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Zechs Merquise

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Everything posted by Zechs Merquise

  1. This video kinda sums up most of my thoughts on the game so far: In short, this game would have been far better without the needlessly complex, unintuitive and forced control scheme. I prepares myself for this game by replaying Lylat Wars and Star Fox Assault. Lylat Wars is still incredible. Assault is average, spoiled by needless on foot missions that control poorly and are drab and empty compared to the on rails flight sections. Star Fox Zero is another misstep in the franchise. All we wanted was a proper sequel to Lylat Wars, but we couldn't have that, because Nintendo can't actually do what their customers want them to do. Whether it is this, Federation Force or that shite Animal Crossing game, I am left wondering if Nintendo actually listen to anything that the gaming public actually say. At the moment, all I feel about this game is disappointment. Looking at a fucking second screen in a rail shooter, fuck me, what a shit idea.
  2. Well I've finally spent a few hours with this so it's first impressions time... The first thing I noticed with this is how great it looks, it's simple, but very attractive, screen shots don't do this justice at all. It's a really smooth and enjoyable experience and it's really like how you would have imagined the N64 version to look if they had more power back then - it's colourful, lively and sharp and the cast look fantastic. The game also sounds great and I'm a big fan of the sounds coming out of the pad, it's gives the sound a '3D' feel and all the effects and voices take you straight back to the N64 days. Which takes me onto the fan service in this game - there's a lot and it feels great! Those who loved Lylat Wars will love this and see so many little nods and added touches that reference the N64 classic. The levels are also great, with lots of secrets, different paths and medals and rings to find. It's not an easy task and straight away I wanted to replay missions to investigate things I had missed the first time around - in that respect I would say this game has a lot of re-playability. There's also a lot to master - and this is my first real complaint. I love the on rails sections and the Arwing, but I haven't totally clicked with the walker or the Gyrowing yet. There's a lot of different control styles and picking them all up and having them all feel natural is a lot to take in at first. This problem is compounded with the control scheme, which I haven't really grasped yet. I'm not saying it is bad - and it's certainly not the mess that some click bait reviews have claimed. However it also doesn't feel like the revolution Nintendo probably hoped it to be. I hope this clicks with me more as I get further into the game. My philosophy on games is the game play comes first every time - and a game's difficulty should always come from the on screen challenge, not the player wrestling with the control scheme. Whilst Wii Sports made motion controls instantly understandable and accessible and motion controls in games like Sin and Punishment made the rail shooter a much much better experience, I can't say the same yet for the controls in Star Fox Zero. When controls are confusing or counter intuitive it's disappointing. The second screen also adds to the confusion and although there have been times where looking down for a cock pit view has helped, there are other times this has caused me to lose track of other things going that are happening on the TV. Overall, my first impressions are mixed. The game looks great, is full of nostalgia and Nintendo charm - and it's basically got the high production values and content you would expect from a Nintendo game, I haven't quite got to grips with the controls. The thing that worries me about that is that if I am struggling (and I like motion controls and have a pretty high skill level with games) I can imagine others are totally baffled. I really hope when I go back to Star Fox Zero things click more for me, as I really want to love this game - as there is a lot to love about it and it is a great franchise!
  3. I disagree, I think when you look at the biggest selling games on the PS4 and XBO, they're all third party games. Third party games are clearly the driving force behind those two consoles - on Nintendo consoles first party games are the driving force. It's why NSMBU has sold three times as many copies as Knack or The Order, despite being on a console with a tiny user base. Yet games like FIFA, COD, Battlefront and GTA are lighting up the sales charts on the PS4 and doing numbers that Nintendo must be eyeing with envy! When you look at that trend - it reinforces why Nintendo need third party support more than ever!
  4. Come on, Knack was nowhere near the quality of NSMBU. Knack's average review score was a lowly 58.09% compared to NSMBU's score of 84.48%. Knack was generally panned for being boring and lack lustre in almost every single way! Killzone 4 holds the lowest average review score of any of the home console games in that series and sold less well than Killzone 2 and Killzone 3. Driveclub received a luke warm reception at best on release and The Order was complete dross. I think if anything defines the XBO and PS4 it is the fact they aren't being sold on the back of first party exclusives as was the case in previous generations, they are being sold on the back of a very strong third party line up. Which is why the NX needs to get those third party publishers on board - as with Nintendo's first party line up, which is still far better than Sony's or Microsoft's, Nintendo could do very well if they had the same quality and quantity of killer third party titles. If Nintendo can produce a system with a sweet price point, market it well and on top of that get the killer third party games on their system, they have a fighting chance. As really, Sony's success comes from just that. PS4 is the cheaper option and has had a much better marketing campaign. Nintendo need to learn their lessons from what is a success in the current market place - and then by adding some genuinely killer first party titles and that Nintendo magic, they have a recipe for success.
  5. For those who haven't got it yet, this preview from Eurogamer is really positive, it will raise your hype level through the roof!
  6. Well, that's the point, if it is a shared platform that is both a hand held and a home console in one, that would be a game changer as currently Nintendo have to service two machines, if they only had to service one, there would be a lot more games for that system!
  7. I'll have to get this, but seriously, why did they do this to Fire Emblem. All I wanted was a proper Fire Emblem game, it's such a great series and the story and gameplay is soooo deep. Why Nintendo? WHY!!!!!
  8. I think you're overlooking the point that the fate of the NX and the PS4K could well be intertwined. The problem Nintendo have faced with both the Wii U and the Wii is that with their consoles being less powerful, they often suffer from a lack of direct ports and third party support. This was less so in the Wii days, as due to Wii sales being massive, the Wii had a lot of third party games and big hitters like COD and FIFA were always present - as well as good exclusives like Dead Space, Red Steel 2, Zack and Wiki etc. My feelings on the PS4K is that the PS4 already out performed the XBO and the PS4K is only going to increase that gulf, where that leaves the XBO is anyone's guess. Now the NX, if it is on par with the XBO or PS4 will end up again being underpowered compared to the PS4K and potentially even if it does hold the same library of games, those games will be optimised to run on PS4K and Nintendo could end up with another crop of lesser ports for third party efforts. When these discussions take place, they often move off in other directions, I don't think discussion can be wholly separated because the the direction other consoles take heavily affects what we will see being released on the NX.
  9. I am actually looking forward to this far more than most releases! I know the controls have had a lot of discussion and generated controversy, but the people who have spent the time getting to grips with them seem to love them. The fact this game is played different is actually quite exciting - mainly because I am so damn curious to how it will play. I really can't wait! I also really enjoyed the coverage the game got on the N-E show, it sounds like once you give this new control scheme a try it feels really good!
  10. Exactly! I think the issue with this is that developers have already had problems with stuttering frame rates on the PS4 and have given numerous excuses - including the laughable - "it's more cinematic" that way tripe. The problem is, developers who want to realise their vision will get a game running closer to 60fps on the PS4K and then leave the PS4 version stuttering along. What you will end up with is a version on the PS4K that might not have any new features, modes or bonuses - but a game that fundamentally plays better due to smoother gameplay and better stability. I know that I would rather play a game with a higher framerate - and so would most gamers. So ultimately, PS4 owners will have to ask themselves if they want to play games at their optimal frame rate - and if they do, it's time to buy a new console! ^^^ Good video about the bullshit on low frame rates and the shitty 'cinematic' excuse. ^^^ Another good video about the bullshit Ubisoft peddle on the frame rate and resolution.
  11. What an utterly pompous and pointless post. Everytime without fail. Whereas @Ronnie gave his opinion, you might not like it, but it is his opinion and he backed that up with reasons and a few sources that he cited to support his point. He clearly has a right to be angry, after all he bought a premium product he thought would last at least 5 years only to find out that said product would be replaces much sooner and hence his money might not have been that well spent. Instead of adding to the debate or at least refuting his points or citing other sources that go against Ronnie's argument you resort to a personal insult. Now I am fine with insults, but weren't you blubbing the other day when @dazzybee called you Autistic? Yet your pompous and condescending post is fine? I wouldn't hand out snarky posts when you are so easily upset when such things are aimed at you. If you have nothing to add to the debate other than a simple line intended to inflame things, why not just fuck off?
  12. I think you're being very kind to developers if you are even starting to suggest that this generation's games are needing more power for more features and better mechanics. If anything, this generation is closer to the last than any other before it and really the games we've seen up until now aren't really anything that couldn't or hasn't been done before in terms of gameplay - something that is seen in the number of cross generational titles. Also, don't even start talking of features - this generation has seen several big name titles shipping minus important features or almost as starter packs on a disk - Street Fighter IV (totally bare bones) and Battlefront (few maps and a pitiful number of weapons, not to mention so much cut from previous versions) being two such titles. If anything, this generation has seen a massive increase in the price of development for nothing more than better visuals. The cost of this increase is being covered by splitting up titles into what you get on the disk and what you need to pay for afterwards (known by most as 'Season Passes'), micro transactions in game and special editions with juicy pre-order bonuses! Before I get jumped all over, I'm not saying this generation's games have been 'shit' or anything of the sort, I'm saying that they have been for the large part 'more of the same' but much prettier and more expensive (if you want the full experience). That's why, despite Nintendo letting me down with the Wii U and it's lack of features (both as a console and features within games such as Pikmin and Nintendo Land) I do look forward to seeing what the NX is, as Nintendo at least try to bring something fresh to the table - whether that policy always bears fruit is another thing!
  13. Let's look at this objectively - we don't actually know what Sony or Nintendo are planning, but we have a very good idea. Most things we know are based on speculation, but from reliable sources and from different sources - which goes some way to verify the claims. We do know both Nintendo and SOny are releasing new hardware that will most likely be unveiled this year and demoed at E3. As far as I'm concerned, the PS4K isn't necessary - it has been made 'necessary' by developers who seem to be in a bizarre arms race that pushes graphical fidelity over everything else. I still think games running in 720p at a stable frame rate of 60fps would produce gorgeous looking games that most importantly would be stable and run properly. Instead, developers have engaged in a race to see who can pump out the most mind blowing graphics and keep up with PC gaming. This is a nonsense. Last gen my PC could out pace a 360, but it didn't mean that the 360 was a waste of money or that the games looked bad on it! But this new arms race is pushing up costs to the point where more and more studios are being forced to close as the break even point on sales gets higher and higher and games selling millions of copies are no longer regarded as a success! The advantage of a games console is that you don't have to upgrade it, you put in the media (cart or disk) and play the game. Yes, we've seen expansion packs and add ons (at the end of a generation), but the home market has never seen a console be replaced this early and the potential creation of a two tier system where the new adopters of the spec bumped console will get a much better experience! Personally, I think it's a big 'fuck you' to gamers and has a lot to do with Sony's interest in pushing 4K TVs. As far as Nintendo are concerned, people keep bashing them over whether they will get third parties back and whether they are still 'relevant' to gamers. But ultimately, if Sony do go forth with a big enough spec bump to make games much more playable through a PS4K rather than a PS4, then Nintendo could well benefit from that. People will see new hardware coming out from multiple companies and it won't feel as weird seeing Nintendo releasing a console mid-generation. I think it's odd though that when we were all speculating on Nintendo's next controller, any guess was good and speculation was encouraged - to the point where fake controllers were being shown. Now the PS4K has been brought into speculation people are being told not to speculate! How bizarre.
  14. The most conservative estimates suggest that the PS4K is simply a spec bump to allow all games to upscaled to allow them to play in 4K (no way will it be powerful enough to natively output 4K). On the other side of the rumour mill the suggestion is that the PS4K will be such a large spec bump that it will allow games that run on both PS4 and PS4K to run significantly better on the PS4K - the difference between 720p at a 30 or below framerate and 1080p at 60 frames per second. Developers are already hitting a wall with both the PS4 and XBO and there are games that are running at below 30 fps and performance issues with major titles. The PS4K may well create a two tier system for Sony gamers where superior versions (and some exclusive titles) will come out on the PS4K meaning many will be forced to upgrade or endure a lesser experience (for the same money, as £50 will be charged for a game whether it is running at 30fps or 60fps). This could really help Nintendo as it wouldn't look as odd for Nintendo launching a new console mid generation if Sony are essentially doing the same. Nintendo could also benefit from any consumer backlash if people don't like the idea of the console market becoming segmented and split into a two tier affair mid generation. Obviously it's all speculation - but the fact Nintendo aren't the only ones releasing new hardware makes things far more interesting!
  15. I explained this to you. You did NOTHING wrong, people annoy their partners all the time - sometimes by accident and sometimes even deliberately. No two people will always get on, but if you are in a loving relationship you would never end it over something so trivial. Your girlfriend left you because she didn't want to be with you and she used this as a pretext. Most people are quite cowardly when it comes to leaving someone - they don't want to have to look their partner in the eyes and tell them they don't love them, or they haven't been happy for a long time or it was never quite there for them. Instead people look for something trivial to justify a breakup. Your girlfriend clearly wasn't happy and used this small thing as a reason to end it. That sounds harsh - but it is true. But the truth should set you free and you can stop hanging yourself on that one incident and move on. If you hadn't done that one thing, it would have been another thing weeks later. You couldn't change things - somethings aren't right and won't last anyway. What you need to do is move on - and by move on I mean start focusing on other things. Start focusing on good things. Firstly and most importantly clear out her stuff or things that remind you of her - and DO NOT look her up on social networks. By following your ex partner's trail around the internet you might as well be dragging yourself over broken glass. DO NOT DO IT, it only leads to further depression and anguish - especially if they are doing well for themselves! Secondly, once you have taken your focus away from your ex, focus on yourself. Improve yourself and make yourself the best version of you possible. Join a gym, get yourself out exercising, buy yourself some new clothes and get in great shape. Get looking your best - and with this will come confidence and positivity. Confidence and positivity are two of the most attractive traits a person can have. No one wants to date someone who is wallowing in self pity and manufactured guilt over another relationship ending - and whilst you are in that state you can't seriously think about looking for someone new. What's more, as an extra bonus to self improvement - not only will you feel more confident and be more attractive to others, but if you do ever run into your ex, she is much more likely to think she made a big mistake. But if she runs into you and you're dishevelled and looking worse for wear, that will only cement it in her mind that leaving you was a positive mood. So in short the three steps: 1) Stop blaming yourself 2) Get rid of her from your head and personal space - and don't look her up 3) Focus on self improvement and making yourself the best version of you possible Once you have done this, you will find yourself in a happier place and success will follow...
  16. What an idiotic comment. It isn't like comparing apples and oranges, more like comparing two different online services - which is something that can be reasonable compared to one another. Also, no point arguing that you have a Rolls Royce service if the Rolls Royce doesn't run. PSN has had several embarrassing outages and lost customers' data.
  17. Never say never! There's a huge amount of ports of last gen titles happening at the moment, Mass Effect Trilogy is huge seller and I would buy it as I've only played the third on the Wii U and I loved it!
  18. Is there something wrong with thegamecollection? I ordered from them before and they were very quick with their dispatch and everything came in perfect condition?
  19. Right, I'm going to say something that may be a little unpopular... Nintendo have let themselves down this generation, not with what they have done and not with what has been on game disks, but what they haven't done and what hasn't been on the disk. Nintendo Land was an awesome idea and could have been an awesome game. It had some great mini-games, and the idea of a Nintendo theme park with attractions themed around its most popular franchises is AWESOME! But @Ashley is right. It got stale far quicker than it should have. It was offline only, why no online? Because, er... well? Why couldn't I adventure through a beautifully sewn together Hyrule with my friends, or hunt down Luigi as a group or cover someone from the gunship in Metroid? Because Nintendo never gave me the option. Nintendo Land is a good game, I'd give it a solid 7 out of 10. But it could have been a 9 out of 10 if it had online, leader boards and you could download additional games and levels to keep things fresh. It's like Nintendo had a wonderful idea and then hobbled the product so it wouldn't appeal to as many people as it could have by closing the game off and not taking their ideas to their logical conclusions. Nintendo Land isn't an isolated incident either. Where was the online in Pikmin and 3D World? Where is the online in Star Fox Zero? Why does Nintendo insist on limiting the appeal of these games and ensuring they are never as big or successful as they could be?
  20. They will launch with a NX version of Zelda and I would guess with a version of Mario Maker, that game is insanely popular and I can imagine it wouldn't be too hard to allow access to all the levels made on the Wii U version! I wouldn't be shocked at all if Splatoon didn't come out soon after launch as that game has been a massive break out hit.
  21. I've got this on the Wii, I need to play it! I recently played through DKC and am halfway through DKC2. I like platformers and this would be a nice change of pace!
  22. A lack of voice acting has never really upset me, but adding it wouldn't upset me either! So what ever they do I doubt it will alter my enjoyment of the game.
  23. That advert is awesome! Just wish those puppets were in the game! I replayed Lylat Wars and Star Fox Assault at the weekend to give myself a little refresh on the series before I tuck into Zero in a week or so!
  24. I wouldn't be happy, but I'd end up paying it. I don't believe any console manufacturer should charge you simply to allow you to use features in the games you've purchased. I didn't agree with it when Microsoft did it, I didn't agree with it when Sony started doing it and I wouldn't like Nintendo do go down that route either. I know people throw in the free game argument and all that, but I don't want digital copies of games, I just want to play the online portions of games I own. I also think Nintendo didn't make enough of their free online in their marketing material for the Wii U. They had the only console fully backwards compatible and with free online.
  25. I'm pleased you made the results of this anonymous, @Serebii would be hunting down and assassinating all those who voted the 'wrong way' haha
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