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Posts posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I blasted through 3 last night. It was interesting how they explained Donna being able to survive but the whole "binary, binary, non-binary" moment was insanely cringeworthy and I can imagine RTD was beating himself off furiously as he was writing that, expecting the whole world to start flicking their respective beans and rainbow tattoos to be in high demand overnight because of this obvious pandering moment. If they bring New Rose back as a companion I hope not every episode will be a lesson in trans/etc acceptance and just let the character evolve. 

    Neil Patrick Harris was as great as imagined, a shame he wasn't in it more.

    When they said he has never lived life (I think Toymaker said it), did they not want to bring up the time he grew to a crippled old man in that Christmas town? 

    • Haha 1

  2. 4 hours ago, Dcubed said:

    So... in that like 3 seconds of snippets of gameplay, it's a diablo-like?

    Could be interesting.  Need to see more though (and by more, I mean GAMEPLAY, not stupid cutscenes!).

    My initial thought was something like Bastion, because I've never played Diablo, but I'm with you there. The amount of "story" cutscenes makes me think there either isn't much in the way of story, which wouldn't surprise me as Ori's story was a mess (Blind Forest, not played Wisps yet), or that it's so story based it's nothing but a seemingly corridor hack n slash

  3. On 12/7/2023 at 11:44 AM, Hero-of-Time said:

    Spidey 2

    Sweet, I think I may skip Miles Morales, I've had a look at the cast and apart from Prowler, I can't see any other characters I'd be much invested in. I'm going through the DLC at the moment and waiting for the highly praised naked Black Cat cutscene.

  4. I'm coming to the main end of the first game I think, just Otto to finish off. Then onto the DLC. The world traversal has been made less fun with all the gunslingers seemingly everywhere, they really didn't need to pad each area out with these "crimes". The Fisk people did it adequately, then you have Sable/Demon/prisoner things too *and* base wave fights as well.

    Do the other games pull this shizzle too?


  5. 22 hours ago, Glen-i said:

    I mean, to be fair. A "short game" to @Hero-of-Time is something that he can complete in less then 10 hours.

    Translated to "People who aren't crazy fast at games" that normally pans out to 50 hours.

    Mario Wonder is a little shorter then other 2D Mario's though.

    I would say it probably hasn't take me too far off the 10 mark to where I am now... I'll have a check, but I ain't collecting no standee bullshit.

    On 11/3/2023 at 5:59 PM, darksnowman said:


    For all the creativity, I was expecting the flagpole to bend or even snap when I finished a level in elephant form. Maybe with four elephants?


    Were you not satisfied by the bukkake level facial the Poplin gets?

  6. On 15/11/2023 at 7:36 PM, Happenstance said:

    I think any potential new Spider-Man movie could also be dependent on if these rumours about Secret Wars are true and the direction that's being taken.

      Deadpool 3 and Secret Wars theories (Hide contents)

    There seem to be theories/rumours going around that in Deadpool 3 we'll find out that he's having to locate the "Prime" versions of certain characters which will be one of the reasons why he gets Jackman's Wolverine and the big rumour is that this will also lead to Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man having a big role in Secret Wars. No idea if any of this is true at all but if it is then it could explain the lack of Sony taking advantage of a Spider-Man 4 movie.


    I glimpsed somewhere that they're getting Karl Urban to be an alternate Wolverine, which is a shame because he should be busy with Dredd 2, but I suppose he can do this in the interim.

  7. I've been playing the first game on this. Having fun with it. If it's a long distance to travel the swinging is a bit annoying. 

    Maybe I've been silly and not checked the controls properly, but is there a way to crouch? I do like to be stealthy at times but when you can't exactly hide behind a wall effectively. Also enemies knowing exactly where you are once you've been spotted is annoying :( I want you think I've gone and start wandering around again so I can start webbing yo' asses up. Once you start getting gang shafted on I have to run away, wait for 1 or 2 people to chase me, web them and beat the shit out of them. 

    I'm so happy it's not doing the Batman-pussy-action and just knocking people out. Swinging/kicking people from high buildings that you know they're not going to survive the fall. So satisfying.

    I've been taking it lax with the story just for the exploring so I don't get overloaded with icons (namely backpacks and more recently Black Cat challenges), however I think it stands out from the criticized Ubisoft formula of showing all pickups from map towers, to showing you some and then loading more once you've activated challenges later, which is nice.

    • Like 2

  8. 4 hours ago, Cube said:

    In the tower, it’s revealed that they need Natalya to arm the satellite or something (Boris is nowhere to be seen), but Bond sets off an explosion elsewhere in the facility and the satellite will fire just fine, and Natalya is the only one that knows how to stop it. I’m not really sure why 006 brought her here. After you protect her for a bit, it’s time for the final encounter.

    It would be a bit silly putting him in, because you'd never beat him. He's invincible.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1

  9. 9 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    People who enjoyed it but have not played it since the N64 days are about to realise just how rough the controls really are.

    I think that's what convinced me to flog my copy not long after getting it (from a car boot sale so not a big loss, I actually made profit at Special Reserve [REMEMBER THEM KIDS?!])

    But I'm all about second chances (lie), but as it's in my subscription I'll give it a go.


    And boombastic props for the Stadium fisting. I did give up.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
    • Weird 1

  10. On 14/11/2023 at 8:53 AM, darksnowman said:

    Sounds like the donkeywork's done so you should waltz through with those kinds of levels. Weed out your lesser cards and it's a foregone conclusion.

    I did try once and looking at an FAQ I know he had 20k health, counting along, once I got to about 12k he started the other attacks. That life draining sword attack ruined me, spammed it like crazy.

    I thought I would give it one last try before doing some more levelling up, this time I managed it, he only used the leeching attack once or twice so I only had to do a small bit of catching up, previous battles he pretty much healed more than I did him in previous turns.

    The end thing I certainly forgot about, bit silly, but not too bad.

    A solid game 

    • Like 1

  11. 12 minutes ago, darksnowman said:

    Did you regularly dodge enemies up until now? I cashed in all the levels I'd gathered up until Cor Hydrae but otherwise did minimal battling in there. I was concerned a classic divided party section was in the offing and didn't want to be snookered if I couldn't return to the blue flower. I was prepared to be in there for the long haul but when we sent the mini-bosses packing with minimal fuss, it was straight onto Malpercio. No hesitating, especially as he caused me no bother in the previous incarnation. ;) 

    Makes it all the more intriguing how we struggled with different bosses.

    Did Quzman not give you an Ultimate Card for the family tree?? Don't forget to make sure you've your strongest equips on.

    The battle after took me an embarrassingly long time because attack cards just weren't coming out. This is the one with quality slowdown and the hits you take are barely a scratch—would hardly blame you if you've forgotten it since the GC. The way things have gone, you'll likely have that one done in a single round.

    No I mainly took the enemies as they came beforehand, after doing a couple more enemies last night I took Kalas to level 70 and Mizuti and Savyna on 69, but mainly getting some good cards while I was at it, so Mizuti has some beefier spells and Savyna has stronger things to punch with. Maybe it was just my wank decks that were hindering me. I'll give it a go tonight and see how it pays off

    I've not done much on the family tree to be honest, I think I've filled 3 portions and that was it. Anyone I came across that needed something I couldn't be bothered to try some stuff/look at an FAQ. 

    Just checked on where to get Kalas' Skull Buckle, so may swing by there first so they've all got head swirly things.

  12. 5 hours ago, darksnowman said:

    Did you make any better of a fist at it after some bumping and grinding? Xelha will be getting very, er, moist if you get it over the line.

    My last autosave has me at lvl 66.

    I did a small tour and got the main peeps up one level. I think 5 was a bit ambitious... I'll need to double check my levels, but I think Kalas/Savyna/Mizuti/Gibari are mid 60's, Lyude and Xelha are about 58, because fuck 'em
