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Everything posted by DiemetriX

  1. I think the PS3 controller wil have some sort of motion detection.
  2. I'm addicted :| The game is so awsome. I only slept 3hours before going to work. And a huge tip people!! (Not a story spoiler...) That's just amazing. I'm Currently gladiator rank in the arena. I wanna go home and play more FU friends. FU Work.
  3. QFT I must say the AI is a big dissapointment. You can easely beat a tough creature by moving behind a bench or log and shooting at it. The AI creatures often just continue to run into the object after they hit it... thats a bit weak. On another note: Here is some images of my TV
  4. where to start? the game is so extreamly huge. And you can do soooo much. the game is beutifull. And I Must say I was a bit overwellmed when it started to rain and lighting flashed across the sky. Been playing for about an hour or two.. I just reached level 2 :P The second get from A - B mission makes you travel realy long. So i reccomend stealing a horse. (don't climb on a horse with guards nearby) This game is better than I imagined. have any Questions? just ask
  5. He was kidding. He also said They would be a DSlite 2 with the power of two sunns. I Hope this is the name for the online service. I would love it for the new WFC name.
  6. Go does mean 5 in japanese Ichi, ni, san, chi, GO! 1 2 3 4 5 If i remember correctly.
  7. It's ok. Not better than revolution.
  8. Allready coverd by stocka in the thread below: http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5137
  9. I have coll.ed for 360. IF any one want me to put it on webcam tonight just sign here When you get the game guys. Remember that you can travel greate distances easely with just selecting the town you want to go to on the map and Press A.
  10. Revolution competitor? no Eyetoy beater? Probably Am I going to buy one? yes :p
  11. Oblivion didn't come >_<. But It has to come today! I'll post Pictures of my TV when i get home. along with the "TV story" The TV's amazing. Ghost recon feels like a real war now. Oblivion + 50" HDTV = Update: I HAVE IT!!!! OMFG Oblivion night all night. But I wont get home untill tonight.. Any one want me to sett up a Webcam tonight? I can show u the game and my 50"
  12. I'll get oblivion tommorow or Wednesday
  13. My TV didn't arive to day.. I Wasted a day waiting... I didn't want to play/watch anything/ listen to music untill i got the TV... which was prommised today :| bad day to be me
  14. Em... 15000Nok To get that price in £ just divide with 13.
  15. you don't have it adrian? Shame on you. It's amazing... But I'm not good enough to get the AX tracks
  16. Questions. 4D glasses & PS3 Q:This item sounds too intense for me. Can a 4D game hurt me or my family? A:Yes. But it is the good pain.. the kind that installs discipline. Q:Is the manufacturing of these glasses part of the reason for the Delay of the PS3? A:Yes. To assure that fans get the Ultimate 4D Experience, Sony has dedicated over 2/3rds of its development process towards these plastic glasses alone. Q:What happens if i plug the glasses into the PSP? A:It would be like 4D you can play with outside. Q:So will these glasses cause me harm? Seeing that I will be so Immursed into the game? A:Sony aims to support 4D games that are extremely realistic as possible. So Yes. Very much so, in fact. Q:The stunning quality of the graphics SOny showed in their PS3 videos at E3 last year were already beyond belief - can you give me an idea of how games are going to look on the PS3, complete with the 4D glasses enhancement? A:Remember the Killzone 2 video shown? Imagine yourself being fully immersed in that... with Chuck Norris! Yeah... it's that awsome. Q:What happens if i get lost in the fourth dimension and can't get out. A:Sony promises to bring you an intense 4D experience Like No Other. Even if you were trapped, you'd probably never want to leave. Ever. Q:How will the glasses' backwards compatibility work with the Toy Story quality graphics I am enjoying with my PS2? Will it make it look Madagascar quality, or just Toy Story 2 quality? A:Better... Toy Story 3! .. in 4D!! Q:Do these glasses come in different frame colors to match the PS3? (i.e. silver, white, etc) A:Yes, White (pictured), Silver, Black and Flaming Fuschia Pink to be announced later next year. Q:Can this glasse be use with the Xbox 360?? A:I'm afraid not. The Xbox 360 only supports 3D games, therefore, it is not truly next-gen system. Only with the PS3 will you experience true 4D next-gen gaming. In fact, attempting to use them on any non-Sony product may cause severe bleeding and excessive damage to one’s retinas. Q:By looking through these glasses, will I be able to make anything 'live'? (ie can I raise the dead?) A:Yes... but it's not recommended. Q:Are these glasses backwards compatible with 3D and 2D applications? A:Yes, backwards compatibility is activated by covering the yellow and green sections of the glasses with the palm of your hands. Q:Will these glasses allow me to know discipline? A:Of course@ Nothing less than strict and painful discipline in our children and adults! Everyone will know discipline! Q:Will these glasses also allow me to see through time? A:Most Certainly, Yes. In many cases, you'll be able to turn time from Spring to an ''Early November'' almost instantly! A:Yes, backwards compatibility is activated by covering the yellow and green sections of the glasses with the palm of your hands. Q:Will these glasses allow me to know discipline? A: Of course@ Nothing less than strict and painful discipline in our children and adults! Everyone will know discipline! Q:Will these glasses also allow me to see through time? A:Most Certainly, Yes. In many cases, you'll be able to turn time from Spring to an ''Early November'' almost instantly!
  17. I have a 17" HDTV in my bedroom and it's miles better than Standard Def. The 50" is Sony bravida. I will post more images when i get it on monday
  18. You guys must have crappy HDtv's. My 50" HDTV wil be here monday
  19. So how many PSone titles do you think still stands the test of time?
  20. the images have now been posted at Gamespot. So they are real.
  21. It's just a fan made Nintendo 64 commercial I just saw the trailer... it looks cool.. damn >_<
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