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Everything posted by RossK
interesting topic , Nintendo might be doing more to appease the "casual" market but at the end of the day they are a business and now a hugely succsefful one. where before in the days of the GC it really did struggle against its competitors I feel , but with the Wii its fine to own one , its not nerdy or anything like that. I think as long as they keep putting out the AAA titles we will be ok , i know a speople have said we have seen neither head nor hair of any of these new marios,zelda,kid ixarus,pikmins . But in time they will come and it will be brilliant no doubt. If they can make money with more casual games its better in the long run it means they can allow more development time and take risks for the titles we really crave like another Mario! , And it may have been 8 months since the last huge supposed hardcore game Smash Bros Brawl , to be honest im still playing it , i havent bought any new games since its been fun enough to keep me going on and so much stuff to do and unlock , if we were snowed under with new AAA titles we wouldnt be able to appreciate the ones we have as much , i think a timely gap is good for us to truely enjoy the magic and effort put into titles like Smash Brawl.
haha love crush 40 but tis kinda shocking how much of the lryics Johhny has forgotten in those clips!: peace:
theyre definatley not rebooting , its a continuation ...hmmm you know..Dan Ackyrods very good friends with Adam Sandler
Mon Oct 6, 2008 — by Robert Greenberger Bill Murray up for 'Ghostbusters 3' Actor Bill Murray spoke at a New York news conference for City of Ember and repeated his interest in appearing in Ghostbusters 3. The comedian also said that a script is moving forward at the moment. "There's two fellows from The Office that are writing a script, but I've yet to see it. And I'm more involved with, you know, trying to get the dessert we ordered at lunch than I am with the new Ghostbusters sequel. But it's possible. It's a great idea that they hired these two guys to do it, because I think it'll be a ... it could be a fresh look at it. And it could be funny." If true, he would reprise his role of Dr. Peter Venkman and appear alongside Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson, Jr. more than 20 years after Ghostbusters 2. Of the latter, he admitted, "We did a sequel, and it was sort of rather unsatisfying for me, because the first one to me was the goods. It was the real thing. And the sequel, you know, was ... it was a few years later. There was an idea pitched. And it was like, well, they got us all together in a room. We just laughed for a couple of hours. And then they said, 'What if we did another one? Here's an idea.' "So they had this idea, but it didn't turn out to be the idea when I arrived on the set. They'd written a whole different movie than the one [initially discussed]. And the special-effects guys got it and got their hands on it. And it was just not the same movie. There were a few great scenes in it, but it wasn't the same movie. So there's never been an interest in a third Ghostbusters because the second one was kind of disappointing ... for me, anyway." no Bill theres NEVER been an interest for a 3rd movie.!!. :S Murray: 'Ghostbusters Needs Girls' 9 October 2008 9:03 AM, PDT | From wenn.com | See recent WENN news Actor Bill Murray is keen to see a new generation of Ghostbusters pick up their proton packs - especially if they are female. The funnyman starred in the 1984 hit movie and its 1989 sequel, and has been bombarded with requests to bring the four hapless ghoul fighters back to the big screen. And Murray is reportedly interested in reprising his original role in a new film, branding a possible third installment "a great idea". Speculation suggests studio bosses are working on a script to team original stars Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson with a new batch of Ghostbusters, to be played by Seth Rogen, Steve Carell, Paul Rudd and Chris Rock. But the Scrooged actor would like to add a more feminine aspect to the spook catching squad. He tells MTV.com, "I think it'd be funny to have a girl Ghostbuster. We don't have a girl Ghostbuster. I mean, they say like, 'What if you passed it to Chris Rock?' And I go, 'Well, I dunno. Is Chris Rock gonna save us?' You know, I guess. He's funny." He adds, "I just think there's some funny girls I'd love to see be Ghostbusters." Ghostbusters GIrls..well Janine often was one in the cartoon series but ..current actress's......any one care to share thier thoughts of who theyd like id say it have to be someone who appreciates the whole ghostbuster thing not someone whos soley for the paycheque and thinks its geeky .
thanks guys , ueah i thought star wars looked most interesting.
For someone whos not a particular fan as such of any of the films there are of the Lego game franchises but who thinks they look like fun. Which one should I rent from lovefilm? this,star wars or indy?
whats 2 player like? I heard a 2nd player could use another remote to help out , anyone know how good this is?>
if it controls anything like secret rings i wont be able to play , I just couldnt do it i found it so boring
...wait he has a sidekick... ..a sidekick..that ISNT tails............ Sonic blasphemy!
hmm the werewolf parts are a bit like in CRASH Bandicoot Crash of titans which as actually a fun game , long as theres not tooo much of it and its more the sonic adventure style running this should be good.
no? is it on youtube? apparantly yes it is , hehe it works well!
going back to the cartoon a second , the first 78 episodes of it are so awesome and rich inf folklore monsters and myths and legends and actually have some gothic feel to them. Unfortunatley after that it turned into " SLIMER and the real ghostbusters." ..and followed the adventures of slimer and his friends such as luigi the pizza chef and the ice cream truck man.... Its true!!! Thankfully it did eventually revert back to the original format of Real Ghostbusters at the end. they played The Ghostbusters theme tune on Virgin (( ..alright Absolute!) radio today ! So much groovier than most of the stuff they have on!
i have that extreme ghostbusters dvd set! and a real ghostbusters dvd set too! an official one for real ghosbusters is coming out later this year in the shape of the firehouse with all the eps and extras on it .
Harold Ramis Confirms Ghostbusters 3 Plans September 8, 2008 Source: Chicago Tribune by Alex Billington Ghostbusters One more update on Ghostbusters 3 today to hold us over until we hear casting news or more details. At this point it is definitely not a rumor anymore, Sony is making a sequel, no question about it. The film doesn't have a finished script yet, but discussion are underway and importantly, the four original Ghostbusters will most likely be returning - but not exactly like you might have imagined. Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Harold Ramis, and even Bill Murray will all be involved in some way, so expect one hell of a triumphant return! Dr. Egon himself emailed the Chicago Tribune with a brief update over the weekend and I thought it'd be great to feature today, especially if you're a fan who is excited for the sequel. Harold Ramis confirms the details that we previously wrote about plus adds a little more about the concept for this sequel. Here's his e-mail sent to the Chicago Tribune: "yes, columbia is developing a script for GB3 with my year one writing partners, gene stupnitsky and lee eisenberg. judd apatow is co-producing year one and has made several other films for sony, so of course the studio is hoping to tap into some of the same acting talent. aykroyd, ivan reitman and i are consulting at this point, and according to dan, bill murray is willing to be involved on some level. he did record his dialogue for the new ghostbusters video game, as did danny and i, and ernie hudson. the concept is that the old ghostbusters would appear in the film in some mentor capacity. not much else to say at this point."
imdb doesnt take away a dancing toaster and said statue of liberty controlled by a nes joypad.
lalalallalalala...la... not listening... 2 was great:heh:
au contraie , Ernie is in very good shape for someone who iss 63 ( april 2008 ) Murray,,,well yeah hes got grey hair but to be honest even when he was young he didnt look that young May 2008 Ackroyd , he still looks like Ray ..look at him grooving it up here..ok he does actually have more hair than this.. jsut looks averagley receding iin this frame . Harold Ramis...well....if he like lost...alot of weight.......he'd look fine just a grey haired egon...but sadly this sort of hmm...uhh ...help?
at the moment after tax,pensions blah blah its £1514 a month though ive done 2 years service since last thursday so I will get a pay rise of around 40 pounds extra a month!
Ramis Updates 'Ghostbusters 3' Possibilities 7 September 2008 8:54 AM, PDT | From bloody-disgusting.com | See recent Bloody-Disgusting.com news Let the speculations begin and watch as rumors turn into fact (kind of) as Harold Ramis responds to this past weeks monster Ghostbusters 3 announcement over at the Chicago Tribune. Inside you can read about the possibilities of Harold Ramis, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson all returning, along with Sony's hopes to bring in the Apatow crew "yes, columbia is developing a script for GB3 with my year one writing partners, gene stupnitsky and lee eisenberg. judd apatow is co-producing year one and has made several other films for sony, so of course the studio is hoping to tap into some of the same acting talent. aykroyd, ivan reitman and i are consulting at this point, and according to dan, bill murray is willing to be involved on some level........."
I know its a tad odd having the real writers do a game but not a film..? and yeah everyone forgets Ernie Hudson its so true , hes not even been in a ghostbuster game till the new one . in all the nes/gb/megadrive stuff it was only ray,egon,peter no mention of him!!
Ok yes before you begin the "lies its all lies" I know as well as any body the amount of talk a 3rd ghsotbusters film has had over the past decade . From the stuff about they go to Hell and Ben Stiller would play Peter Venkman or a rookie buster , theres been plenty thrown around . We already know the original cast bar Signourey and Rick Moranis are working together for the video game which is set 2 years after gb2. But as of yesterday the web has been rife with reports all over that the 2 people who write the us version of the office have been hired to start a script. If this is true part of me feels happy ..part feels sad . If Dan Ackyrod has nothing to do with how it turns out...IM VERY SAD. Anyway , truth this time ? what do people think , Source BBC.co.uk Ghostbusters 3 'in development' Two writers from the US version of The Office have been recruited to write a third instalment of Ghostbusters, according to trade newspaper Variety. Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky's hiring is seen as a sure sign the long-mooted comedy will finally be made. Ghostbusters and its 1989 sequel saw Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis as bumbling scientists who rid New York of paranormal threats. It is hoped the new film will reunite the original cast. Columbia Pictures has declined to comment on whether a third Ghostbusters was in development, Variety reported. But director John Landis, who worked with Aykroyd on The Blues Brothers and Trading Places, has said the film would definitely be made. "I'm not involved but I know it's happening," he told the BBC News website at the Venice Film Festival. Eisenberg and Stupnitsky recently collaborated with Ramis on the script for his new film Year One. Last year the original Ghostbusters cast signed up to lend their faces and voices to a computer game based on the hit film series. The game's storyline was being written by stars Aykroyd (Ray Stantz) and Harold Ramis (Egon Spengler), who also scripted the first two films. i . hate the internet...lol...search for backing niformation on this brings loads and loads of website surrounding this with so many..different takes on it...Dan Ackyrod denied it...other says he confirmed it......Sighhhh.... i DONT think this is just another rumor , i mean somewhere i think theres a grain of truth in this . But as many sites say there are lots of stumbling blocks , such as Bill mUrrays reluctance to do another one..but willing to voice a CGI one and indeed the video game . mehhh http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2008/09/dan_akroyd_implies_that_ghostb.html here is video of DAN a few days ago being asked and he says hes heard about 2 young writers making a script. Id say he and Ernie Hudson are the youngest looking still and would be good for idoing it , So could murrary really , just hes got greyish hair. Harold Ramis is quite a bit heavier than the scrawny egon he played not sure how that would turn out . ..I know its likely a new team of busters could be trained in similar to the Extreme ghostbusters cartoon idea.
really? oh haha how odd .
id go for mario and sonic olympics , parents will proberly have a bash at it too with the kids and the kids will appreciate the sonic and mario characters they will recogonise them
i think most of the people on this board are european , i think theres a handfull of amercians butt being a europe nintendo site most are from there.
yeh i think it is going on to long , havent really seen new episodes only glimpes on youtubes but it doesnt strike me as too funny now , too much pointless celeb apperances , but at the same time you can imagine the outcry if it was cancelled