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Everything posted by bart_k

  1. This is a little zelda parody. But I have to say it's a little weird. http://uploads.ungrounded.net/content.php?id=105053&name=105053_ganondorf_returns.swf&title=The%20Return%20of%20Ganondorf&date=1166158800&quality=b&uj=0&w=550&h=400
  2. "Chicken Lover" is also a great episode. It's the first one wherer cartman says: "Respect my authoritah!!" It's awesome.
  3. That's a really good one. And it's true too. "There are only 10 kin of people... People that can read binary and people that can't." "The only purpose for a soldier is making sure that bastarof the enemy dies... Because else you'll be dead." - some american general
  4. Here is my wallpaper
  5. I heard that one too, but I thought it reffered to the fact that untill like your early twenties your becoming stronger, smarter, etc. But after your early twenties it goes downhill. After that you start becoming middle-aged.
  6. your so right. I especially like "blame Canada" It's awesome.
  7. That's a more literal translation. I was looking for the word hail but it just slipped my mind. Just like salute, but that's just a matter of preference. "Te salutant" - salute you, Morituri can be translated as "we who" or "those that" and there probably some other ways to translate it. PS I never knew that Churchill was such a bastard.
  8. Well like the title says, quote your favourite historical or non-historical quote. If it is in a foreign language, please give a rough translation. I'll start myself... Veni, vidi vici - I came, I saw, I conquered - Ceasar Ave Ceasar, morituri te salutant - Ave ceaser, those that are going to die, greaet you. - Roman Gladiators Cetrum censio cartaginem delendam esse. - Further I'm of the opinion that Carthago should be destroyed. - Cicero When I'm here, death isn't. And when death is here, I'm not. - Epicures Veni, bibi, vomui - I came, I drank and I puked - Me Cetrum censio sabaiam bibendam esse. - Further I'm of the opinion that this beer should be drunk. PS Sorry 'bout the last two
  9. I agree with you on passion of the jew, that really was a great episode. Especially where Stan and Kenny went to get there money back. But I have to say that the towlie episode is rubbish. It's one of the few I didn't like all that much alongside "the jeffersons" and some others.
  10. Realising that from the moment we are born, were actually dying already. It might sound a little morbid, but it just is the truth.
  11. Star Wars Episode 3, I still like the series.
  12. Well I'm 18 and I still watch a lot of cartoons like cow and chicken from cartoon network. For some reason I've got this strange urge to collect. Like for instance the time when I collecte desktop icons. At one point my total number of unique desktop icons was over 50k. I'm 18 and I don't like alcohol (someone please call a psychiatrist.
  13. Okay this is a little strange. Usually parents want their kids to become lawyers or surgeons. This is the first time I've seen someone who wanted their kid to become a video game legend with a big mustache.
  14. I remember some good times with Super Mario World. Especially trying to get to every level via evey possible route. Especially the special in the star world was great.
  15. Ah some more nostalgia. I've played this game 5 times to the end, but it is still a great game. Even though it's poorer quality than gamecube titles, this is still my number 2 game of all time. And if there is any game, I would have a non-gamer play than it would be this game.
  16. Well I don't own any handhelds but I lend a GBA with some games from friend of min once. SNES - A Link to the Past N64 - Ocarina of Time (allthough mario 64 is very close) Gamecube - Tales of Symphonia Gameboy - Link's Awekening Gameboy Color - Oracle of Seasons/Ages Gameboy Advance - Golden Sun. As you can probably see I like Zelda a lot, but on almost every console/handheld after every zelda there is a list of rpg's that come very close. For instance on the SNES Talesof Phantasia was very good. But there are a lot of other good rpg's too.
  17. I bought this game a few days after it was released. It was fun but the single player was far to short and to easy. I beat it in a couple of days. There is one good thing about this game. You can pick it up at any time and play a level. I still like to get the fire rod, get in formation and burn everything in my path.
  18. I'm not a big fan of the star fox series especially star fox adventures was rubbish. The only real good one was the first star fox (aka Star wing). After that it went downhill. At least that's what I think.
  19. Thanx for the quick reply
  20. The episode about the ninja's was good too. Allthough they were a little rough on Butters in that specific episode.
  21. It's a good thread on some other forums I've been to it works very nicely to get to know the newbies.
  22. Well, this thread is for a liitle nostalgia. What was the first game you ever played. Was it good or was it bad? For it was "the legend of zelda - link's awakening" for the gameboy. I first played it when I was 7, but I finished it for the first time when I was 10. Sincen then I have played it about 6 times to the end. And I still think it is one of the best zelda's.
  23. This game has already been released in America and on some sites I see that it should be released in europe too, but on others they say it won't be released here. Does anybody know the truth, because the first part was a really great game.
  24. Probably my rarest would be darkened skye but lost kingdms I and II aren't that common either. Got Phantasy star III too ( too bad I haven't got 1&2, they are way better) Oh and maybe skies of arcadia legends, but not sure about that one PS does Baten Kaitos count as rare.
  25. Well I've got quite a few if I say so myself. Tales of symphonia Skies of Arcadia Legends Ocarina of Time - Original + Master Quest Baten Kaitos Lost Kingdoms I Lost Kingdoms II Prince of Persia Trilogy Fire Emblem 1080 Avalanche Paper Mario - Thousand Year Door Super Smash Bros Zelda Four Swords Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles LotR - The third age Spynx and the cursed mummy Wind Waker Darkened Skye Mario Kart - Double Dash Goblin Commander LotR - two towers LotR - Return of the King Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 Sonic Heroes Rogue Squadron Mario sunshine Gameboy player disc Super monkey ball Star Wars Jedi Outcast Phantasy Star Online III Star Fox Adventures Turok Pikmin 2 Wario World
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