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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. good stuff thread.

    I hope his first name wasn't Robbin. That would make it less awesome.
  2. No, I always tried to kill everyone. EVERYONE!!!!!! F-Zero GX is such a great game. The story mode made me destroy one of my controllers. I've never done all the missions on very hard. I suck.
  3. Björk

    The thrill of fear thought I'd never admit it the thrill of fear now greatly enjoyed with courage. Björk makes me
  4. Funny Stuff Thread

    Chris Rock is hilarious. "Fellas, when you wake up in the mornin' you should look yourself in the mirror and say: 'Fuck you!'"
  5. good stuff thread.

    I love you. In three weeks I'll start an apprenticeship to become an Air Traffic Controller. Moving away, meeting lots of new people. It's going to be awesome. Will be able to see my girlfriend only on the weekends, but that's not too much of a change since she's at university and working pretty much every second from Mondays-Fridays. In two hours Dallas Mavericks will play the first match against Miami Heat in the NBA Final and I'll be able to watch it via NBA.de And I'm drinking beer. Good times.
  6. Fitness 2011

    I'm gonna say the same thing as Daft, JonSt and Raining: That's great. And doing that without going to the gym? Even more impressive. You've been very disciplined for a year. There aren't a lot of people who can do this. You can and should be proud.
  7. Heroes of Ruin 3DS ( S-E+N-Space )

    Looks like Torchlight, which is a good thing. The only component sounds awesome, too. It stays on my radar.
  8. Friendship.

    4 years ago, when I was still at school, there were people I called 'friends'. Now they are just people I know. We don't do things together anymore. Maybe once every 2 or 3 months. But I don't really care, to be honest. They talked a lot of shit about me which I found out. It doesn't bother me that much to say that I hate them and don't want anything to do with them but it's still something I can't ignore. Had a 'best friend' once but he screwed up a lot of things. Since then I haven't trusted anyone (besides my girlfriend of course). As it seems I don't have 'friends' (that sounds really sad ). The only person I really like (love, actually :p) is my girlfriend. Other than that I have kind of a mate thing going on. We meet up once every two or three weeks, have gaming sessions and talk about a lot of things. He opens up to me and sometimes I tell him something personal - but not too personal.
  9. Foreign Music

    The main reason I post this is to find out what people in other countries think of German music. This wouldn't be a good foundation for a lasting thread so I decided to generalize it. I don't like German music. Mainly because I really don't like our language (in comparison to others, like English :p). But there is one band I like: Ohrbooten - An Alle Ladies Audio Ohrbooten - Bewegung Audio Seldom there are tracks by foreign musicians that I like. It's mostly the language barrier that puts me off. So, what do you think of foreign music? Can you enjoy it even if you don't understand the language? Do you hate it?
  10. Funny Stuff Thread

    I can't stop laughing. Why does the horse run like that? Not that this is the only thing that's off in this video...
  11. Funny Stuff Thread

    I love Gaki No Tsukai Batsu Games Edit: Here's a version with subtitles (English lesson starts at 03:10) It's better when you know the cast. I've seen pretty much every "Do Not Laugh Batsu Game", and it's so funny. Especially if you try not to laugh, as well. Nearly impossible
  12. good stuff thread.

    Pics or it didn't happen. lol Just had a "quick" play through of Pandemonium. I was 8 or 9 when I first played (and completed!!!) it. Now it took me 3 hours - not kidding - to beat the last level before the final boss. But hey, reliving the past is awesome. No idea how I was able to beat it 12 years ago...
  13. good stuff thread.

    Got 117€ for my festival ticket. Good result Way better than expected. Today I'll go to the oral surgeon to get the stitches taken out. Hopefully I'll be able to play football again tonight. And: The sun is shining. It's a beautiful day.
  14. good stuff thread.

    The highest bid for the festival ticket I put on ebay is now at 76€. At least I got half the price. 9 Hours to go. Hopefully it will be 100€ in the end. The tickets aren't sold out so 100 would be good and then I can take my gilrfriend out to dinner
  15. bad stuff thread.

    Put a festival ticket (bought for 150€) on ebay, 'cause I can't go. 17 hours left. Still only 1 bid at 1€. What the hell? If I don't get at least 100€ for it I'll be pissed.
  16. The N-Europe Dream Journal 2011!

    My dream last night was great (although probably boring to read :p) I walked through the streets while some kind of riot was going on. People smashing windows in, setting cars on fire and beating/killing each other. All to the sound of this: Audio It's been a long time since I've heard this song. Pure awesomeness that it was the background music for my dream.
  17. House MD

  18. House MD

    Well, I couldn't resist...started watching the first Epsiode of Season 7. I know I'm gonna watch it again (possibly more than once) when it's out on DVD, so why should I wait, right?
  19. Misheard Movie/Song Lines

    I actually hear "You're a peanut butter cello forever" ooooooooor
  20. PC Gaming Discussion

    R.U.S.E. and The Settlers 7 are for sale on Steam (20€ each). Anyone care to tell me if one of them is good?
  21. Terraria

    It runs fine on my netbook (well, it's an Acer Aspire 1800tz, so a bit better than the usual netbooks).
  22. Terraria

    Lots more items/resources, lots more monsters, bosses. Items include accessoires (e.g. Cloud in a Bottle - let's you double jump; Rocket Boots - let's you fly at the cost of mana...oh yeah, there's mana), weapons (swords, magic, guns), the usual set of tools, and more. Different areas in the game, like dungeons (strong monsters, rarer items), floating islands (not much content there, yet, will change), and more. Yes, it's more action based and fast paced. Still, it's an early release. Many changes and new features to come (hopefully). Edit: If you don't mind spoiling the experience go to the Terraria Wiki. Incomplete and not very precise so far, but it'll work.
  23. Terraria

    Finally someone. Molten armor is awesome. For the bosses you just have to have enough potions. Then it's a peace of cake. You might also try to get the Phoenix Blaster with Meteor Shots. Incredible gun which helps a lot with Eye of Cthulhu and Skeletron. The update today is great, mainly because: It shouldn't be compared to Minecraft. Yes, they do have similarities but they both have their emphasis on different aspects. Terraria is more about exploration and less about building and with Minecraft it's the other way round. Terraria is a 2D sidescroller. You mine stuff, you craft stuff, you explore stuff, you fight stuff and you build stuff. If that's your cup of tea then you might give it a go.
  24. Tell me now: Did Danger release his EPs on CD or just Vinyl?

  25. The N-Europe Dream Journal 2011!

    Phallic symbols ftw.