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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Saddest death I've read about in a long time. So many tributes all over the internet from Nintendo fans to gaming fans in general. This weeks MK8 League is going to be dedicated to him with us all racing as his Mii. I think as many of us should take part as possible. RIP Iwata.
  2. I'll be sure to have my recording going for this one.
  3. Would it be a nice idea to get a Iwata Mii and all race as that too?
  4. I put together a short video of some Splats I made earlier today. I really love the Inkzoopa
  5. So USA gets Roller Coasters vs Water Slides and we get Eating vs Sleeping. They get the choice between two different theme park rides that everyone either likes or doesn't and we get two choices that we all have to do to stay alive. Come on Nintendo, at least give us something better than this.
  6. Do you need group 1 photos@The_Mole? I was recording and can get them. I thought it was a great night of racing. Seemed very even and a blast to play. Great Kart too.
  7. And I had a quick go with it and it's pretty good. Not the fastest but a good setup.
  8. Cool, just preordered that bundle. Can't wait to see what crazy levels people start to come up with.
  9. I like the idea of random grow if we get enough people.
  10. Absolutely. Great race. Amazing start by the Williams drivers. Then the last leg was just fantastic to watch. The changing weather in the last part really made that race great. Perfect pit stop by Hamilton to change tires.
  11. What a bad night. Got disconnected right before the first race of GP1, then right before the last race of GP3. Then in the ones I did race, I just couldn't get anywhere. I had used the combo before hand and was doing fine, I realised it was the 200cc mode doing me in. I haven't touched it in a while. Here are points before the disconnect.
  12. I played some too earlier and and quite liked the Tower Control game. As has been said, I do hope that there are more options on what we can play in the big update coming. I want to be able to chose what game I want to play with friends not rely on just Turf Wars or Splat Zones/Tower Control.
  13. Idea for this theme was to get as much speed as possible. So the tracks are ones that have long straights or not a lot of corners. Heavy character and kart set for speed.
  14. Just played this since getting it. I absolutely love it. The style is simply gorgeous. It plays pretty relaxed and not too hard. Just got all the goodies on 1-1 too. Decided to scan all the amiibo I had to see how many of them would give Yoshi an alternate skin, and it seems that all the Smash ones but pokemon do. they just give a 'Amiibo Yoshi'. Also great when I scanned my Splatoon ones and they worked too.
  15. If you are into LotR sets, I suggest either An Unexpected Gathering or the Tower of Orthanc. these are my two favourite sets.
  16. I saw two Little Mac's in Game today. On the shelf. In the wild. They also had quite a few of the latest wave on the shelf too. It seems this restock was pretty good.
  17. Thanks to the recent influx/restock, I now have a full up to date/released Smash Amiibo set. Yet to be opened The opened ones
  18. Rough night for me in group one. Never finished higher than 4th (though that was good) but got robbed on Animal Crossing when I was in second on the last corner and everyone seemed to pass me. It really is close from 3rd downwards in this group.
  19. Got my backup set from Nintendo this morning and the packaging was as great as always.
  20. Four more added to my collection. And Shulk and Dedede have been put up on Game.co.uk if anyone needs them. (If they are still up)
  21. Just received my Zero Suit Samus this morning from ShopTo. Has anyone heard from the Nintendo store on orders being shipped out yet?
  22. Had a few dispatch emails from ShopTo this morning. Not sure if they will be here today or not.
  23. That's how I started, now I have all but 2 currently released Smash ones. The Splatoon ones and am getting the Yoshi yarn one. I want the Animal Crossing ones too.
  24. Strange night for me. One race I was top three, the next was bottom three, rinse and repeat the whole night. Fun night though. Kart combination wasn't too bad. Not a great cornerer though.
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