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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. So what's their excuse for not putting this up for preorder?
  2. Retweet if you support bringing Yakuza 5 for PS3 to North America, Europe and Australasia! #bringyakuzawest http://pic.twitter.com/am5cwblOoh
  3. Like/share the image on Facebook and use the hashtag #bringyakuzawest when discussing on Twitter. Use these details to tip off your favourite blogs, websites and news feeds and make sure to mention we have over 1200 likes in under 24 hours and it's still climbing. From the good people at Yakuza Fan!
  4. Micro Machines!
  5. Is it not possible to pick up and throw thugs in combat anymore?
  6. Played a few games at Expo, wasn't impressed. Low res Xbox ports, basically..
  7. Really don't know if I want to keep hold of this game or not. But is it worth selling/trading for only £10?
  8. Hopefully I can grab one at EuroExpo this weekend and eBay it..
  9. Seems to be a minor bug. It will appear again soon after loading something off the XMB/playing a game. iPlayer and other channels have dedicated download apps now too. 4OD and ITV still launch out of the browser though..
  10. TV section of the XMB has disappeared with the new firmware. Which is weird..
  11. Two things I don't like: 1. Why is it a timed demo? 2. Why can't you play as Modern Sonic?
  12. Themes and avatars, no. Only games.
  13. What I'll do is start the download before I go to bed then set the Slim to turn off when they're finished.
  14. You'd have to be a sucker to buy that.
  15. Before the end of the month is their target to the Store back.
  16. Yeah, I would of thought so. If you (or someone else) tried to change your password again, you'd have to supply your current password to accept a new one. Since your new password would be different than the one that was leaked (theoretically what a hacker would use to try and intercept your account) you shouldn't have any problems.
  17. Already had that step prepared before the service came online. Go me!
  18. Not complex enough in the first place.
  19. Ryan

    Killzone 3

    Thanks Choze! Ordered..
  20. There's never been a date announced, ever. All they've said is some rollouts should start "this week". In my book that means, Sunday night latest.
  21. http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2011-05-03-24-6-million-soe-accounts-potentially-compromised Update: Only 900 cards still active
  22. No-one gives a flying fuck!
  23. That's a relief.: peace:
  24. Since the Store won't be up immediately, am I right in thinking I can't redeem the online code for Mortal Kombat to play online? Unless it's done through the game itself, Warner should 'switch it off' temporarily if that's not the case..
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