just get a sceren with a mysql error or something. They down for good or are they gonna be fixed?
  3. CUBE Magazine, PC Gamer and the occasional copy of various tips mags when they feature games that I have.
  4. That was the idea of this thread. Should anyone find that the catalogue has been updated post it in here. I will continue to check everyday (apart from the days i forget) and post in here if i notice its been updated.
  5. Not sure if this is in the right place? When was the last time this was updated with decent stuff? I have been checking every day now for about a month and theres nothing decent. I have tons of points I wanna spend. Thought it might be a good idea to post here when it IS updated with some goodies so everyone that uses it will know. Got to get in quick though. I've ALWAYS been too late.
  6. Depends on just what you find disturbing? A couple of not that well known but great(imo) horrors are Deathwatch (set in a WWI bunker) and The Bunker (similar to Deathwatch). other good horrors are the ORIGINAL japanese version of The Ring and a good gory one is The Descent. No idea what I will be doing on Halloween yet. I might dig out Project Zero 1 and 2 (if you havent played these and own a PS2 then these are sure to make you jump at least once while playing them, if they dont - check to make sure you have a pulse lol) or Silent Hill 2, 3 and 4. BTW nice Donnie Darko sig Daz
  7. My personal favourite was FF7. I found FF8 to be over complicated and i never really enjoyed it as much, still a good game though.
  8. Dont forget the classics Shining Force CD and the Lunar series. 2 excellent RPGs.
  9. Was gonna suggest Crap Cleaner but its already been mentioned. Only other solution is a new HD. I bought an external FREECOM USB 80gb HD and it solved all my problems hehe. Just make sure you connect it to a USB 2.0 port (if your pc supports it) or it will read files very slowly when connected to a USB 1.1 port.
  10. The only other alternative I can think of is to store them on writable dvds, assuming you have a DVD writer of course! Even this method would still take 8-12 dvds, not to mention bags of time to burn them all!
  11. Dont play it yet but am getting the PC ZONE 14 day free trial soon.
  12. Pity you cant go for a desktop PC, you can get much more bang for buck than a laptop. Best lappy i could find is this one .No idea how wll the intel 852gm integrated graphics would cope though.
  13. I will probably get an XBOX 360 for "traditional" games and a Revolution to play the games that will ONLY be available on Nintendos console
  14. If you want it to play CSS you will need AT LEAST a 1.8ghz cpu, 512mb RAM (1gb would be much better) and decent graphics card. Oh and try and make sure the response time of the screen is under 20ms or you will get "ghosting" when you make fast movements in game.
  15. You mean like this?
  16. WOW! Totally what i WASNT expecting but boy does it look good. No wonder game developers got excited when they were show this bit of kit. I bet many of them are already concocting new ways to interact with games. Once again Nintendo gives the games industry a good kick up the backside!
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