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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. You don't. *glares*
  2. The Darkness is such a love/hate game. I absolutely hated it, yet my friend thinks its one of the best on the 360.
  3. I can do it. I give you my word.
  4. Do you want it sent to your PDA?
  5. They should totally do a 24 series during the autumn when it goes backwards. Episode 24 coming on the TV, your getting hyped for the season finale, then it hits you that the clocks are changing and theres another episode to come.
  6. Just that one image gave me an overwhelming desire to play Bioshock again. I might actually do that.
  8. /thread.
  9. Ant-Shimmin, possibly Fields. It's funny how these people keep coming back. They trash the place, but always return.
  10. It's not even because shes a woman, she's just a crap commentator who was only promoted so the BBC would look good.
  11. Firmware isn't like a book with "pages added." Lines of code are changed and lines are added. You can't pick and choose which lines of this code to read. The Freeloader simply checks what lines of the update need to be added to allow the game to run, installs them, then leaves the rest. It doesn't install everything then ignore some of it, computers can't do that.
  12. Well thats Rangers won the treble this year then. Strachans time has got to be up now. If we don't get a new manager during the summer I'm gonna be pulling my hair out.
  13. Including this one by any chance?
  14. Actually, I'm pretty sure it says on the Freeloader manual* that it only installs the necessary parts. *It's not really a manual, more a single piece of paper.
  15. Oh yeah, I've also been banned from Guild Wars for 48 hours because I made a character called "Shitty Balance" (or at least something that got around the censoring that gave that message across). To be fair, the balance was shit, and I quit like a week later.
  16. Vote:Maase Maase just causes drama in these games, unnecessarily. I don't know what to think about him, but whichever way it go's I don't really care, maybe we can concentrate on something else when hes gone.
  17. Yeah well I have 11 toes! I don't really. I don't think. Unless I learned to count wrong.
  18. I've been banned from GameFAQs a couple of times, and from several CS:S servers.
  19. I'm not ignoring the great features. I absolutely love this game. That doesn't mean I can't suggest things that could make it better. People complained that Mario Galaxy was too easy, or Halo 3's campaign was too short. Does that make them bad games? No. It just makes them games that could be improved.
  20. It seems to me like you guys are voting for Maase more because he's annoying than he is evil. Don't we have any actual info?
  21. Go to your Wii settings and change the display to 480i 60Hz. If it displays properly, it should work with Smash.
  22. You saying when you played Melee in multiplayer there was silence in the room? And unfortunately some people (i.e me) can't use Skype when using the Wii
  23. Oh right, yeah. If a PAL game comes with an update in the future it's advised that you use the Freeloader method of updating, to reduce the risk of the update blocking the Freeloader. I say reduce as it only installs components of the update necessary to run the game, eg the update in Smash Bros allowing the Wii to read dual layer discs. One of these necessary components may also block the Freeloader in the future. For now though it works perfectly fine.
  24. Deny, I've played RE:UC and Excite Truck since using the Freeloader for Smash Bros.
  25. Dunno about Cube's info, but this^ is what I'm going on.
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