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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. Yeah so I should probably play this again. It's been three weeks already... Fantastic free update and completely out of the blue. Glad Nintendo are still supporting this game, this update is really, really good.
  2. It has been almost seven months since we've had a proper direct. What is the "recently" you speak of...?
  3. Oh man that was hard to watch, especially Chavo and Vicky speaking about Eddie. I still remember both their deaths like it was yesterday. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Resetera isn’t / aren’t hoping for a direct, it’s / they’re DEMANDING one 😂 If one doesn’t get announced today it will be the BIGGEST most obscene outrage since 12.31pm.
  5. Sorry for the audio issues on my end this week, new sound setup and still getting used to it.
  6. I'm working, but I'm going to open my gates if you want to have a wander. Edit: was about to express my disappointment at the same song being repeated regardless of the time of day. The other games had different tunes for each hour. Seems like it's intentional at the beginning of the game. So tired of that song now https://www.gamerevolution.com/guides/640078-animal-crossing-new-horizons-music-not-changing-fix-same-song
  7. Pretty sure you need to become friends in the game first by visiting / receiving people. Open your town and see if anyone stops by. Alternatively, go to the airport and see if anyone has their town open.
  8. Fish net hide-and-seek ninja deathmatch? I'm IN.
  9. I actually live in another country (btw), in a major city (btw) and there is nothing like there is in the U.K. My mum is on the "front line" as it were. I'm sure what she's saying: "everyone is pouring in and it never ends" is not just a few isolated idiots. If you want to get pedantic, let's say "a lot of people" are doing this, rather than everyone. Still doesn't change the fact that a lot of people are behaving like animals, without any consideration for anyone else. Stores selling more than at Christmas and New Year suggests that there are a LOT of people doing this. I usually go to the supermarket two or three times a week, so going once a week means I need to buy more. Hence, I stocked up more than I usually would, because going 3 times a week is not exactly ideal, for me or for others. The fewer people there, the better. Yet, our stores are fully stocked. Wonder why that is? Nothing in the news about panic buying except for the first day the lock-down was announced. I went two days later and it was fine. Sorry for being self-righteous and judgemental, but what is going on in the U.K, collectively, is fucking insane, and is absolutely not being repeated on a similar scale across the globe.
  10. It's a shame. The UK is supposed to be a beacon of liberty across the world and I genuinely appreciated Boris' attempts to not go in this direction. Unfortunately, people seem to have forgotten that liberty and freedom comes with responsibility. I've been to the supermarket twice since the lock-down started. First time was two days after the announcement, the shelves were full, distance markers on the floors. Two days ago, the only thing I couldn't buy was onions. Not quieter or busier than usual. Hand sanitiser at the entrance, single use gloves for the trolleys and baskets. Now Waitrose, thousands of feral customers queuing up at opening, filling up trolleys with everything they can get their hands on, no-one respecting distancing regulations and no hand sanitiser at the entrance, it was all given to the NHS (lovely gesture, but what about people who work in supermarkets? Surely the NHS should have ample supply?) It has been like this for almost 10 days. So I asked my mum to quit her job yesterday. My dad has high blood pressure and diabetes, takes a ton of medication. If she gets it, he gets it, and then he's finished. Seeing the behaviour of people in the supermarkets makes me think it's inevitable. Like I said, people only give a shit about themselves and it's revolting. 10 days of this. This isn't an isolated bunch of idiots. This is everyone. I haven't bought anything I haven't needed for the following week or two. Maybe I've stocked up a little more than I would to cut down on trips (5 onions instead of 2, for example), but I'm not buying a month's supply of food. I'll pick a time when there'll likely be fewer people and buy what I need.
  11. The rest of the world manages to behave better than this. The U.K. is seriously sick. People only think about themselves. My mum works in a supermarket and people have been fighting, arguing and buying everything they can, the whole store is emptied every day. The whole world is scared, but where else do you scenes like this? America, maybe. Not many other places. Exactly the same with the situation in the pubs. The Prime Minister has constantly called for people to stay off the streets (which I actually respect, instead of using force) and a number of people have let themselves, and society, down. It's embarrassing.
  12. Might be a good idea. Pretty pricey for me - 94 bells. Haven't bought any yet.
  13. Great fun tonight guys. @drahkon going down before I could even hit him with the net.
  14. I'll throw a vote to either Axiom Verge and Ori and the blind Forest
  15. Ah that explains it then. Only set up the tent about half an hour ago.
  16. Well I've hit the wall and done everything I can. Airport won't open until tomorrow, can't really craft any more tools (I can't get a shovel for some reason...), I'm trapped on a small island, a forked river cuts 2/3 of my island off from me and I can't find a recipe for / buy the tool to get across. Still, managed to get over three hours of playtime out of it. Graphics are really impressive, I love the way everything changes in the sunset. This is the perfect game for isolation, couldn't have come at a better time. I hope I'll be able to venture out tomorrow and visit some of your islands. I have apples by the way. Picked a map and stuck with it, haven't bothered resetting and probably won't bother now, I like my island's layout.
  17. Pro tip: craft numerous leaf umbrellas from weeds and sell each one for double the price the 15 weeds give you.
  18. I don’t have the city tripper... any alternative?
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