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Everything posted by Keit

  1. They look okay.
  2. littlebit dark though....
  3. It looks like one of those hams you have for christmas, with all the strings on it and stuff.
  4. Amazing CGI! Have any of your works of art ever been published?
  5. OMG OMG OMG, Cant wait until Revo comes! OMG OMG OMG, Cant wait until Revo comes! OMG OMG OMG, Cant wait until Revo comes! OMG OMG OMG, Cant wait until Revo comes!
  6. By your calculations a oooold computer from the beginning of mankind would dwarf the hell outta the for example: Ps3 or Xbox360, or even some of the supercomputers! ^^ You, my lad, are stupidness itself.
  7. Keit

    Space Art

    Well, I made this ugly starfield. Dont know if it counts as "Space Art" though
  8. Kick his ass!
  9. moggleviper.. hmm, a little bit better resolution on the source-picture and a border. Then it would be kinda good. Not it's just average, 6/10
  10. I hope we wont see a firstperson mario! :no:
  11. Actually ... I don't get the joke on your signature. And the design is horrible. 4/10 Plx raet my singatuer pleix k?
  12. Weird, the picture seems dragged out. It's too ... uncolorful too. 5/10
  13. Look again. The server I upload the images to is a little bit slow at the moment, and it might take up to 20seconds for the image to load.
  14. I went with a little more minimalistic theme.
  15. It isn't. "Stupid letters just cause "It isn't" was too short, bullshit"
  16. I doubt the Revolution will be a graphical monster, I think it will be technically weaker than the Xbox 360 in many aspects. _But_, we've all seen what the "weak" Gamecube can do if we look at Resident Evil 4, the graphics in that one is awesome. So I think it very much depends on the developer how well they optimize the games and stuff. One more thing, Nintendo have theyself said that they aim the console to the major public, so I think they want to push the price as much as they can.
  17. I think it will use cartridges.
  18. It is transparent? ! Atleast it should be, and it is to me. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Nice design, really clean and professional look. 9/10
  19. My signature is visible, it's just kinda heavy load on the uploadsite. So wait a little more than 5 seconds.
  20. Really cool style, could use a black border though. 8.5/10
  21. Well, if we got a uber-super-ultimate Pokemon RPG we wouldn't need any other Pokemon games. And Nintendo wouldn't make money! :p
  22. Kinda boring, nice though. 7/10
  23. Nothing, tomorrow I'll get nothing, and on friday I'll get some clothes and PERHAPS Castlevania DS. Else I'll get Castlevania DS on... Monday
  24. You did the right thing A console in mint-condition is always worth a higher price.
  25. *Picks up jaw from floor* Amazing!
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