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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Absolutely loved this animation, it's just so Nintendo and Pokemon.
  2. The Meltan special research is active. I’m on part three right now
  3. Started playing this now, so much nostalgia. Loving it so far. Already caught a wild Pikachu. Just entered Pewter city and healed up my Pokèmon and left it there for now. Love seeing the Pokèmon just wondering around on the screen as opposed to “hiding” in the long grass, adds so much more. Finding just holding on joycon to feel weird right now but I’m sure that will pass.
  4. Meh. Either way I have the game downloading to my Switch now. If I can afford to get the ball soon I’ll get it. If not, no biggie.
  5. In that case I’ll probably get it digitally and maybe one day get the pokeball separately. Mew would be nice to have but I can live without him for now. I have a 100% IV one in Pokémon Go anyway yet he never gets used for anything.
  6. So I have £55 eshop credit and thinking of getting this digitally. Is the Pokeball worth it if I have a GoPlus already? What advantage does the ball have that I would be missing. I know it’s a bit cheaper physically but if I already have the funds on the shop I might as well get it there. I loved Red and Blue and have been loving all the stuff I’ve been seeing on this game.
  7. Who’s joining me in a pitchfork March on @Glen-i house? my god Grumble Volcano. Bad1
  8. ;,cool. He’s on voice chat so telling him the courses
  9. @Glen-i, do you want cpu on if less than 6 of us or at all?
  10. Lol. I’m not even going to fix that typo.
  11. If you don’t want to go online, your best bet is comic book shops and toy shops. I’ve seen some good selections in some of them. If you do want a decent online shop, Pop in a Box is a great site.
  12. I have no idea what I just saw but I enjoyed it.
  13. The Pokemon Go group that I raid with are already discussing going to see this as a group at the cinema. I have a very fond memory of The First Movie, but this just looks too good to kiss. I can’t wait.
  14. No no no. This is a sad day, loved his cameo stuff in The Simpsons. Will be greatly missed.
  15. I’m in. That trailer was so much better than I thought this could be. Maybe it’s because all we’ve ever heard are the high pitched Pika Pika noises but I never thought they should give him a voice but, well, that just works in no way it should have. Loved it.
  16. It's everyone's favourite time of the week, it's highlights time
  17. @Vileplume2000, you in tonight? if we have less than 6ill be putting on CPUs on normal.
  18. Are the usual late comers in tonight, @S.C.G @viceview51?
  19. I was gonna say if I hadn’t heard anything by now I was gonna make a call and say players choice. And here we are.
  20. I was under the assumption that it didn’t work like that. Unless it does if you don’t connect it to Apple Health or Google Fit. I had read that it reads that data and updates accordingly but doesn’t run using GPS in the background. Here’s a good roundup of info from The Silph Toad. https://thesilphroad.com/news/adventure-sync-breakdown-summary/
  21. It's that time again, nice and early this week Above one @martinist And now for the highlight of the night featuring @RedShell
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