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Everything posted by DiemetriX

  1. 3 Realy good Flash games Grow Cube Solution: Grow RPG Solution: Grow Sphere Solution:
  2. But if it did.. nintendo would be a winner but I'm gussing a round 200$ price tag.
  3. It's suopsed to be the real size. It's calculated by the scale of the disc slot.
  4. i hope it playes as well as it looks.. Not impresed by any of the videos so far.. I'm probably getting the game anyway.
  5. One of the first Photoshop images i ever made.. but how did i do it? Can't seam to find the out how i made the awsome Ray efect.. any help?
  6. I'm only buying rev as a second console because 360 launches first.
  7. *cough* http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=627
  8. Xbox 360 first. and then a Revolution.. and then a PAL revolution... and then some time... in the future.. when the price is right...a PS3. GotaOwnThemAll.
  9. Shakes head :no: Bah :bah: Laughing :lmao: Oh noes :doh: Bow down :bow: blink :blink: unsure :unsure: happy :happy: aww :aww: Errrr :eer:
  10. Well.. Farenheit is a 16+ game While God of war is a 18+ game. Don't think the media would like sex in a 16+ game.
  11. I'm probably better of buying a DWL-G810 Wireless Bridge. Shuld work with everything and cost about the same as the one made for 360.
  12. Then the Revolution has to be on if you want to charge them.
  13. while we're dreaming. Halo3, Starwars Lightsaber generals, Finalfantsy 7 or... Counter strike, Battle field modern combat (connects to the 360 servers aswell), Resident evil 5
  14. hehe. I had to play that chapter 3times before it happend, what a suprise.
  15. Is it only me or do these smilyes show as a red X? :bow: :yes: :unsure: :blink: <- hmm....
  16. Just played a bit of farenheit and what a suprise. A sex minigame where you have to press up rhythmically to pleas your woman. Why hasent the media attaced this game? Probably more graphical this than GTA. Still a greate game though
  17. He's using the Cube version anyway.. he's like a total n00b and he only has a cube :P
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