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About ReZourceman

  • Birthday 02/12/1987

Personal Information

  • Location
    Close enough to hear you breathe....
  • Interests
    Comics, Games, Heroclix, Funnies, Movies, TV shows.
  • Occupation
    Customer Representative for a Bank.


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Wii, DS Lite, GC, SNES, GB, GB Color
  • Other Systems Owned
    X-BOX 360, PSP, PS3
  • Favourite Game?
    DKC2/3, SSB Melee, Disgaea
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Mario. Kirby. Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong!!!
  • Gender

Game Info

  • 3DS Friend Code
  • Wii Console Number
    1814 1015 8914 7612
  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    3DS = 1719-3161-1404
  • PSN ID
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  1. Oh awesome, I think it's just as well we've giving others breathing space. We'll lulz them into a false sense of security by not gracing them with our presence then BAM we rock out online as they sit there all happy like 'ahah we're good and we don't get ridiculed' and that's when we hit them with a 50 grenade hammer. In real life. Then we get all grammatical and shit.


    Then they can move on and stop actually thinking that they're good. It's quite amusing they think they're good. Plebs.


    Oh and my Tumbz:



    probs not up your street but meh, where's yourz?

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