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About PioRow

  • Birthday 12/08/1978


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  1. How do you find out if your monitor supports sync-on-green?
  2. Nintendo are marketing masters! IF they release a lot of games on the VC at the start then people will only spend their 2000 points on the games the really want. Release a limited selection and people will most likely still spend their 2000 points and when that game they always wanted comes along then they will go buy 2000 more points. Its a good way of making people spend more money. I do find it a bit strange that the Japanese get far more SNES games. It doesnt bother me as I will probably only download 1 or 2 games because I'm not prepared to pay £10 for a game that is freely available on my PC. I will most likely head for Turbo Graphix and Megadrive games as I didnt own neither of those consoles. I would love to replay all the classic snes games from my youth but at the price they are charging I may just limit it to super mario world.
  3. Seeing as nintendo have been very guarded about sending out final units to reviewers I think they are hoping that this big secret will steal the PS3's thunder. IGN managed to get a dev unit and that didnt have any channels so my guess is that the secret revolves around the channels. The controllers seem to of been finalised as does the hardware so I think its safe to say the secret doesnt revolve around them. I dont see it being a unanounced game, doesnt make sense to hide a huge launch title away. So if its channel based what could it be? Most likely a DS tie in as has been said before, they have kept quiet about the DS capabilities of the Wii so its likely they will announce the DS link pretty soon. But its got to be a bit more than a simple link up. VC games on the DS sounds good, but not likely. I'm betting one some sort of onscreen DS functionality with Wii games.
  4. The reason I am worried is that I am getting a USA console from my local import shop. If the component cables are hard to come by then either I wont be able to get one or it will be stupid money. Also if its hard to get in the USA it will be even harder to get over here.
  5. One worrying feature was the fact that the guy indicated it was hard to get the component cable and the wii he was using was run through composit as the 480p option was greyed out.
  6. Just a few thoughts I have had about Zelda on the Wii. Lets say it turn out to be the nuts, the game is a all time classic. The Wii control method turns out to be very intuative and works extremely well. Question:Will the game be recognised by the gaming masses as a game worthy of respect and praise or just be passed off as a gamecube game that got a quick conversion to the Wii? I can imagine a lot of sony fan biys dismissing zelda because of its non HD graphics.
  7. Seeing as the Wii will be bundled with Wii sports in both the USA and UK, and I assume the consoles have started to of been boxed up with Wii sports a while back does this mean that Wii sports was finished a good couple of months ago?
  8. I thought that article was pretty spot on in many areas and came out vastly in favour of the Wii. The advertising should be kicking in now. A lot of people dont know about the Wii, just raising awareness is a key function of advertising. Hopefully nintendo will start in the next 5-10 days and launch a ad campaign. I dont think the lack of reviews is a huge issue, the net will be filled with Wii reviews days before the console launches. Granted most magazines wont have reviews for the consoles release but as long as they get reviews out for the christmas issues its not a problem. The lack of hands on zelda playing doesnt bother me and I dont think it should bother anyone else. Its pretty clear its going to be a good game, dont need to worry on that front. Whether it turns out to be a all time classic, only time will tell. If nintendo showed vast amounts of the game it would spoil it for a lot of people. I am glad that zelda details are scarce, makes it more interesting and fun playing the game once it is released. Finally the lack of aoptical out. I agree with the article. I cant belive they couldnt include this. Optical out comes on a £15 dvd player! Its a must have feature. DPLII is nice but its 2006, optical out should be standard.
  9. I have a bit of a love hate relationship with wireless. My TV and consoles sit right next to my wireless router which is plugged into my 10meg NTL connection, so its easier to use RJ45 (wired) with my consoles. My PC is in another room and that goes wireless and I have no end of problems with that. It can sit online for days no problem and then go off online, normally when my neighbours power on their wireless router. I have been through 2 wireless routers, both as tempremental as each other. I have hooked my DS upto the router wirelessly and its fine. I will try the Wii wireless and see how it fairs but if I have issues I'll just get the usb ethernet adapter and use that instead. In a way I'm glad they put wireless in as standard and ethernet as a option. Consoles arent always near your router so wireless is the best option with wired being a good second choice.
  10. A lot of the Wii games look a lot better in motion. I think a lot of Wii games can run at 60fps, Mario Galaxy looks a lot better in motion than Mario Sunshine. Plus most Wii games will be 480p. Where the graphics seem to be let down is the fact that at the end of the day games like metroid prime are still running at the same resolution as their predessors. 720p would of allowed the Wii to distance itself from the GC graphically.
  11. While I am a fan of the concept of the VC I think the pricing is a bit to pricey. Especially as all the hard work is done writing the emulator, the roms are freely available now. And lets face it, over the years many enthusiast have written emulators for various platforms. I had a emaultor on my Xbox that played pretty much all the 8bit and 16bit consoles. I think the prices should be dropped to more like £1, £2 and £3 for the various formats. Personally I will probably buy 1 or 2 classic games and then wait for the rare titles, or the obscure games that I played way back in the day. I dont see any point buying Mario64 as I played it to death on the N64 and the DS version. Same with mariokart on the snes. I'll probably get Super Mario World for old times sake and then wait for some rare Turbo graphics games or NES classics.
  12. I'm importing mine, put my £100 deposit down at my local import shop, raven games. Guy said it should be £180-£200 and a £250 maximum price. As far as downloading stuff I'm not particularly fussed if it doesnt work, the online side of the Wii is a bonus, its not what I am buying the machine for. I'll be getting the console, a extra wiimote+nunchuck, component cable and zelda. Not expecting it to be cheap, thats why only one game. Any other games will be ordered online, dont mind waiting a few weeks for additional games as Wii sports and Zelda will be enough to keep me happy. The reason for importing is because I'm not convinced by the UK approach to the whole 480p component side of the console. At least I know with the USA console I will be getting 480p through component. Also games should be released a bit earlier and with the wonder of the exchange rate and websites i should be able to get games cheaper than UK.
  13. Seeing as the Wiimote and nunchuck will need batteries why hasnt nintendo announced some sort of battery pack and charger like the 360 has? And before people comment about how easy it is to go out, buy some rechargable batteries and a recharger I think that the way the 360 recharges the controller is perfect. WHy hasnt the Wii implemented a similar design?
  14. Just because they are offering a free online service doesnt mean they wont be charging for online content and play. Its perfectly feasable that you will have to pay via your points to play games online. It will be very unlikely that playing a game online with a Wii will be 100% fee The weather feature isnt anything new. XBMC had weather updates. All nintendo have done is implement the raw data that is available from the net for free in a clever GUI. The globe is clever but its something a good developer couldn't do in their spare time over a few weeks, its not revolutonary in any way. The drive the Wii uses is standard. The GCN disks are just small size dvd's like the free novelty ones you get with magazines. The way you slide the disks in has been around in car cd systems for years and slim line cd/dvd players have been in laptops for years. The dvd drive is nothing special. The GPU isnt cutting edge so making it smaller isnt a big deal, its not like making the most powerfull GPU at the smallest size. I think the controller has the quivalent of 256k of memory, something very small, it will cost no more than a few pence.
  15. UK: Wii Target: £323 Wii funds: £171 To go: £152 Import: estimated values, my importer hasnt given me a final cost yet Wii Target: £440 Wii funds: £171 To go: £269 Working next weekend so thats should cover the UK version but if I decide to go import I'm gonna have to dip into the savings.
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