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Posts posted by Patch

  1. While we have a think about Goafer's second quote, see if you can identify these on-screen meters / indicators. Identifying the game series will do for some of them. They're all pretty easy.






















  2. Note, when I said the Wii was doomed, that was sarcasm!!!


    Oh, look at me! I'm the magical man from happy land, in a gumdrop house on lollipop laaaaaane!


    Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)


    3 million Nintendo consoles in one week? That's insane. As when the PS2 was on top, I'm wondering who is still buying them? Surely everyone that wanted one would have bought one by now?

  3. You and I both know that at least 70 % of NINTENDO's E3 conference will be dedicated to the Wii vitality sensor, smiles and numbers.


    Heh. Maybe they'll try and shoehorn it into Wii Sports Vitality, Wii Fit Ultimate and Go Go Super Happy Heart Time.


    Actually no, isn't it about time they revisited Pac-man, balance board style?


    What's with people referring the Wii 2 to Zii now. They've had that trademark since forever. :p


    In future years, the naming of Nintendo's next console will be famously attributed to a small band of zealots on N-Europe. Believe!

  4. While the new Zelda game doesn't yet have a subtitle, it does have a platform: Wii. Realism will be the theme of this new game, marking a departure once again from the cel-shaded style used in the recently release Spirit Tracks.


    I predict a simultaneous release on Wii AND Zii. And maybe Oii.


    Next year's E3 could be something really special. Unless of course, it isn't. In which case, er, it won't be. Yeah.


    I'm still hoping for a radical change to one of my points listed above. How about the chance to control Zelda for half the game, before she gets herself in trouble, at which point you take over as Link? Their advertising tag line could be "You will rescue the girl. And play like one."

  5. "Do not mention zii war!"


    Passe moi zii contrôleur.

    Quel contrôleur?

    Zii contrôleur.

    Quel contrôleur?



    Yeah, that's all I got.


    Well, for the first few months. But then, everybody claimed to be the messiah, a Nintendo Insider, a Secret Government Agent, or God himself.


    Or the brother of a mate whose wife heard that . . . It was pretty hilarious looking back at it. Kinda miss it.

  6. I actually like the whole "gameplay before story" approach. I couldn't think of anything worse then sitting through a couple of hours of boring, tedious game play just to advance the story a little bit.


    Not a fan of RPGs then? ;)


    Change can be good and is definitely needed for future Zelda games (in moderation)... but I just hope they don't go crazy and radically change it so that it's unrecognisable as traditional Zelda.


    I agree. What makes a traditional Zelda though? The series has had a history of introducing vastly different ideas and mechanics along the way. The incarnations of Zelda I -> Zelda II, OoT -> MM and MM -> Wind Waker have all seen big transitions from the previous game.


    The things that have remained the same are story and gameplay aspects (someone here will correct me if I'm wrong):


    1. Silent sword-wielding Link saving Zelda from evil villain.

    2. Collected items unlocking new areas.

    3. Mix of exploration and dungeons containing bosses.

    4. Red rupees in treasure chests, dagnamit.


    It would feel weird if any one of those was ruled out in the next Zelda game, but who knows, Nintendo don't mind taking risks with the Zelda series, that's for sure.

  7. I said in my other post that it is a renewal of a 2006 trademark request of Zii, Cii, Bii, Oii and Yii to cover its tracks for others using letter then ii.


    The Nintendo Oii. :grin:


    Nintendo have learnt that you can call the console anything and it will still sell, so my picks for the next console are:


    Nintendo Together

    Nintendo All4One

    Nintendo FamiVidGamCon


    or my personal fave:

    'The Nintendo'

  8. Yes indeed! I made him appear, but I can't remember if I actually caught him or not (if he can run off during battle, then that probably happened). Either way, he's definitely the last reward you should ask for. By the time you get that far, the prize for completing the Monster Arena will have been far more useful than having Hev.


    Yep, acquiring him is one of the last things you would do in the game by the sound of it. I might save him for my second playthrough. :)

  9. Good to see you making progress on this game, you are on the right track, and all the things that is a side quest (Which is very little anyway) can be done in the end of the game so don't fret on the whole going through the main story and missing out on something. It's mostly all there. :)


    Thanks, it's a relief to know I won't have missed much. Finding the 'much' is another matter though. It's so tempting to find a guide...

  10. A HUGE regret is always watching Kaepora Gaebora repeat all his stuff in Ocarina of Time. Cunning of them to have the yes and no ordered in such a way as to catch us out like that... *grumble grumble*


    Haha, a rare case of the game designers purposefully trying to irritate you! Unless it was an accident.


    Also, it cracks me up when friendly characters are prepared to beat you up as a "test"!


    It's a strange phenomenon, clearly designed to inject some sort of variety into the proceedings, but most of the time leaving a sour taste in the mouth. Especially since they will happily wipe you out if you let them.


    Over the weekend, I managed to get about seven hours in. First thing was to get to the top of the 'roost' and fight Gemon. You walk out of the final room into the outside world and there he is, staring forwards at you. You can walk all the way around him, touch Empyrea's egg and he's still facing forwards! I have a pic of this at home.


    Gemon was a lot easier than Empyrea thankfully. No-one died and I had plenty of MP left. Jessica's Twin Dragon Lash is the biz! The reward you get for this is nice - the ability to fly anywhere in the world, without monster encounters.


    The first thing I did was to find and defeat Morrie's Wanted list of monsters and this opened up the Monster Arena. I've clearly arrived at this a lot later than intended because I was soon able to capture three well 'ard monsters that obliterated everyone in Ranks C-G. Rank B is a toughie though, so I dread to think what Rank A will be like: "In the Red Corner, Patch and his team 'Dead Meat'!"


    Totally by accident, I flew over the Tryan Gully area and landed because it looked nice. Controlling Trode was a blast. His method of opening barrels cracked me up. So I now have the Darktree Leaf and the map shows something evil on it. I'm guessing it's Leopold, but I've avoided him so far.


    Being able to fly, I was able to make it to the mansion above Savella Cathedral, but there was little of interest there. Same with the rocky area above the giant goddess statue at Neos.


    So there I am. I have a feeling there's a ton of things I should be doing now that I have the ability to fly, and I still haven't seen the Puff Puff event mentioned by Grazza, besides Jessica's hilarious 'ability' (which never works by the way).


    I'm at Level 41, about 77 hours in. Any non-spoiler advice would be fine.


  11. So that's my point. I'm not critical of TP, I love it. But we've grown so accustomed to Zelda games being amazing that we forget to look at the amazing things and only look at the points where the game didn't quite live up to our expectations. In essence, we're spoiled rotten when it comes to Zelda games. :heh:


    So true. It does make me wish I could forget all past experiences of Zelda when playing a new one, as I'm almost constantly comparing them.


    One example: Every time I enter a new Zelda dungeon, I can't stop myself wondering 'Is this going to be as challenging as OOT's Water Temple?'. And when I finish a dungeon, I can't stop myself thinking 'That wasn't as challenging as OOT's Water Temple'!* Using it as a benchmark only sets me up for (slight) disappointment.


    I'm pretty sure that even if a new dungeon *was* more challenging than the Water Temple, my brain wouldn't register it; the rose-tinted glasses are too deeply fused into my temples.



    *I know a lot of people hated the Water Temple, but I loved it.

  12. More progress:



    I completed the Herb Grotto dungeon in the snowy area, finding Marek at the end of it. I should have taken a photo of it, but there was an amusing situation where Marek thinks he hears something and calls out 'Is anybody there?' with the option of 'Yes' or 'No'. I have a habit of reading fast and pressing 'X' to advance the text, only to have selected 'Yes' before I can stop myself. I really want to know what happens when you say 'No'!


    Anyway, the next sage descendant is dead, with the Hero and company just standing idly by while it all unfolds in front of them. So I think that leaves just one remaining descendant.


    Getting the Ultimate Key was a great chance to revisit those parts of the games previously inaccessible. Particularly the Pirate's Cove which turned out to be more than just the side-quest I was expecting.


    I also went back to Baccarat to find Cash and Carrie arguing over their inheritance. The Dragon Graveyard was a little tough with two memorable bosses at the end 'Red Horn' and 'Blue Fang'.


    So off to the Isolated Plateau where the mysterious bird 'Empyrea' is the key to accessing a Dark World. This bit was well done, with plenty of eerie atmosphere and an . . . interesting . . . plotline.


    So why is Empyrea attacking the Dark World's village? Let's find out. One very hard battle later (she killed Jessica once and Angelo once and I'm on level 40) and she gives up:




    Yes, thank you. *Wipes brow*




    What the frick? Test? Couldn't you have decided we were strong enough, like, after the second round maybe? Or some other way? Or in fact, realised that no-one from the village was going to help you after you attacked them, so in fact absolutely anyone from anywhere would do?


    Anyway, I was half-tempted to refuse her request to save her egg after that. But I didn't.


    And that's where I'm at. I made it almost all the way to the top of the mountain and then zoomed out to save all my collected treasures.




  13. Is it wrong that I'd actually like to see that?


    Hmmm. *Consults book of law*. Yes, yes it is. I would turn yourself in if I were you. ;)


    A hot air balloon seems plausible, but it might require the controlling of wind direction, which sounds familiar.


    You've got to give it to Aonuma with his ambiguous titbits:


    The only thing I may be able to confirm is, we are trying to change the structure, how the game proceeds, in terms of how you have been playing The Legend of Zelda franchise so far. That's a little thing I can say, but I hope people will be surprised by knowing what I mean right now.


    Eiji, when do we ever know what you are meaning? But that's really got me thinking. Since the dawn of er, Zelda, the games have followed a fairly consistent format of explore, dungeon, new item, explore, dungeon, new item, with sidequests along the way. So is he talking about a totally different fundamental structure to this? Or is he simply saying that 'Link now has a hot air balloon!'? He's such a tease.

  14. And lots, and lots of (crappy) Commodore games.... The character was 5 pixels high, the gap to jump through were 5 or 7 pixels large..... But I don't really count these.


    Haha, I could name loads of Speccy games that fit into this category. One of them was SpinDizzy. It took ages to finish and when I finally got the last diamond, there was a bug in the congratulations screen that meant it was shown for about a sixteenth of a second before disappearing. Beyond annoying.


    Let's see:


    F-Zero GX's Story Mode on Very Hard. Ouch.


    Getting to the Master levels in the original Super Monkey Ball (GC) was pant-wettingly nerve-racking.


    Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were challenging on the hardest difficulty.


    Completing Brawl's Boss Battle mode without losing a life was tricky.


    Mario Sunshine's blue coins without a guide!


    I remember spending ages playing through Turok 2; that was tough.


    Super Mario Brothers 2 (Jp). Seriously, did they recruit the world's elite arcade gamers to design that game?

  15. Same for me. This game has such a good tone. I love the cartoony graphics, and I also love the fact it feels adult, but not gratuitous. Did you read in Argonia Castle about the Puff Puff Club? ;)


    I think I remember a very fleeting mention of it, whatever it is. I look forward to it, given that the word 'gratuitous' reminded you of it!


    I bet you were pleased you were using a boomerang, eh? Actually, I'd add that as a 4th shocking moment, as I hated fighting Jessica.


    Because you didn't have the boomerang you mean? That must have been well annoying. Even with my boomerang, she managed to get six of her minions to appear a few times, though thankfully they don't take much damage off you.


    It might be best to just focus on the armour that gives elemental defence (like the Dragon Mail) or magic defence (sorry, I meant to reply sooner)


    Thanks, I'll bear that in mind.



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