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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Will start Bioshock again - for the 700th time - today. Determined to finally play through it.
  2. The Jelly Bean Mafia

    Yeah yeah it was me, sorry :p
  3. Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag

    Couldn't get into AC3, because of the setting. Didn't appeal to me so I quit playing after 5 hours and read how the story plays out (which wasn't nearly as good as I hoped...). This however looks sweet and I'm glad I pre-ordered it for 10€
  4. Metal Gear Solid 15 Years On

    Amazing, let's go.
  5. Fifa indoor matches. And not like in Fifa Street. I want a next gen Fifa with indoor matches. NOW.
  6. PlayStation 4 Console Discussion

    Sorry, I have no idea. Never tried, probably will never try.
  7. PlayStation 4 Console Discussion

    I read that many people have trouble with that. No idea why... Just install motionjoy, plug in the controller, select "emulate Xbox 360 controller" and boom, there you go. Never had any problems.
  8. DIY

    Yeah, this really helps. My laptop was broken so I searched for help on youtube. Anyway, I have to agree with @Mr_Odwin
  9. PlayStation 3 Console Discussion

    Ah, Kingdom's of Amalur. Remember that game. Might give it another go sometime, because it actually is quite fun, but comes down to button mashing rather than equipment stats and that's when it gets tedious. Never finished it because of that. Was really disappointed that this game didn't sell so well and its developers had to shut down.
  10. PlayStation 3 Console Discussion

    Use folders :p Just played a bit of Corpse Party and damn, it already is quite scary But it has to be played with headphones!
  11. Metal Gear Solid 15 Years On

    My favourite video game series. 10 years ago my best mate showed me MGS2 Sons of Liberty. I wasn't too impressed with the game. A year later MGS Twin Snakes was released. I bought it to give the series a shot. I fell in love. Years have past, games have been played, MGS2, MGS3, Peace Walker...And then came MGS4. My first PS3 game. It has so far been the only game that made me shed tears. Manly tears.
  12. PlayStation 3 Console Discussion

    Will get Corpse Party, too. Heard that is has a really good story. And I hate that Harvest Moon isn't available in Germany -.-
  13. One Piece: Kaizoku Musou (Pirate Warriors)

    Interested in the first game. It's 30€ at Amazon and now that I've started to watch the anime again...is this game any good? What about the story? I've watched up until the Eneru saga years ago when it was aired in Germany. Now I'm starting from scratch, watching subbed episodes. Will playing this game spoiler anything for me after the Eneru saga?
  14. PlayStation 3 Console Discussion

    Grandia. For 3.50€. I was cleaning my room this morning and found my copy of Grandia and I thought "you have to play that again". Now on sale. Might get this to play on my PSVita.
  15. The Jelly Bean Mafia

    Took a bean from the bag. Still confused about that Jimbob/ReZ situation. Both Jimbob and me apparently got different results when investigating ReZ. No reason to think Jimbob (as he was town) was lying that ReZ is mafia, and I would vote ReZ if there wasn't that "confirmation" I got that he is town Maybe there's a bean that disguises someone for one night/eat phase?
  16. Grand Theft Auto 5

    I still need any kind of confirmation on this DLC region lock and cut/uncut version issue.
  17. @Daft you seem to have a nice understanding of relationships, people, life, the universe and everything. You should be in a relationship.
  18. Don't want to be the pessimist but this realization is what made me end my very first relationship. It took me almost a year to finally understand that she (the extrovert) was pretty much the exact opposite of me (the introvert). If I met a girl like her now, I'd say there is a chance we would make a good couple, since I'm much more open than I have been. Alright, I can live with that :p
  19. Well, sorry then, I misunderstood you. You still sound like a cynic, though. :p Or maybe you had bad experiences. Don't know, don't care. I understand what you mean, though. Clingy people suck. Yup, this! Somehow I think that for you, The Bard, it might be difficult to find the right balance, or rather the person who shares the same idea of balance as you do, but that's just my experience with girls, couples and relationships. And that's the reason why you appear to be so cynical to me. Sorry, it's nothing personal.
  20. I agree, personal space is as important as being together. I would hate if I had a girlfriend and she wouldn't stop telling me about every second of her day and asking me about mine. I also hate clingy people (like my first ex). But a bit of everything is fine and actually necessary. Maybe I misunderstood @The Bard but to me it doesn't seem like he meant sharing every single thing, spending every waking second together. It appears to me that he just hates (? too strong) all the little things that make a good relationship, and you have to be a blind cynic not to accept that talking - sometimes about the little things - and spending time together makes 90% of relationships - if not more - successful. You just have to find a balance. If, however, you find a girl who doesn't bother you, and is only there for sex and nothing else, fine. You may think you're a lucky guy. No idea how you came from "enjoy spending time with each other and enjoy hearing about the little things that happen in their significant other's life" to "use me as a repository for trivia like what cereal they had for breakfast that morning or what they bought at the mall. [...] I don't understand wanting to be around someone all the time"
  21. No, pretty much every couple I've seen is in a relationship because they like/love their partner, they enjoy spending time with each other and enjoy hearing about the little things that happen in their significant other's life. Why are you so cynical about relationships and others being in one?
  22. Road Not Taken

    Supposed to be a roguelike-like puzzle game. I'm in!
  23. Contrast

    Looked awesome until that floaty jumping girl showed up.
  24. General Book Thread

    Yeah, you should apologize, your post sucked. :p Nah, thanks I actually know nothing about chess except for what each pieces' moves are. Never even played against a human opponent. Currently, all I can say is that I'd love to know about chess, but don't want to play it (yet). My System seems like a good choice.
  25. Rayman Legends

    Done with all the levels. a bit longer a bit longer a bit longer Need to farm 500k lums now and 1.8k awesomeness points. Only way to do the former is play levels. And the way to do the latter is play challenges. And unless I'm a god at every fucking challenge and can get a lot of Diamond trophies, this will take months... So I guess...Platinum?