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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. https://store.nintendo.co.uk/nintendo-switch-game/astral-chain-collector-s-edition-legion-mark-pin/12225252.html special edition of this up on Nintendo site for preorder. Includes a nice lot of extras.
  2. @MindFreak You didn’t have it in your des, so I think that raises it a bit. I don’t think shiny increases cost, just special trades. here’s a simple guide to cost.
  3. Ok. I’ll see what I have and see if @Glen-i can make it all out from what I have.
  4. @RedShell Did you get results? I may have missed one or two due to disbelief in winning the race or out of anger at losing on the line. I’ll double check all I have.
  5. Cool. Have Mario Kart league in a bit but I’ll see what I can after, if not sometime tomorrow
  6. I could probably do this for you. I have Eevee version so just would want one from Pikachu version.
  7. I don’t know if they are including him, but just from the look of this trailer they seem to be going for a more mature feel. I love the feel of the trailer and would have no worries if they left him out. I haven’t seen the film for a while so can’t remember how it might work without Mushu.
  8. Toy Story 4 Watched this the other night and adored it. Lovely story and another fantastic end to the films (until they make another). I would have liked to see other toys have more involvement as it did seem heavily focused on Woody and what was going on there (trying not to be too spoilery.) but was still a great film and the new characters were fun. TRASH!!!!! (Not the film, if you’ve seen it you’ll get it)
  9. Cool. I seem to forget who I have. Just for reference I think there is another task later on to add a second new friend.
  10. Maybe me. What’s your in game name? If you don’t have me, name is the same as on here, then I’ll add you.
  11. Do It Do It Do it https://tenor.com/view/disenchantment-luci-bean-do-it-gif-12394100
  12. Lol. Well they might get a kick out of it. And thanks I’ll make sure to get it right next time.
  13. Just saw Yesterday. Knew nothing of it, had heard the title as seen a brief snippet, but was with a friend and they said they wanted to see it so I said why not. Surprisingly found it really good and thoroughly enjoyed it. Some great laughs in there and a great use of Beatles songs for the premise of the film. Definitely would recommend anyone to go see it.
  14. GP 3 just messed up my night. ‘I have all the scores @Glen-i so I’ll get them to you over the weekend. Also have a few highlights to upload.
  15. Wow. Thor really has it in for us tonight.
  16. Beaten to it by Ronnie. There are a number of bumbles, heres the full page of them: https://store.nintendo.co.uk/games/nintendo-switch/the-legend-of-zelda-links-awakening.list I went with the big bundle with a Red Rupee
  17. I might be back in tonight. Having to cut holiday short as sister is not well. Should be home for tonight now.
  18. Beat the dungeon I was in. Actually started moving to the beat to beat the boss, still had it in fixed beat but found using the beat helped. Built up my hearts too from all the deaths and buying the heart pieces in the death room. Will be continuing playing this as I’m starting to get into it more. I’m trying to use the beat more whilst still in fixed beat mode for now. Then I’ll go through again later on normal mode.
  19. I know we have a few Pokémon Go players here, so did anyone try the new game from Niantic, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite? Im finding it ok. It seems to be a bit more involved that PoGo, making potions, which involve different ingredients, all the collections. But it seems and different enough to keep me playing for a while If anyone wants to add me please do. 4520 7124 0626
  20. Thanks @Ronnie and @Hero-of-Time and @Glen-i I’m sticking with it as I really want to enjoy it. I’m totally lost at points, but have somehow made my way I think I just need to remember it needs to be played differently to any other Zelda. In that I can’t just charge at enemies and attack. I am starting to get the patterns and adjust accordingly.
  21. Started playing this but finding it a bit awkward to get to grips with right away. I think I’m going to try it on the one you don’t need to keep the beat with first.
  22. Yup. Heard sky didn’t even bother to renew as they had lost too much revenue because of the WWE Network taking the PPV money away from them. I’m not going to get BT Sport just for WWE and will just find an alternative way to watch Raw and Smackdown.
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