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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. I got all three of the new ones. My SSB collection remains intact. (Apart from the few player two variants that I didn’t bother with).
  2. Not dumb. I’ve always wanted to own an official replica. Just need to justify spending that kind of money.
  3. Went to see The Lego Movie 2 yesterday. Really enjoyed it, so many little meta jokes and just nods to other stuff. And the fake ending had me for a second. Thoroughly enjoyable film and a great second part to the first one. It just seemed like the perfect continuation of the story.
  4. As always great games. Yeah, I was unlucky with the random characters tonight as I didn’t get any I feel I’m really good with, but I did have fun. @RedShell I have no idea what I was doing there. 🤪
  5. Sorry for the final track mess up from me
  6. Hopefully I’ve gotten lucky. I checked the Nintendo site and there was a problem processing my order, seemed like the card was out of date, (yet I got no email about it) so I changed it to PayPal and it’s now been dispatched.
  7. I think this style would really do well for a Minish Cap remake. I know lots probably never played that game and this looks perfect for that.
  8. Ive just realised what this image reminds me of. It’s the photographic effect called tilt shift. The top and bottom are blurred to give the middle a model like look. And I can totally see that as a dream like view too.
  9. Played a feŵ games best I’m getting is just in the top 40.
  10. From all the direct, this was the one that has me most intrigued. Looks very interesting.
  11. I had a similar Pokémon thought there too. Then I saw the ship and I knew it was Links Awakening. This was my first ever Zelda game and I, personally loved the style. This is a day one purchase for me and I can’t wait.
  12. I want that Zelda game now, I loved the style personally and Links Awakening was my entry in the Zelda universe. Other than that I felt the direct seemed RPG heavy, and whilst that will be for some people, it isn’t for me. However, Yoshi, Box Boy, Mario Maker 2, all seem like potential pickups for me. The one that got me interested the most was Astral Chain. I’ll be keeping an eye on that. Tetris seems interesting and fun too. Best bit was the Smash 3.0 announcement. “What do we have planned, well we aren’t saying squat” 😂 A good Direct, but needed more for everyone.
  13. Right. Really started logging my weight and trying to lose some in October of 2017. Started at 190lbs and by August I was down to 167lbs. Slacked a little, not so much on the exercise but having more than one large pizza a week (working at a pizza place the temptation is easy to get free food) and was back up to 176lbs last month. So I’m sticking to one medium sized pizza a week and making sure I get in a 40 minute cycle everyday. Along with getting out walking on my days off. A month later and I’m heading the right way again.
  14. well this was a pain in the butt. Managed the Ken Century Smash one after dying at 99 too many times. But the 3 KO’s in Cruel Smash is just a nightmare to do. I truly think the only way to do it is to get them to SD. Did it in the end with Kirby and just kept floating over the edges taunting them so they’d SD
  15. No worries, I always see if anyone can. Great games tonight, that game I finally beat you @Glen-i was just too intense at the end there.
  16. Well that was an interesting night. Great fun and total mayhem at times. I’ll get some highlights up later. And I do have highlights from the last two weeks on my Twitter, I just never got round to posting them in here.
  17. I’m guessing the more different coloured Yoshi’s the better, @Glen-i or are we all green?
  18. Some close ones for me almost winning but not tonight. Really think we need to use the voice app to let each other know if we are using random or Piranha plant games or chose your own. It got a little confusing.
  19. I kinda wish I kept playing. I feel I’m way behind on getting back into it to enjoy it again.
  20. Everyone needs to watch the UK Takeover show. It was amazing from start to finish. All matches were top notch. Rumble was actually a decent show. Men’s winner was probably predictable and happy on the woman’s winner. Other matches were good too. Let the road to Wrestlemania begin.
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