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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Just got back from watching Mamma Mia. The fourth movie I have seen this year! (beats last years record of 3!) I thought it was a lot of fun. A great feel good movie and everyone was just really happy singing and dancing and I love how they just burst into song. And I like ABBA songs anyway. I'd give this 5 Bears out of 7.
  2. It's my real one from when I was younger. Half the stickers are missing and most of the wordsearches are complete! I found it shoved at the back of a cupboard in the kitchen! And Tapedeck, Animals of farthing woods was excellent. I bought animal figures that resembled them.
  3. Thanks for that Ramar. I'm so glad I found this as most of my childhood has been thrown away. :p
  4. Haha wow! My hair is usually crazy! just decided to comb it ths morning! ^__^ as I was about to take a photo of myself! /vain I've been thinking that all day! I thought it was called that and keep going to say it! I even shouted out! "I've found my fil-a-fax!!! to my parents confused faces. :p
  5. you mean to say you really look like me? I want pictures!!! :p
  6. Haha! I'm 17 and I'm currently rolling in nostalgia. you are too young you wouldn't understand. :p
  7. Done. :p Time for some Fun Fax jokes it has different sections I'll give you a few. :p Get ready to groan. Musical madness: Teacher: Why did Tchaikovksy write this piece in four flats? Pupil: he had to move house 3 times while he was composing it. Cops and Robbers: Which fish wears a cowboy hat and two guns? Billy the Squid Rotten Rhymes: There;s a peanut sitting on the railway track, his heart is all a flutter. The train comes roaring round the bend TOOT TOOT peanut butter!
  8. Haha, having just watched that I whole heartly agree. :p (and was just about to post that!)
  9. after my not so long search.... I FOUND IT! I'm so happy right now! I have all sorts of great stuff in it, puzzles, incredible facts, creative writing, wordsearches, optical illusions, jokes, stickers... The list goes on! I'm going to be looking over this while I have my lunch. : peace:
  10. OMG FUNFAX!!!! I remember those. They were all kinds of awesome. I the illusions book and the creative writing one and so many I can't remember them all. >____< THAT'S IT I'M OFF FUNFAX HUNTING!!! (mine must be around here somewhere)
  11. No idea. :p but I was laughing for ages when I first watched it! Woo! That's great Keep going!!! : peace: I keep listening to Dr. Horrible's sing along blog which just makes my day even better. Bad Horse.
  12. Haha, oh dear it reminds me of this :p Awesome that would have been great! though the Zoo didn't turn out to expensive after we got a few discounts. We went to London Zoo last time and wanted to see the Elephants and some other animals that aren't in London. I love both Zoo's. I'll post a picture If I got a good enough one. Yeah! :awesome: :p
  13. Just outside london. (in the north? I think.) It took about 40 minutes to get there. not that long. I used to have a friend who lived near aylsbury!
  14. My day has been brilliant. :awesome: I went off to Wipsnade Zoo today with the whole family (including my nephew ) and had excellent fun! IT started off a bit rainy but for the most part it was sunny the whole day and very hot. I saw many different animals including the brown Bear, Penguins, giraffes and Elephants. (Which were amazing!) But nothing beats the red panda, I'd never seen one before and I waited ages for him to emerge from it's hole and it was a rare treat when it finally did. It looks like a shy creature and it's very cute. I managed to get some photo's of it. That made my day. Now I'm a bit exhausted and very very hungry!!!
  15. Thanks. Eenuh those are some excellent photos.
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU (NOT SO) SCARY MAN! :p happy birthday Tphi.
  17. Thanks for clearing up my confusion. no further questions, your honour. (random thought: I forgot to have a pan au chocolat!)
  18. Can I see your bent knees? What room are you above? how did you escape from your impending doom? That's all I think. Kind of pointless questions sorry. : peace: Oh and you must have a few muscles to be able to hold on. :p
  19. That upside down shot had me confused for several minutes. (I've managed to figure out most of the questions I had in my head! ) "When trying to do an upside thing earlier al the blood rushed to my head and made me very dizzy! me trying that would probably end up eith me fainting. :p
  20. Haha! win. *joins in* I was in the middle of dancing to Justice about a minute ago which was really fun and it was during some weird head twisting phase of the song (yeah I can't dance....) when I certainly notice, THE BIGGEST SPIDER IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE ON MY CEILING. (ok it was tiny but I'm not a fan of spiders ) I'm now watching it very closely, waiting for its attack and once it's gone I shall resume my dancing!!! : peace:
  21. I was annoyed for the rest of the evening. You don't often get a chance like that! and also Note to self: It's Pinky AND the brain. Sorry that was annoying me :p I'm useless at exercises. I can't do a single push up..... THE BEST KIND OF EXERCISE!!! I need to build up my muscles as well. I went to the gymn last term at school (mainly to avoid football!) but it doesn't really work when you can only really lift the wieghts on the lowest setting.
  22. Fair enough. I'm taking that. (in bold) and that would totally work with me. That would be awesome to follow you for a day we'd have to come up with a theme tune for it though! Someone said I scared them more than the Joker (at school I like to keep a certain edge :p) as they are not sure when I'm joking or completely serious. and it is always the quiet ones! Hahahahahaha... *shifty eyes*
  23. Exactly what I was thinking. I was annoyed at myself the other night when mum asked me: What do you want to do tonight? I answered I'll probably just relax in my room! A PINKY OF THE BRAIN REFERENCE WAS MISSED!!! Grr! Anyway totally off topic. The problem with the plan is that quite a lot of it is fairly obvious. But some good advice none the less.
  24. steak sauce. :awesome: I have seriously watched to much How I met your mother the past few days!
  25. resistance? I have the muscle density of a tissue that's been floating in a puddle for days, as soon as you pick it up it rips in half! Well my metaphor went nowhere. :p Nooo! That makes it sound as if i've been thinking about running away from home or something!!! I haven't though I've been through many scenario's in my head. (I have too much time to think) I just think it would be good to be adopted by you. maybe we could work out some sort of rota?
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