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Everything posted by Zelda_Rulez

  1. According to a Capcom exec RE4: Wii will exceed it's target of 420k units. Link: http://www.reuters.com/article/consumerproducts-SP/idUSN1229896920070712 That must be good news for more support from Capcom.
  2. I only died at the miniboss with the Ball and Chain. He was tough, I couldn't figure out how to hit him at first. Didn't die at any other boss though, which was a bit disappointing.
  3. I remember Reggie saying "We also think more racers means more fun. How many more? Well, stay tuned". They didn't get back to that did they? Does this mean that you can play with a lot more people than usually in Mario Kart?
  4. Yes, that would definitely be a problem. Splitscreen wouldn't be possible as well, of course.
  5. They'll probably save it till TGS, or later. But maybe they'll surprise us and suddenly show it.
  6. Yeah, the way co op is done, the second player will get bored a lot. Maybe they'll add some extra multiplayer modes?
  7. I don't think the graphics look that great, about the same as Double Dash maybe a bit better. But this'll improve as these are probably shots from an early build.
  8. Glad to see it getting released in Europe. It looks great.
  9. After yesterday, I'm not expecting anything then. They'll just show WiiFit again I like Donkey Kong's new look, and the trailer is nice, wish it was longer though.
  10. Mario looks great, I like the Bee costume. And I'm glad it's getting released in 2007 here. At least we're getting something in the holdidays.
  11. That would be awesome.
  12. I can see them using Miis in the way Fighting Wire Frames were used in Melee.
  13. Will never happen, but if it does I'll probably get it.
  14. I was expecting that one to come back this time. It knocks people about more than the flipper, which will probably be in as well.
  15. It'll possibly be something that's known, so the real surprises will be at E3.
  16. On the 10th of August. And it's true co-op, not minigames .
  17. Let's hope it is. My wallet's getting hammered with Trauma Center being released, and some PS2 titles that I want to have. And the holidays are coming as well.
  18. I thought it was going to be Phoenix Wright until I read the Dr. part...
  19. This game was just revealed on famitsu.com Link: http://www.famitsu.com/game/news/2007/07/10/103,1184055903,74915,0,0.html It has 2 player mode, online ranking and 16:9. Screens: Since the first one hasn't been released yet in Europe, I want to try that one out first. But this one looks nice as well.
  20. I hope you can play tournament mode with multiple players. In Double Dash you could only do that with two players in one kart.
  21. Yes, they still have those games to choose from, but most of those aren't really great hits like Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros, at least to me. It seems to me they are playing their ace cards too fast after each other. I would prefer if they saved Mario Kart for 2008, for example.
  22. Where were those characters confirmed?
  23. Well, as anyone who has read the frontpage will know, Smash Bros will not be released in 2007 here, in favour of Mario Kart. I wasn't happy to hear this as Smash Bros is my most anticipated game for the Wii.
  24. I would prefer Smash Bros a lot more than Mario Kart. I'm really not happy about this news as I was hoping to see Smash in 2007.
  25. They could also do a prequel, with you playing as Mithos, Kratos and the others. But I'm guessing it's going to be another game in the Tales series, not directly connected to Symphonia.
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