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About ReZourceman

  • Birthday 02/12/1987

Personal Information

  • Location
    Close enough to hear you breathe....
  • Interests
    Comics, Games, Heroclix, Funnies, Movies, TV shows.
  • Occupation
    Customer Representative for a Bank.


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Wii, DS Lite, GC, SNES, GB, GB Color
  • Other Systems Owned
    X-BOX 360, PSP, PS3
  • Favourite Game?
    DKC2/3, SSB Melee, Disgaea
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Mario. Kirby. Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong!!!
  • Gender

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  • 3DS Friend Code
  • Wii Console Number
    1814 1015 8914 7612
  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    3DS = 1719-3161-1404
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  1. We're gonna have to make (i.e. you'll make, i'll contribute) a proper Uncharted 2 video compilation, of tripleds, connect 4s, (and insane bbqs ahem) etc. Starring you and me. It would be sick.

    Thing is, the best way of doing it and making it look proffesional would be to get the HDMI cable link up so that it doesn't look like its being filmed. Even though that probably entails some sort of software or summat.


    Heck, do it without that obviously. Attach Guile's theme where applicable, but tone it down and add other awesome effects etc for slow motion replays innit?


    It could be incredible. It would get millions upon millions of views.

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