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Everything posted by DanielTimothy

  1. Thats my Kind of Mario Art.
  2. I deserve to live, from a good episode aswell not the new shite. 8/10
  3. 'Loans . . I know nothing about loans . . ' THEN WTF ARE YOU DOING IN A LOAN ADVERT YOU F*CKING SELL OUT! WHEN YOU WON IM A CELEB GET ME OUT OF HERE WAS AGES AGO! Damn Loan/Currys Advert prostitutes!
  4. Its so-so, lettering saves it. 7/10
  5. Chainsaw, Lightsabre or Arwing?
  6. An opinion that makes no sence Mr. Hostile.
  7. As I said In the other thread Edge is a classy magazine. Looking forward to the 'revo' Issue.
  8. Edge is a quality magazine, no doubts they will show the Revolution on the front cover.
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