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Everything posted by www.n64fan.co.nr

  1. ...............touche
  2. its a shame really. here's hoping that the new banjo kazooie will be as good as the n64 version
  3. They scrapped it but still put the feature in Tooie, in that you collected BK carts. To be honest its not the big "thing" everyone was hoping for and still trying to find. I'd understand if it opened up new levels etc but from what I can tell, it only added a few extra moves/items etc. Not really that exciting.
  4. Must admit that the basic game engine was a lot better in PD but the level design wasnt as strong. I have recently gone back to Goldeneye and I think another major success of this game is just the fact that it is so simple and uncomplicated. Realism definately improves a game. I think aliens would be a lot better if they were more human like (i.e startrek). I am waiting in anticipation for the next PD game to be produced by Rare, as they are starting to get back on form and should have hopefully listened to the fans criticisms.
  5. If you let us know what games you currently have, I can let you know of any others you may want to consider getting
  6. I am 1000% in agreement with Zechs Merquise. he basically summed up how the majority of people feel about the two games. The thing that really got on my nerves was how crap PDZero was! I was so looking forward to playing a next gen PD, but the game was just rubbish. It didnt feel like PD! I think the whole alien thing is just stupid as well. I'd rather shoot people in a game rather then aliens as it makes it a lot more believeable. I think this was another thing that made Goldeneye better. Plus every guys dream is to be James Bond. In Goldeneye you get to do just that.
  7. This game was excellent. N64 was such an innovative system. The game was well ahead of its time. The only problem was that it was too ambitious for the limitations of the N64. But still, very enjoyable and certainly something very different to other games.
  8. All games made by Rare and Nintendo for the N64
  9. The cardboard cases were a stupid idea. It encouraged you to just chuck it away, along with all manuals etc. Nintendo were just cheap! mind you, I dont blame them considering the manufacture price of cartridges back then
  10. I think the music from Banjo-Kazooie was really catchy and cheered me up when playing. The way it stayed the same but kind of changed depending on what area of Gruntildas lair you were in was complete genius.
  11. WOW!!! I can't wait to get home tonight to try this. It looks amazing!!!
  12. I think the new look game is something that has to happen. Every game needs to evolve in order to keep up to date with the latest trends. Woud you rather Banjo looked like he did in the N64 version? Zelda is a prime example of a game trying something different. If developers dont experiment then we'll all just end up playing the same games but with slight differences to levels. I must admit I was starting to worry about Rare but they seem to be getting back on track. I think the initial games they released should be ignored as I'm pretty sure they were totally rushed to get these ready for the 360 launch. Now the machine has launched they will be allowed to develop their games till they are 100% happy. This is looking to be the case with Viva Pinata. Microsoft need to lay off Rare and give them the time that they need, just like Nintendo did.
  13. I think Turok 2 ws pretty awesone. The graphics were amazing. I just remember it got a bit tiresome and the levels were too big. In the end i just gave up with this half way through. Still, this is probably the best Turok game that was realeased. Far better than Turok 1.
  14. Basically the best games that were released for the Nintendo 64 were platformers and fps. The pad is ideal for these kinds of games. When you have a pad with a great design such as the N64 one and a game made just to suit the pad then you are onto a massive winner. Can the same be said for any Xobx or Playstation pads/games?
  15. Imagine this being re-released but with a bigger multiplayer! being able to play this over the internet against 7 other people would be amazing! And a real opportunity for me to showcase my excellent Goldeneye skills lol.
  16. Considering all the other great game threads that have been set up in this forum, I felt that I just had to start one for the greatest game ever made. I remember wasting a whole year on this whielst I was at school! the multiplayer was just class, and the single player missions were so enjoyable to play and constantly come back to. I dont think any other game has ever been as complete and accomplished as this.
  17. The N64 pad is stilll to this day the best pad ever made. very comfortable with all the buttons in easily accessible places. You always felt you were in control
  18. Banjo-Kazooie is probably the best platformer I have ever played. I recently went back and played it all again and it is just a pure masterpiece. The Rare-Nintendo alliance just meant that 100% pure quality games were being released every 6 months or so on the N64. I never understood why everyone really liked click clock wood though. I found that level to be a good idea, but not as much fun to play as the other ones. My fav level probably has to be the the one with the giant ship (rusty bucket bay?). def the hardest! Also really enjoyed the final battle against Gruntilda.
  19. I am currently playing thorough this game. It is entertaining but I think it does start to get tedious. You basically have to play each level 5 seperate times with each of the 5 characters so that you can get everything. plus a lot of the bannanas are earned for doing basically the same thing but with a different character. I think Banjo-Kazooie was the best Rare platformer. Maybe this should have taken some lessons from that. In saying that though, I still enjoy playing Donkey Kong.
  20. Im sure Turok was originally £80-£90 when it first launched. Its funny now how you can pick most of these N64 games up on ebay or gamestation for about £2-£3 each! I've recently been going back and buying all the N64 games I didnt bother with back in the day because they were just too expensive
  21. I managed to get one of these but didnt no way pay that for it. THink i paid about £7 for it. there are websites out there that still sell them for this price. Just not sure of the urls
  22. I was kind of attepmting to do this, but ended up just making a fansite. If anyone is interested in looking at it you can find it at the same site as my username
  23. I really liked bomberman 64. That was slated by the magazines, but I thought was a really enjoyable game. Mission Impossible was just utter pony. I honestly cannot believe that anyone enjoyed playing that game!
  24. To be honest I never see the fascination with owning the original box etc. As far as I am concerned, as long as the game works then that’s all you need. I’d rather have paid the £7, then the £27!
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