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Been Insane

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Everything posted by Been Insane

  1. Agreed....I pray for the day we get that announcment.
  2. Ah ok then, didn't think it would be anything major but had to ask. : peace:
  3. Yeah but at least if the launch is in November you have more time to save for more Wii games etc....Thats probably the only good thing I can think to say about it...
  4. What are the pictures on the bottom of that article? Anything to do with the Resi story? Can't see them too well from here. Thanks for the Scan anyway Dante.
  5. As blender said its cheap from DVDCrave, if it's still there when im finished my current games thats where i'll get it from.
  6. I agree with that, I mean it's definatley better than nothing and from what i've read it may just be a test to see how it works on the Wii before doing a 'proper' RE. But after how well RE4 done I would have thought RE5 on the Wii would have been a given. Ah well, thats the video game industry I guess. Then again its on the Wii so it's bound to at least feel new
  7. Thanks for the info emasher, its much appreciated: peace: . I've just finished the first temple and have just left the village to bring Lloyd home. At the moment only Lloyd and his friend are in my party, though I have just been introduced to his 'dog ( )' but im not sure if I can use him for anything. I wasn't aware I could be other characters in battle, I should really read the manual, I was just so excited about wanting this game for so long I stuck it straight in!
  8. Hey all. I've been viewing n-europe since it was first cube-europe and decided it was time to join....Anyway, after wanting this game for ages my partner managed to get it for me on ebay (Along with Killer7 for only £23!!) So i've just started out and have got to the very first temple and basically i'm looking for any general hints or anything you can give. I'm not stuck but I don't seem too good at the battles so any help or tips would be appreciated. Also because its such a huge game I want to get the most out of it on the first play through so anything I should look out for please let me know. I would go back and read the whole thread but I don't really want to come across any spoilers so any general tips on the game and the battles in it would be much appreciated. So Thanks and Hi : peace:
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