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Posts posted by Patch

  1. I don't see how anyone can argue against [insert Zelda game here] being the best in the series, I mean, [insert Zelda game here] was the real deal. Incidentally I enjoyed it because of [reason and context] and thought it was better than the rest because of this. [insert Zelda game here] stood apart from the crowd at the time when it was released and has aged brilliantly, still standing as one of the best gaming experiences on any games console. At the time it was released it [insert Zelda game here] was gaming gold, and Nintendo once again reminded us with [insert Zelda game here] why they are the best games company in the world.


    Oh man, you thought [insert Zelda game here] was the best of the series? You crazy! Sure, [insert Zelda game here] introduced [insert graphical style here] and the amazing [insert new item here] item, but the quest was too [insert adjective here] and the gameplay was [insert profanity here] compared to the brilliance of [insert Zelda game here].


    [insert character here] was annoying as hell, the [insert gameplay feature here] felt tacked on, and the whole experience felt like it had been designed by an [insert random number here]-year old.


    If anything, [insert Zelda game here] was the worst in the series. [insert Zelda game here] - now that's how to do a Zelda game right!

  2. Haha, 'Wild Woody' is pretty funny, but combined with the cover art, it's masterful. I think 'Tech Romancer' is actually quite good.


    I found a screenshot of Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom. Am I wrong for really wanting to play this game?




    Here are some others I found:


    I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream




    Let's Go by Train 2, Professional Edition








    Caveman Ugh-lympics



  3. Secondly: Have you played it over Xbox Live? Here, the excellent controls and fun gameplay innovations shine through.


    PD is the only game I've downloaded from Live, and I absolutely adore it!


    As incentives to buy a 360 go, this is the major one for me. I've said for years that I would happily pay full retail price for a Perfect Dark with an improved framerate. It's now transpired that I would have to buy a new console as well. So tempted.


    'Boring' is the word I would use to describe Turok 2. 'Fantastic Cerebral Bore-ing', that is! Ahem. I loved it much more than the original; the levels were epic and it had a much more grandiose feel about it - it helped that I had bags of time as a student to play it. I can still remember the music for the opening level (Port of Adia). It did start to grate a bit on level 5 (The Hive of the Mantids) though.


    Locate the Energy Totem and Defend it at All Costs!


    I was disappointed with Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass. I loved the graphical style, but the dungeons felt very flat, angular and uninspired. And going through the Temple of the Ocean King for the umpteenth time made me want to take to the stars and nuke my DS from orbit.

  4. I have been through everything on the latest save file.. apart from Chapter 7 on Very Hard :sad: It frustrates me that I couldn't seem to manage it now, but I know that I have done it before so I guess I have done it all :heh: I just wish it was all on the one file..


    When I completed it, I remember thinking 'I'm glad I never have to do that again'. Thankfully, every failed attempt is usually down to one's lack of skill rather than an unlucky run - although Chapter 7's crowding of cars can cause some unpredictable outcomes!


    Out of interest, has anyone completed it without killing Black Shadow at the start?


    Just checking my old posts actually - I beat the first post-game boss at level 50 and the last one at level 61 (you get Dragon Soul at 65), so yeah, it did take a long time!


    Maybe we should call you Grinda! Any in-game task requiring in excess of 100 hours of gameplay is definitely an achievement!


    That must have taken weeks...


    What was the word?


    It did indeed take weeks. I can't remember which word I guessed correctly. I think the overwhelming sensation of finally being able to play the game blocked it out.


    The required word was from a set of repeated x,y,z values, rather than being any word from anywhere in the manual. The sorts of words I guessed were 'sword', 'shield', 'dragon', 'fight' etc...

  5. * Defeating all the post-game bosses in Dragon Quest VIII before getting the "Dragon Soul" spell.


    Very nice! This probably took a *really* long time.


    Some that spring to mind:


    Completing Legend of Zelda (NES)

    OK, so this is nothing new, but I started playing the game when it first came out and I finished it for the first time ever early this year! Woot!


    100% on GTA III, GTA: VC, GTA: SA, GTA: LCS, GTA: VCS

    Not exactly difficult, but very time consuming. Unlike some achievements, this never felt like a chore (except that bloody paramedic mission in GTA III). I still have to finish Chinatown Wars.


    F-Zero GX Story Mode - Very Hard

    As others have said, one of the most ultimately satisfying experiences known to nerd.


    Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 100%

    I don't remember much about this except it was my first TH game and it took me ages - big satisfaction.


    Completing Super Monkey Ball Master mode

    I was up until the early hours trying to beat Master Level 3. I finally completed it by falling in the goal from a height after almost two hours of failed attempts.


    Super Smash Bros Melee / Brawl 100%

    All 290 trophies in SSBM and all 544 trophies, 700 stickers in SSBB. Some of the requirements were tough - one of which included defeating all ten bosses without losing a life.


    Starting a game of Might and Magic IV

    I had a bootleg copy. The lockout system was to ask the player what the xth word on line y on page z of the instruction manual was (which I didn't have).


    First I wrote down a list of words I thought might appear in the manual, then for each attempt, I crossed off that word for the x,y,z values that were asked of me.


    Eventually I got the right word. It took a *long* time.


    If you got all the blue coins without a guide, I'd say that is a pretty decent accomplishment.


    Someone else on these boards said they did this. I forget who it was now. Godly.

  6. Oh man, after Metroid Prime 3 was released, I was resigned to thinking that would be the end of home-console Metroid games. For a long time anyway - similar to the N64 gap.


    How wrong I was. Not only that, but it looks kick-ass too.

  7. Welcome to the boards. I'm guessing you might be at the forefront of hacking abilities as far as people here are concerned. ;) Changing the text in a game sounds like good fun. Not that I have a dirty mind. Honest.


    I won't be contributing much to this thread but here's my (very) limited experience in this area anyway:


    The first computer we got was a Commodore 16. I was fairly young and I really enjoyed making games for it in BASIC. I was more interested in creating my own content from scratch rather than changing existing games. I wouldn't even know where to begin if I did!


    Later on, as a Speccy owner, there were always lots of 'pokes' listed in the magazines. These were ways of changing a value in the game's machine code to alter the gameplay somehow. For example, increasing the number of lives to 99, or eliminating a time limit. I was a bit intrigued by them, but I didn't use any of them - I think you needed a specialised bit of equipment, but I can't remember the exact details. It's been a long time!

  8. I'll give you it. It's the introduction to Phantasy Star III. Surprised this was the last one to be guessed!



    Coolness Bears: 12

    Epic fail: 9

    Cube: 9

    darksnowman: 8

    D_prOdigy: 6

    MoogleViper: 6

    Happenstance: 5

    Shino: 4

    mcj metroid: 4


    deathborn: 3

    Patch: 3

    Captain Falcon: 3

    dwarf gourami: 2

    Fused King: 1

    Mundi: 1

    Goafer: 1

    / nando /: 1

    SPAMBOT4000: 1

    Jonnas: 1

  9. Brain Lord is correct!


    Yeah, the coloured squares phase is a satisfying payback time where you can eat the snakes, and anything else for that matter. The music that plays is totally bizarre.


    Only two games left to guess. Here are different pics from the same game.






    Phantasy Star III - Cube


    7. (first word of game erased)


    Wacky Darts - STOOPIDDITTIES



  10. This is insane:


    Landon Dyer was the developer of the Donkey Kong port for the Atari 400 and 800. Like any hard-working proud code writer, he wanted to leave a tiny piece of him behind inside the game that would immortalize him in game legend. That piece of him was hidden for a score and six years before Don Hodges dug it up just the other day using an emulator.


    According to Hodges, you can make Dyer’s initials “LMD†appear on the title screen by setting a high score that has the numbers 37,000, 73,000, or 77,000 in it. The other digits in the score can be anything (they don’t have to be “0″s). Once the player has the score, he or she must use up the remaining lives, but the last death MUST BE due to falling. Then set the difficulty to 4 by pressing the option button three times. Finally, wait for the game to demo screen to pass and then “LMD†will appear on the title screen.





    I'm intrigued by the Dhalsim thing. Any chance you could download / upload that pic tapedeck?

  11. 'Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters' and 'Robotrek' are correct.


    STOOPIDDITTIES is the closest so far with number 2, but I need the exact name. It's an updated version of the original game that - as Jonas points out - requires you to guide the water using parts. It has the same name as the original game.


    Number 4 is a famous game - I'm sure a few people here have played it on the Megadrive.

  12. Skull & Crossbones is correct. darkle: your guesses are brilliant - keep them coming! :)


    Fused King: I've pretty much run out of games that I have actually played. I have to resort to posting obscure titles I've heard of, but not played. It won't be much longer until I'm posting titles I've never even heard of. After that, homebrew. ;)

  13. Next round of pics. I've tried to make these a little harder than normal.


    1. (cropped)


    Perfect Dark Zero - Cube




    Pipe Mania - Jonnas




    Squirm - Coolness Bears







    Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters - STOOPIDDITTIES




    Skull and Crossbones - STOOPIDDITTIES





    Hardcore pics:




    Brain Lord - Cube




    Super Robot Wars - MoogleViper




    Robotrek - darksnowman

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