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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Thanks for the games. That was the worst stage for Ness’ final smash.
  2. @Glen-i I will most probably be out next week. Family holiday so won’t be able to play. Sorry. I right at the end of the half league, my 100% lost. And I had the chance to steal 1st.
  3. So we should see @RedShell firing more shells backwards than normal. 🤪
  4. @Glen-i do we have a theme for tonight? If nothing comes up and we are still playing I’ll just make it players choice.
  5. OK only three from me this week as I seemed to be out in front a lot with nothing happening And I don't know what to say to these races. Two CPU's on Normal beat us all. But it was on "that" track. And just for fun here are the results for GP3 so we cam all see how bad we let the CPU's get so far up the board
  6. Thanks for the games. Those last two games, I think against @S.C.G were very close.
  7. Ok. I sent a request, can you accept so I can join in. @LazyBoy
  8. I will but I think I need you Switch code as don’t think we are friends.
  9. Fun night. @Glen-i and @RedShell I got all screens so should be ok but I’ll call on RedShell if I did miss anything. A great triple gold for me tonight.
  10. I’ll have to doubly make sure to get every result screen. Will try to wait for you for GP 2
  11. Had to get this made quick from my games with @RedShell last Thursday before tonight's games.
  12. Caught the end of the treehouse and I think I’ll be getting this game. I was unsure on how it played but seeing it it seems like I’d like this.
  13. Not who you are replying to but this is also one of my favourites and one that means a lot to me. It was my first Zelda game back on the Game Boy. I never really was a fan of these types of games but this just clicked with me. The music, the visuals. It all just made me fall in love with the franchise right then. I remember once I beat the game I would then just keep playing the final boss over and over. Probably replayed it a few times from beginning too. After this I got Link Between Worlds and the rest is history. They have been one of my must have games. Upon seeing the unveiling trailer for this I was so happy. I loved the visual style from the start and I can’t wait to play it again.
  14. That’s cool. I was gonna be done too. Glad I won that last game as DK. And a completely stupid error as Simon in the match against Bowser Jr ruined that great match.
  15. If you guys are still playing in a bit I’ll join. Be on in the next 30 minutes or so.
  16. I was hoping we’d get three in a row. I might not be home from work for 8 but I’ll see if you guys are playing when I do get home.
  17. Few from me. And finally, I need to post this just say shame on us all for letting this happen. The CPU's where set to normal!
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