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Everything posted by Kirbii

  1. oh yeah n-europe do us all a very big big favour (Sp) never change that banner at the top of the page with mario and those stars keep it like that for ever so we can drawl all over n-europe
  2. at the momment i have 30 stars im trying to do all the commet missons aswell as story mode
  3. trust me i ain't even finnished it yet and when i do im gonna start a new file and then do it again and again and again and again and again ........................ ti'll i go mad mad mad or hopefully before then with nintendo next handeld theybring out mario galaxy on their handheld just like mario 64 and mario 64 ds does that mean if they do they are going to add another 30 stars to the game just like ds version of 64 any way I Love This Game Yes
  4. with ocarina hmmmmmm
  5. that was a close one i nearly had a gameover
  6. get it now and if you still need a game fr christmas their are loads of great games out their
  7. 11 stars for me now lol im last
  8. 9 stars so far
  9. i get the feeling and i just some times wanna get off the planet and fly but once your on a plannet the gravity (sp) pulls you down
  10. i got 4 stars lol
  11. yep it's perfect i never knew of a game of perfection ti'll i met this game
  12. got my copy and im playing it right now my wii had to update to play it
  13. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh crap i ain't preordered mine but if i go really really really early do you think i can get it guys
  14. people have it i should be getting mine tomorow or today but i doubt stratford would have it in a day early we all know it ain't going to get under rated like super mario sunshine did so........ have fun
  15. it needs a bit more characters because melee has more than it at the moment
  16. i hpoe we get more characters from melee back such as :ganadorf captinfalcon young link lugi
  17. okay lol i never read it all sorry guys
  18. is it a midnight launch (proberly is) ?
  19. man i hope they don't come back im sorry to here that because if you had all that good stuff they might come back and get more
  20. How much this game cost ? in game or wolworths
  21. the only one in my range is oxford street but i doubt i will go
  22. hey guys im getting mario galaxy on the 16th and i will have enough money left over to get a 360 game any referals
  23. zelda:because well what can i say it is a zelda game :P mario mstrikers charged:it is a good game + wifi mario party 8 :it gave us back the party spiri trauma center :taking out glass etc was so fun and 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 + more games
  24. my sims(bit Complicated)
  25. okay because today is the day when m is surpose to run out
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