I don't really appreciate (or even fully understand) this sort of statement.
--- from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/gay (Only quoting adjective definitions, because that's how you're using it.)
If you mean meanings 1-3, then yes, certainly; that's the whole point. If you mean, as I expect, meanings 5/6, then it has nothing to do with that.
I am fully aware that everyone has different opinions, based on their experiences. For me the music envokes lots of happy childhood memories of having a great deal of fun. Clearly it doesn't for you, perhaps you never played the game, but I'm bewildered as to why you'd describe it as homosexual.
For example, I've never played a Kirby game. When I look at it I just see a ludicrous pink blob with a too-happy face. However, I wouldn't describe it as "gay", because I know other people with different experiences have really enjoyed it. Indeed, you appear to have gone so far as to base your username on it. That's fine, of course; it has as little to do with homosexuality as the Sonic music.