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Everything posted by SirBaron

  1. Some people are really too stupid! I could understand if it was a super enhanced cable which made all games run at 1080P by some form of magic... but £78 for a component cable? Some people!
  2. Nice pics! I'd upload mine, but i need 15 posts... can't be too far off now
  3. Well this game has the Classic controller and the GC pad icons... I think you have to hold one of the shoulder buttons on the GC pad when loading one of the Virtual Console games to select the GC pad as the primary control.
  4. Me, my sister, mum and my dad played wiisports for about 3 hours. They played on my sisters Wii before i woke up too for quite abit. They love the system, and now my mum wants one :lol:. Soon there will be 3 Wii's in the house :bleh:
  5. My arms are feeling pretty strange. However i did play quite alot of Wii games yesterday, plus today so far. Is it bad for your arms? Or is it basically just a slow exercise... i mean we all know how exercising can hurt your joints if they are rusty :p.
  6. I find the game to be pretty good, graphics are better then what i expected. Controls do take some learning but overall are pretty cool to play with. Especially zooming in and out, how cool is that?! Glad i got this game, was abit worried with all the reviews on it.
  7. Yep, just noticed this my self 10 mins ago, Very nice! One feature i didn't expect but am really really happy to see . Especially for games you can't save in .
  8. This is the stuff being picked at the moment. Nintendo Wii Console - White + Wii Sports The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess Red Steel Rayman Raving Rabbids Super Monkey Ball - Banana Blitz Wii Play - Includes Wii Remote Wii Nunchuk The Classic controller, extra wiimote + component cables are the ones still on preorder. Man i can't wait .
  9. Same here, except for 3 items... Component cable (NOOOOOO! Hopefully it won't TOO bad on my 92" screen ). The wiimote, and classic controller, however i still get a wiimote with WiiPlay which is being picked too
  10. Yeah, same here. But i think it's mainly because people keep making threads going "if i order today will i get one on launch? Seeing how it says despatch date today"
  11. Long time lurker... decided to join :bleh: ANYWHO! I checked 10 mins ago and have yet to have any status change from gameplay, or money taken out. I ordered a hour after Preorders went live too . Hopefully they are just too busy, and will send it off anyway. With some component cables too with abit of luck
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