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Everything posted by tapedeck

  1. The PS2 version looks ok (similar to last years effort as ever) and seems to have the "pro evo" imitation nailed. The 360 game has been slaughtered admittedly (by IGN). In regards to teams NOT playing at Wembley for the final...This happens in all previous versions of the game i'm sure. Not just this year's 360 version. But I agree it kills the mood when you get to the final and your playing at a league 2 club ground. God awful. FIFA lol. You never know what you're getting.
  2. Here's a few to keep this going Quite recent..
  3. TS had a superb multiplayer. A wiimake with online features would be sublime. A best-of if you will. The level creation tool was fabulous too and I can't believe you all don't talk highly of that feature alone. You could pretty much create anything- only limited by your imagination. I made some fab levels involving duty free cigs and LOADS of guards chasing you at a specific point. Great days. Perfect Dark multiplayer is STILL amazing due to the combat boost. What a GENIUS idea. : peace:
  4. There may even be some unlockable characters (DK/Big the Cat...) This game just shows how limited the Sonic universe is in comparison to Nintendo IP's when character sets are limited. Lovely character models though. "Tooo diieee forrrrr"
  5. Kinda off topic but I met the owner of Toyota in a castle in Scotland when I lived there lol. He was on holiday!! (Scotland, mad) The amount of body guards was astounding. We weren't allowed in certain areas whilst he looked at them. I wonder if Iwata would get the same kind of protection lol. Come on 'Tendo!!
  6. Is it? I haven't had the chance to play it...What's good about it??
  7. EXCELLENT NEWS! Number 2 in the UK Half of the people I know that love The Sims are female and this just fits perfectly with the Wii's audience of getting all types of gamers onto the platform. I hope many have bought a Wii for this game alone. I personally haven't bought this (even though it looks gorgeous and I love the sims and Animal Crossing). I felt stung financially with the other versions of the console sims due to the gameplay turning "flat" quite fast. If this had been online (with updates and sharing furniture/chatting etc I would have bought it in a heartbeat). It's ripe for a sequel with these features. It seems EA are producing these great little games but the "community" aspect of the games aren't fully realised. Tiger Woods is another guilty piece of software alongside this and SSX Blur. Hopefully with FIFA and MADDEN having online features worth playing, the probable sequels to all of these games will include some sort of online play. It's easy to blame Nintendo but EA should have really got major online elements into this game.
  8. Wii-ware has been announced and we will probably see it April 2008 or after as the financial year starts afresh..But what channels do you think Nintendo will release in 2008? I'm guessing Check Mii Out will come over christmas and NOT at the end of this month. (Sooner the better). I predict: Demo Channel for DS News/weather updates Photo Channel update Send TXT's?? Mii comments page (similar to a forum) What would you want/expect in 2008?
  9. With the little information Nintendo of Japan probably give Reggie it's probably hard to maintain that journalistic "edge" that some other big-mouthed companies attain. It's probably difficult for Reggie at times. Yet I like the way he handles things. He brings a confidence and swagger to Nintendo and really knows how to handle questions thrown at him in a roundabout (PR) format. The confidence is good for Nintendo's image. Reggie's age and dress sense probably appeals to the casual mom-gamers Nintendo are after. Would a 40yr old Wii mother prefer Reggie or Phil Harrison? Uber macho confidence or bald geek? Plus, his hair is made of wool. Real wool. From sheep.
  10. If Konami get their fingers out they may actually give us some downloadable content and other online features. The whole pointing mechanic looks "interesting" and looks fresh (something Pro Evo needs). As long as it doesn't ruin the flow of the game and I'm not pointing at the screen for (virtually) 90mins, I'm sure I won't mind something new.
  11. Let's hope we don't get a forum channel on the Wii...Encompassing all those ex forum members. NOOOOOOO!
  12. The sword slashing in Twilight Princess: I personally thought that it was a good way to see how tactile feedback could lend itself in an action RPG environment. 1:1 movement would have been "adored" by everyone I'm sure. No-one would have marked TP %'s lower in their minds all for 1:1 sword slashing. As the "first" action game to include sword slashing via player movement I felt it was a worthwhile inclusion and (at times) it felt like an astonishing moment in the development of a 'fleeting' virtual reality system. A first step if you will. I'm sure the holy grail of 1:1 will make us all happier one day.
  13. A fair few new images can be found here: Looks nice in my opinion
  14. If people didn't like the TS maps the option was there to create their own levels with a really high level of customisation. I never saw the problem when you could make your own levels. TS2 holds some of my best cube memories...If only for my OWN user-created levels. Not the levels in the game.
  15. I know It's a crying shame they changed so much and people left for ventures new. They must have had some crew in the late 90's. I hope they produce some sterling DS work in the future. I really think Nintendo got out at the right time (lucky?) as their output has been a lot different under the M$ banner. I'll have a wry smile of emotion and "good on you" if Banjo 3 turns out to be absolutely, fantastically brilliant. (And I don't own an 360). Come back Stamper brothers...Show us what you can do :p...And so on.... lol Ironic how a FREE RADICAL thread turns to Rare...I bet Doak HATES that
  16. Mine was Yoshi's Island too- I'm sure of it. It came in a HUGE BOX with a players guide! I remember loving that game so much. It was incredible. Donkey Kong Country 3 was another of the last ones too. £50! And it was worth every second of gaming pleasure I sapped from that little bad boy. (Man I miss the 2D DK games). Eleven years ago and I still want more! It was like liquid silky smooth when you got into the groove of the mechanics of rolling and jumping. I remember hunting for Street Fighter Alpha 2 everywhere but by then I was interested in buying Wave Race and Shadows Of The Empire (shudder) and Mario64 had blown me away so much I just wanted N64 everything! Happy days indeed. I loved my ickle Snes.
  17. mine's bigger than yours etc... Count me in
  18. I like how Perfect Dark pushed/crushed the boundaries of creative weaponary. And having the two-modes for weapons (not an altogether new idea per se) was an excellent way of expanding the creative potential of the weapons. (Using the laptop gun as a sentry gun was pure genius). It was the way it was delivered. There needs to be more Farsights, Laptop guns and Gravity guns (ala Half life). The FPS genre can be stale if it just sticks to generic weapons in my opinion. (It's obviously difficult with games set in the past). But with the Wii I feel the guns should be feeling much more life-like and definately more creative. (How about a gun with in-built grappling gun using pointer functionality and then reeling up the cliff with the nunchuck). Perfect Dark was clearly fantastic based on the weapon set and the way in which the levels seemed to work around the fire-arms. I feel many FPS games (especially those built up for online play or set in history) don't have enough clever weapons usage and level design - both complimenting each other. As I said, the Wii could plug the rot (yet not stop the lack of creativity) through physical use alone. How talented were Rare? Perfect Dark/Diddy Kong Racing/Banjo/Blast Corps/Killer Instinct/Donkey Kong Country...All differing genres with conflicting designs yet they were (are) ALL excellent in each way. Blows my mind how they created such a breadth of software in such top condition. It seems like they could have been as big as Nintendo at one point. (Fanboy rant over!!)
  19. Nice suggestions people It seems we all want MORE effort from 3rd parties and for Nintendo to bust out the classics with Wii-motion elements. Fair enough. Nintendo have a good enough track record and emotional draw for us to buy their franchises all over again. And weve obviously got enough confidence that the Wii can bring new elements to existing franchises. I'm hoping Nintendo keep suprising us in whatever they do. Be it an indirect sequel or not. It seems with the Brain Training/Zelda/ Mario series that we aren't suprised as much as we used to be. Maybe this seems to stem from a lot of internet influence (as we know about things much earlier than we used to). Yet I hope we keep seeing suprising "spin-offs" along the lines of Wario Ware. Now Retro are finished with Metroid I'd like to see what other entertainment forms they will start looking at. (Thunder Rally anyone?) And Factor 5 are just itching to show they are the new RARE when it comes to understanding/creating on Nintendo systems. I would LOVE to see Nintendo get more racing games on the Wii. What about more Excitetruck?? It demands a sequel. And will I ever play a rally game in the vein of Colin Mcrae on the Wii? I'm sure there will be more variety on the Wii than we had on the Gamecube as 3rd party efforts flock to the money. Yet 3rd parties need to see that Wii owners play REAL games too. ULTIMATE 2008 HOPES: 3rd Parties "grow up" and "respect" Wii. The industry shuns this hardcore/casual tag (it's just for arguments sake) NEW games ...and Disaster: D.O.C is a classic
  20. The level creation tool in TS2 was absolutely amazing. Good times were had with that feature. Would be perfect for the Wiimote.
  21. ...without a headset.
  22. As the big-hitters roll out at the end of 2007 and towards the end of the financial year in April 2008, the market will be littered with big games. Games like Mario Kart, Wii Fit, Battallion Wars, Dewey, etc.. (And not forgetting the DS with Phantom Hourglass!) But as Nintendo consumers what are you hoping 2008 holds? Is it time for the Wii to show that it has more under the hood than we have seen during the first year? Or do you want 'revolutionary' games? Do you want the continuation of Nintendo IP's like Pikmin, Pokemon on the DS and Wii? Or do you want Wii Ware and the VC to become paramount in Nintendo's business model? Or maybe you think Nintendo have put themselves in a corner with the power of the Wii and DS and 2008 will see them struggle to keep the momentum? Nintendo will probably head into 2008 as market leaders, so what do you expect/believe they could/should do? NOTE: Yes, I know it is a little early yet it will be interesting to note the expectancy of 2008 compared to what 2008 actually brings.: peace:
  23. Yeah, mine is the same with my laptop (widescreen too). Interesting....Mine is the 27" one aswell. I've had a few mates round and they've been astounded by it and a couple have noted it and are gonna try to get one. I can't belieive the quality of it. I wasn't expecting the world!
  24. Gutted. RIP Colin. You were a true legend. Pure talent. The greats always die young. Tragic.
  25. I bought the AOC one mentioned on here awhile back. Have to say I'm blown away by the amount of features this TV has. And for less than £300. It's a great buy. I know some of you didn't like the outer casing but it's a fabulous TV that actually looks great.
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