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Everything posted by DomJcg

  1. Rez thats rape and molly, i thought you were his pimp :S hence why your dad wanted you to get a proper job! rez makes you no money... I'm finished reading! essays get started tomorrow!
  2. surely? Anyways yeh, school was great all this talk of doing things makes me want to do stuff so um i'm gonna go organise something with mah friends
  3. Smooth, they broke up anyways mog, its only a few days till school starts again right?
  4. Well, as far as i can tell i'm not feeling much pain, alittle lost i suppose or something like that, maybe it hasn't sunk in or whatever. But if anything, it just feels like uni, each stands to reason as we weren't around each other as such in long distance relationships. Duh its hard and all but i;m not gonna say it was just that that did it, indifference and a lack of talking helped nail the coffin down. Jess just expressed her emotions differently, didn't voice them and i didn't ask what the problems were. It was best in the summer, as we were around each other all the time and then not at all at uni. Anyways thanks guys also http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/north_east/7584758.stm <<shetland
  5. Meh, it was going to happen i suppose, it was mutual as i was gonna bring it up when i saw her today anyways. =/ life goes on, lets not dwell
  6. When you stand are your cheeks apart the way hers are or not?
  7. ...how? seriously how? also, they just are going for the whole, shes pretty look come see the movie, and with a name like unborn i can see why
  8. It's illegal in the western world >.> thats why!
  9. Looks separated, unrealistic
  10. They didn't say fertile that much when i played...and i told her to shut up though... I don't greatly want to talk about my day
  11. It looks wrong >.<
  12. Update, eenuh's superpower is to make everything sepia.
  13. Last week was christmas... but i do understand your concerns, if you were fat and lost it, theres like more chance (due to the fat cells remaining and wanting to transfer cells into them easier) then putting it on is far easier. I'm looking to not lose weight, i'm kinda alright with myself atm, sure i can stand to be thinner, but atm, i get that way at uni. I'm looking to get fitter, i did 40 sit ups while holding weights and my stomach area killed the next day, so my objective is to gain some more muscles around there.
  14. your weight flucuates by 2 every day you know :P
  15. do you annoy him? damn socialist >.> *is pretending to be niaive when comparing socialist party to the snp, knowing thats not what they really stand for*
  16. Its my favourite show, but i've not seen the wire hmm, phail at white boxes meaning to be youtoob, how do i fix that? ty aaash
  17. "Touched like a virgin, for the very first tiiiiime"
  18. West Wing season 1 and half of season 2 Just wow, all the little things in government you didn't think mattered, what the president eats swaying voters. The senior team not wanting to offend anyone. The way they deal with each crisis is outstanding. Finally the end of season 1 had me shocked, the conclusion of it in the beginning of season 2 (the fallout if you will) was handled perfectly. cannot express my love. 10/10
  19. Um, what? theres 3 arts to it, and takes a year to master the most 'western' one, which i'm doing atm. It's easy to learn, feels great to do, but hard to string together, improves your memory (remembering the flow of things) and gently tones your body and economicises the mind and body to act as one. i loves it
  20. nice name drop there will, but i've met him too, he seems bigger in irl (serious) but yeh, him to win. Oh and coolio as i met him too
  21. The more i think about it, the more i realise daft would make a great who he dresses up amusingly, has rants, is intrigued by ... stuff others wouldn't be. But you need to save donna from her head exploding somehow, i loved her as the assitant the best imo.
  22. I do fencing two nights a week, a fitter trimmer dom if there ever was one! but now the lack of hitting things with swords has caught up with me and i need to get back to running around =[
  23. I hope to god you mentioned rawls, crazy bitch appears in anything to do with equality, justice, rights and the like. And he's always right >.> One day i'll disprove him i swear! Talking about the subjects we do is fun but not really dayish, um, ok i woke up got dressed, played guitar hero, this wow...
  24. And arnie impersonations while painting or something. PAINT EEET, PAINT EEET NAWWWWWWW
  25. In the new year my uni is stating that footnotes are to be included in the word count, i have no idea why. So i may start using harvard, imo, it looks nicer than many footnotes =]
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