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About Razz

  • Birthday 02/15/1991


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  1. Recycling jokes I see? Cheap.
  2. Congrats Eenuh! The good - I have a place on a master's in LONDON for September. YES. The bad - revision.
  3. It's that time of year again where the 80s power anthems come out to help me revise/get through days on end in the library. Halp may keep mahself tew-gheee-heee-thaaarr.
  4. Had a nice evening with Ashley and Daft on the Southbank. Very warm and there was a saxophone in the background honking away, it was quite lovely!
  5. So....you're telling us you have no nipples?
  6. I know bob's joking, but I do think it's important to stress here - No one is asking for anything more than marriage between loving, consenting adults in this civil marriage bill.
  7. I like Jónsi. Listening is like washing your face with ice cold water. That film looked suspect though, just saying :P
  8. The government's consultation survey on civil marriage is now online here. Please take part and give your opinion, whatever it may be.
  9. Pancakes with blueberry compote and greek yoghurt. I love making pancakes, there's something really satisfying about making a perfect looking stack of them.
  10. Yes! I love it. I read the first book and am reading the second and it's a nice adaptation. Also, I love Catelyn's face, she's so nice to look at. And Daenerys, damn.
  11. My immediate reaction to the evangelical video being:
  12. I handed in my dissertation and other pieces of coursework and my university education from here on in ceases!.....Except the 6 exams I have to sit in May. But still, I'm an uncaged bird and it feels great! I'm now in two minds, either go out tonight or stay in and just chiiillll. I'm happy enough just to have the choice to be fair.
  13. I liked Tori's cover from last tour of Live To Tell so I checked out the Madonna one and it was nice, it's on a playlist now and comes out when I need it. ----- This came on shuffle today on the bus and I lolled because it sounds so much like Steve's tennis moan on American Dad.
  14. I just watched the video again to the original Rubberband Girl and it was much more fun.
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