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Everything posted by CompSci

  1. cause current 360 owners (like me) will be pissed
  2. yeah but with adds galore to compensate
  3. you think G.R.A.W is the beez kneez? then take a look at this baby!!! MORE PICS HERE http://www.onthexbox.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1410
  4. oh damn it, sorry plz delete modz
  5. some great light humour - just what the doctor ordered http://youtube.com/watch?v=CRzNkb2x8aE&search=consolevania
  6. Here's a bunch of rumors coming from a spanish site claiming some pretty intense stuff. The information was (if you would believe) obtained from a Microsoft employee and published on Meristation. The rumors are plentiful and if true, 2006 will officially be the year of the Xbox 360. Source: Meristation.com - The premium pack will cost $100 less in october. - The core system will cost $80 less. - Gears of War will be out in the last week of October with a huge budget for the advertising. - HD-DVD out in September $100. - New hard disk (100GB) But no price and date available. : peace: - Webcam "My Eye on You" (September $50-$70 bundled with a game). - More than 50 new Xbox games in June compatible with the 360. :yay: - The bandwidth of the server will be increased by 5. - Halo 3 will be in the market in March 2007, first video at the E3. - Possible exclusive right for an "urban game" think Grand Theft Auto, Microsoft in working on it. - The price of the Xbox Live Gold will be reduced or even free with commercials on the dashboard for October. - The production of the Xbox 360 is increasing 2x in all the factories. - Exclusive agreement with Paramount picture for High definition content for Xbox Live. - Agreement with NBC, to see all the Xbox Live tournaments as a spectator. - Agreement with Epic record for exclusive content in Xbox Live. - New dashboard for kids. - Kameo 2 is on the way. : peace: - New feature, download and play is coming. - Before October the Xbox 360 will be virtual console, playing all sega games. - A lot of Arcade Xbox Live games are coming. - New dashboard is coming.
  7. ANY ONE WANNA BUY TOMB RAIDER LEGEND for the XBOX360 FOR £29.99 (BUY IT NOW) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8278903630
  8. lol, i am so chuffed, i brought 2 games for a total of £56.94 for the xbox360 woot Tomb Raider Legend £31.99 FarCry £24.95 anyhow should take me a week to complete them both, then they will be on ebay, PM me if anyone interested, i will be selling erm for the price that i brought them ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE ebay link for tomb raider http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8278083115
  9. have fun waiting then
  10. grr forget pics, where are the demos, it goner be a dry summer for us brits with no AAA games for 360, anyhow fingers cross Dead Rising is region free
  11. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v259/xenomorphic/128024810_0f592988f3_o1.jpg
  12. too bad they do not give any freebies
  13. i believe the releasing a retail vr SiN emergence, however i do not know if u get the original SiN with it
  14. lol, i brought SiN: Emergence for £11 from steam, however the cool thing is you get the orginal SiN free if you pre order it, which i thought is cool so any one else getting it?
  15. got oblivion and its boring as hell, of you are sold to ebay heres the link if any one wants it http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/The-Elder-Scrolls-IV-Oblivion_W0QQitemZ8276632978QQcategoryZ112847QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  16. man i palyed the game and its boring as hell, of you are sold to ebay heres the link if any one wants it http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/The-Elder-Scrolls-IV-Oblivion_W0QQitemZ8276632978QQcategoryZ112847QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  17. erm i believe they both give the same quality, but if the monster is cheaper and has a GOLD scart connector then buy it, if not then get the M$ one either way it well worth it if you have a SDTV. However be warned if your gunning for the MS one, be prepared for a hard look cause they practically sold out every where
  18. thanks Jordan88
  19. The official MS Scart lead, True RGB
  20. true, but it does help if the said jobs are availble in the country which sadly for computing it is not
  21. exactly, i was doing comp sci this yr, however i had second thoughts ) and plus it was hard and i knew i was gonar fail ) and i had several people saying that "they know people who have a degree in computer science and now work in a factory due to jobs being outsourced to India, so i changed to a business computing degree, since there are more jobs in the business sector side of computing, but it is quite sad to see people who work there ass off in computer science (yes its that hard!!!) Getting a 2.1/1st and still not getting a job
  22. why are the main actors leaving? would they be making more money on spiderman 3, then any other movies there set to do this yr? or is it because there afraid they will be type cast?
  23. Tomb Raider 360 = PC with Next gen setting @ MAX?
  24. thanks for the heads up, let see how it compares to the PC demo
  25. after tomb raider and far cry, the summer drought will have started, meh thank god for oblivion
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