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Posts posted by Patch

  1. Oh and a while ago Kelsey Grammar replied to my tweet ^_^ Filled me with fannish glee.


    More accurately, I expect you were filled to the brim with girlish glee. :)


    Frasier has got to be one of my favourite shows of all time. I have a book containing the scripts of some of the episodes and it cracks me up just reading them.

  2. The writing talents of Tim Schafer and Dave Grossman deserve a mention I think.


    Secret of Monkey Island


    Guybrush: That’s the second biggest monkey head I’ve ever seen!


    Guybrush: Can you tell me the story about this LeChuck guy?

    Pirate: LeChuck? He's the guy that went to the Governor's for dinner and never wanted to leave. He fell for her in a big way, but she told him to drop dead. So he did. Then things really got ugly.


    Barkeep: Guybrush? Is that a French name?

    Guybrush: No, actually it’s a fictional name.


    Pirate: Guybrush Threepwood? That's the most ridiculous name I’ve ever heard!

    Guybrush: Well, what's your name?

    Pirate: [matter-of-factly] My name is Mancomb Seepgood.


    Well . . . you fight like a cow!

  3. I had that on the Amiga 500 aswell, I got considerably further on that game!

    I remember a vampire boss (was it?) for the Halloween levels... not sure if that's where I got up to or if that's just the furthest I can remember right now!


    Sorry to digress from the topic, but YES, I remember the vampire boss for one simple reason - he was diamond hard. It took me probably a hundred goes before I killed him.



  4. The Atari 2600 was my second console. We had loads of games and we had a blast playing all of them. We even had the wooden version.



    That's right, the whole thing was made from wood.


    If you're worried about Saturn games standing the test of time, then you're not going to get much fun out of an Atari 2600!


    If you did buy an Atari 2600, I would recommend these games off the top of my head. I still play them occasionally:



    Incredibly simple, yet addictive game where the objective is to kill all the other jousters by bumping into them while you are higher than they are. That's it.



    Joust. There are better screenshots than this one. :-(



    At the time, a very nerve-shattering game where you can die just by touching the walls. Evil Otto still gives me nightmares...



    Berzerk. He'll be coming soon. He'll be coming SOON. He'll be COMING SOON!



    Varied takes on the 1-on-1 half-strategy, half action game. Great fun with two players.



    Combat. "You move first", "No, you", "No you"...



    Possibly one of the most polished and accomplished games with an assortment of level types and a large quest.



    Solaris. Do a Barrel Roll!


    Yars' Revenge

    Classic and simple. Very hard to say what makes this a classic, but I remember it fondly.



    Yars' Revenge. It's really good. Honest



    Another nerve-shatterer, this time with tanks. There is something about staring down the gun of a tank while quickly trying to aim your sights at it that never gets less pants-wetting, no matter how many times you play it.



    Battlezone. Still used today in military training exercises.

  5. Just move your console forward if the cables aren't long enough.


    And if that doesn't give you enough room, move the TV forward away from the wall. ;)


    That's because I have different coloured stickers inside each game box so I know which game is saved on a particular Memory Card.


    That is a fantastic idea! Seems so obvious in hindsight and would have made my Gamecube life a lot easier.

  6. I owned this on the Spectrum too, it was super hard, but very addictive. One hit and you're dead and back to the start!


    I remember that I got quite far, but I can't remember how far exactly. It's all a little fuzzy now.


    Watching that vid almost gave me a fit. I can imagine the Speccy version being easier for not being so distracting!




  7. The official GameCube pad for me. Best console, best games, best pad. I mean, it even had analogue triggers - a concept not many people understand. The only drawback was the poor d-pad, but I never needed to use that anyway.


    Agreed! Playing Luigi's Mansion, using both analogue sticks AND analogue triggers to adjust the rate of suck was quite a blast.


    Capcom vs. SNK 2 was the only game I needed the D-pad for and its smallity was annoying.


    That said, for nostalgic reasons, I find the Megadrive pads the nicest-looking and most iconic, especially ones like Happenstance posted.


    Indeed. Jet black and curved in all the right places, like a bat boomerang. I felt just like Batman would if he lied on a couch playing videogames.

  8. What are your favourite or funniest videogame death scenes/ game over screens

    Some memorable ones.


    The Karateka clip (near the end of the second vid) was hilarious! Random titbit about Karateka:


    The Apple II version came on one apparently single-sided disk. As an easter egg, a second version of the game was placed on the flip side of the disk. If one put the disk into the drive upside-down, the game played identically to the first side, except that the game was displayed vertically flipped. According to Mechner, this was done as a joke, causing naive users to call tech support and ask why the game was upside-down. Invariably, they would receive the reply, "take the disk out, insert it right-side up, and reboot.



  9. What was the huge multiplayer level in PD that had four areas? It always reminded me of Block Fort from Mario Kart 64.


    Warehouse? I get lost in that one quite easily.


    I always liked Ravine, which was nice and big.


    Am I the only one who liked Car Park as a Combat Simulator map?


    I thought I was the only one. Tricky to tell who is on which floor using that tiny radar. You could also run around for ages without seeing anyone, to find out that your opponent has been doing the same thing round and round in circles.

  10. I remember trying to complete the game 100%. This included completing the game on the hardest difficulty (did this eventually) and completing all 30 Combat Simulator challenges 4 times each with 1-4 players. That is, completing challenge 1 with 1 player, then 2 players, then 3 players etc...


    For the early levels, I could just plug in a few extra controllers and leave the players idle whilst I polished everyone off. But for the later levels, I had to enlist housemates.


    Unsurprisingly, I never did finish that. I did complete all 30 challenges in 1 player though.


    Though we played Goldeneye multiplayer an obscene amount, I preferred PD's multiplayer for sheer mayhem-ness. The 2.5fps was just about putupwithable.


    About the only criticism I can level at it is the awful awful voice acting. I think the voices were done by Rare staff members IIRC.


    And of course, completing the first story level in 6 seconds is an achievement I'll never forget. ;-)

  11. I really hope that was achieved by slowing the game down, otherwise I feel super inadequate right now.


    I think the secret is to have a lot of time and patience and be satisfied with 1 good run out of hundreds of failed ones.


    Having said that, the player in the video is head and shoulders above other SMB players. Other SMB players get 1 good run out of thousands of failed ones. ;)


    He was interviewed about his godly skills in a Nintendo mag once.

  12. It definitely had some of the Goldeneye feel, but it also felt fresh and different. Oddjob!


    Fantastic to see the toilet infiltration again. If I can still shoot his hat off without him noticing, it will be a must-buy for me.

  13. Exactly. :heh:


    I don't think there was any kremlings or anything was there? Hmm. Atleast there was barrel blasting and that Paper Mario idea of going from the foreground to background will be nifty.


    The barrel blasting looked good and there was a shedload of stuff happening in the background all the time. No swimming though (yay!).

  14. I've always wondered what'd happen if you were saving and had a powercut?


    It's never happened to me yet, thankfully. Am I the only one that gets really conscious of it happening after I've finished something really difficult in a game and before I've had a chance to save?


    Like in Dragon Quest VIII (Journey of the Cursed King), which has post-final boss gameplay. I'd defeated the final boss and the following celebratory cutscenery went on for ages. After the first five minutes, I was humorously thinking 'Wouldn't it be funny if there was a power cut now'. Then after ten minutes, it was all I could think about.

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