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About taiomi

  • Birthday 07/05/1990

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  • 3DS Friend Code
    0920 0357 1402
  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    3DS Friend Code -0920 0357 1402
  • PSN ID
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taiomi's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Hey everyone I am sure this is not the right page but I have been playing smash since 64 and would love to play with some new people when it is out next month! Please DM me your Friend Code and feel free to add me! 0920-0357-1402 PS - If you have a spare code , I love to play the demo! Have a great evening guys and girls! Thanks Phube for the code. Cant wait to get SMASHING
  2. Please feel free to give a brother some love will add you back just let me know! 0920 0357 1402
  3. Anyone on at the moment who fancies playing at 8pm?
  4. Always keep your games thats what I say I was so close to throwing snatcher on the Sega CD away when I was a kid but I kept it. It now goes for silly money! @yesteryeargames all the signed stuff were from HMV events in london and the blue PS1 was from Cash converters. I have got some amazing stuff in there over the past year its always worth popping in to see what they have. That PS1 was 16.99 its usually goes on ebay for £300/500! I also got a copy of the original print ICO for 99p NIntendo 3DS Playstation 1 XBOX 360
  5. Me! (Looking a TAD too serious!) I saw someone post an amazing Blu ray/DVD collection so I thought why not! (Mine as you can see pales in comparison!)
  6. That is an amazing collection! @yesteryeargames I am so jealous of all the boxed consoles and carts! I got the Zelda tins at the Wii launch event back in 2006! Debug PS1 PSP Collection Parrapa + Ape Escape
  7. HI everyone! I had a search on the forums to see if this had been done already and I couldn't see any threads based around this. I thought it would be cool to show the wonderful n-europe members what your personal collections looked like. Lets make this beautiful Gamecube Collection Mega Drive Games Hand Held/Boxed Games and Controllers MGS 4 Sleeve Signed by Hideo Kojima, Lead Artist Yoji Shinkawa and Motion Capture & seiyu for Raging Raven in the Japanese Version Kimi Kikuchi. I also have the same sleeve that's not signed. Wii Collection (Signed Mario Strikers and Galaxy) Twilight Princess Limited Tin x2 Smash = Best Game Ever? Signed FF12 Lots more to come!
  8. Please feel free to add me guys -0920 0357 1402 At me so I know to add you too! Last AC game I played was on the GC some I am a little rusty!
  9. @ Wes Agreed!
  10. cool I added you!
  11. Banging! add me on facebook! Search Taiwo omisore cool!
  12. any of you girls and girls have it? Peace and love!
  13. paper mario repping the euro VC Nothing but good times!
  14. It is a great pad but playing super mario world on it is near impossible! Its perfect for games like Sonic mega collection, streets of rage 1/2 donkey konga 1/2.......?
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