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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Tales of Symphonia Remastered (Switch, PS4, Xbox - 2023)

    I wonder what fix they're working on, because I can't imagine them doing the correct solution - complete product recall, 60fps and adding new content - as I daresay they're too lazy.
  2. *more challenging C'maahn work with me here. All I have are straws to clutch. I honestly don't know where the franchise is going now. I feel it hit its peak now*, I can imagine some DLC coming, and most likely some more additions to Pokémon Unite or the other free tat they've slapped the franchise on (café mix etc), or new instances thereof. But evolution of the main franchise... No idea. What I would like to see is a New Ranger game proper 3D remastering of a previous game, remaking it in the vein of Scarlet/Violet because that's what the kids want nowadays. Maybe Black and White as that's the last one not redone (I think), but instead of the big open S/V bullshit with teeny looking towns, do something similar to Xenoblade Chronicles. *not quality peak, it hit that awhile back.
  3. You waggle the joy con like you did in Galaxy. I'm so innovative.
  4. NOOOOO. You've had many years of Mystery Dungeon whilst the Rangerers have had nothing. Now you must wallow in the shadows!
  5. Bollocks to Mystery Dungeon, give us Rangers NAAAOW.
  6. General TV Thread

    NCIS [and Hawai'i] are good background shizzle
  7. Tetris (the movie)

    It's gonna be a quintology, the first 4 set the scene then the fifth comes in and erases them all.
  8. Tales of Symphonia Remastered (Switch, PS4, Xbox - 2023)

    If they just ported the Cube version I would've been happy. And remove the Remastered part of the name. It's a pure lie.
  9. Tales of Symphonia Remastered (Switch, PS4, Xbox - 2023)

    I saw this video also. After watching the one I posted it cemented my decision not to bother (unless it goes below a tenner on eShop) with this. After the first impression of hoping maybe we'd get future style full arena combat, it lessened to it to be just a lazy port, with minor graphical tweaks. It is that, and more. Unfortunately the more portion is just glaring pacing screens, lagging loading (and if I was hearing it right no English dub on the skits?!). And all that overlay stuff mentioned in your video, not much of it made much sense but it didn't sound good. It literally seems like they haven't added anything, and have actively taken stuff away. Metroid Prime comes in and goes POW with an actual remastered version of a game.
  10. Righto, I've gone through Breath of the Wild again. Unfortunately my opinion hasn't changed much. I found some of the shrines a bit more fun, I visited more than I did before (I'd like to say I did about half of them), saw some things I'm sure I hadn't seen before. Did the Tarry Town thing, took the beasts on in a different order, still left Camelmon last because fuck Thunderblight Ganon, but I did get the Master Sword beforehand this time so it wasn't as much of a challenge. I did more quests, took pictures of stuff and still I don't get what made this game so great for everyone. Fuck having to swap clothes when doing certain things. Fuck cooking. Fuck Lynels. Fuck weapon durability. If anyone is interested in a special edition of this game where the Master Sword model has unfortunately snapped (but I'm looking into pinning it so no one will ever know), I can hook you up. I really hope Tears is better.
  11. Just finished the demo, shorter than I thought, I can feel the Golden Sun -ness with the platform jumping, and also Tales-esque with the queefing ring. The main glaring thing though... "Tell me layer"
  12. Lego!

    If anyone is down for the Lego Masters, the next season of the Australian version - which shits all over the US version* - is on 4oD, the builds these people make are so impressive. I would never have thought to do half the stuff these teams do, but I don't think I ever had that much stuff to choose from, then angles come from all over the place to make these outrageous creations. It's a shame the UK hasn't carried on with more. *AKA the WIll Arnett makes a joke and everyone claps show feat several recaps because stretching it out makes for better television
  13. Hogwarts Legacy

    I'm not that big a fan/spiteful git to purchase it full price. My brother was more the Potter fan. I've always seen it as a rip off of Discworld's Unseen University
  14. Tales of Symphonia Remastered (Switch, PS4, Xbox - 2023)

    It doesn't surprise me in the slightest this. They should have their asses sued for even calling this a "remaster"
  15. Hogwarts Legacy

    She has to be making that shit up just to troll people surely?! I sure hope so.
  16. Hogwarts Legacy

    I've had to leave a delightful (meh) meme group on the Facebook because of this game. Don't like JK? fine - but they've gone out of their way to spoil the ending (which I've forgotten because it used names I wasn't familiar with), to ruin it for those who are playing it. Condemning those who want to play it, because buying a game which is linked to someone who has been slated for transphobic material obviously means you endorse their views and as such you should have your enjoyment ruined. It's almost like what happened earlier this week with the trans lass on Only Connect. I've been half tempted to get this out of spite. But I'm too cheap and currently obsessed with buying book nooks.
  17. What Have You Bought?

    After years of waiting... And to prepare for lé concert
  18. You son of a bitch. I'm in. I'm saddened I didn't get to experience Lufia II properly, I got the DS remake which turned it into an action style battle game, which just feels weird
  19. I'm one goron off, and I can't be arsed to look for mysterious walls anymore, I've got 3 bottles anyway. The black darknut nearly handed me my arse, then they spawned more so I left to recover, did a few more fusions, got remote bombs. I'll head back in tomorrow
  20. Metroid Prime Remastered

    I don't think it's the visuals people are complaining about, it's dat scrilla homie. I do love how Nintendo do this with their Directs, or if they give you a date and it's like "arrrgh so soon", as opposed to the old days when things were drip fed. Now with the interwebs it's best to not let anyone know anything until POW, surprise release motherfucker. I initially edited with a comment asking if Samus always glided like that, then it got addressed in the video. I first thought he'd done some mod/hacking to get some sweeping shots for his video, but alas it's how it looks normally. Kinda unjarring.
  21. Fast & Furious Franchise

    Worst than Tokyo Drift? [I've only see that one and the first]
  22. I mean it was a fuck you in a good way, Farore did get a house, she was the only one I could offer one to from the off. Second went to Nayru, then I realised Din would be slumming it for life. I'll see what I can do, I've just been put into Dark Hyrule Castle, so I'm thinking I've past the point of no return. And I never got enough Gorons in that cave either
  23. God of War: Ragnarök (9th November 2022)

    When does the pacing pick up? because I've only just pimpsmacked Thor and it felt like a slog getting that far.
  24. Hogwarts Legacy

    I assume the company doesn't have anyone else that could review this game who likes the Potter franchise? Even if not I wouldn't have expected a glowing review from this chap.
  25. I replayed them last year when I got them again with my remaining DS e-shop monies. Great games, although heart goes to Ages more. For some reason the secret codes weren't working for me when I tried starting a new game. Looking at some FAQs some areas were meant to be different after the code, but when I got there, they were the same. Small meh's which didn't need to be put in anyway. So I forgive them. I'm going through Minish Cap again now, it feels like a new game because I'd forgotten all about it. I can tell afterwards I'm going to forget about it also, it's good whilst you're in the moment, but nothing really stands out (apart from some of the music) that I know will be something that will stay with me. Except for the giant fuck you they did with the Goddesses getting a house in Hyrule Town. Fuck Kinstones though. Excited to see Golden Sun on the big screen, probably the RPG I have completed the most along with Tales of Symphonia (which I'm currently not getting the "remastered" because it's a shitty port of a PC version)